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Lousy mea culpa attempt. Im from brooklyn. We speak in strong language. I shouldnt have used the words i did, but in no way was i making a threat. I never, never would do such a thing. Trish trish oh, yeah . Because thats exactly what you did. Watch. I want to tell you, gorsuch, i want to tell you, kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price [cheers and applause] you wont know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions. Trish did you hear that . He even smiled as he threatened Supreme Court justices. Could we go back and look at that again . See his smile there he knew exactly what he was doing. Maybe we should play the tape, lets play that sound bite again for people. Here we go. I want to tell you, gorsuch, i want to tell you, kavanaugh, you have released the whirl wind, and you will pay the price [cheers and applause] you wont know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions. Trish what kind of sick thoughts were going through his heads to induce a smile at a time like that . With comments like that . And no excuses from him last night, no apology from him last night. Supreme court chief Justice Roberts was forced, for the sake of our country, to issue a rare takedown, writing and i quote threatening statements of this sort from the highest levels of government are not only inappropriate, theyre dangerous. All members of the court or will continue to do their job without fear or favor from whatever quarter. And yet Chuck Schumers team, they doubled down. The senators spokesperson firing back at the chief justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Think about that one for a minute. Chief justice of the Supreme Court of the United States of america. Schumers people fire back claiming it wasnt supposed to be a direct threat. No. Quote senator schumers comments were a reference to the political price Senate Republicans will pay for putting these justices on the court and a warning that the justices will unleash a major Grass Roots Movement on the issue of reproductive rights against this decision. To be clear, schumer was referencing the justices, not the republican party. He actually used the names of the justices. The spokesperson should have actually looked at the tape. But you know what . It gets worse, because schumers team predictably blamed President Trump writing, quote for Justice Roberts to follow the rightwings deliberate misinterpretation of what senator schumer said while remaining silent when President Trump attacked justices Sonia Sotomayor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg last week shows Justice Roberts does not call balls and strikes. Oh, my goodness. Okay. Lets be very clear here. Theres a big difference between Chuck Schumer threatening our justices and the president saying maybe some of the justices should recuse themselves. There is no comparison here whatsoever. Each though the media even though the media tried to make the exact same argument. President trump, as we just mentioned, has been very critical of justices sotomayor and ginsburg. Simply saying heres the political winds you will reap. In many ways, its tamer than each, say, trump who has not only questioned judges biased also we should wonder why the chief justice has been relatively silent when President Trump attacks judges. Trish to be clear, and this is why we call this segment setting the record straight, to be clear, President Trump didnt start this. This entirely unamerican, pathetic act was started by a shoddy excuse for a senator. By the name of Chuck Schumer. Someone who has a history of this kind of nonsense. And yet in typical fashion, the media on the left, they still blame President Trump because he defended roberts, gorsuch and kavanaugh from the schumer onslaught. Its unfortunate, because as you see, i think the republicans say its okay if the president does it, but its not okay if other people do it. The chief justice chose not to say anything in the last few weeks when President Trump was talking about justices sotomayor and ginsburg. Schumer is not the political figure who usually engages in invective, in nasty politics. Thats, of course, the president , and roberts has been almost not totally, almost entirely silent about the president. Trish just couldnt resist that little dig, i guess. You know, the media says he never should have said that about schumer. Excuse me, Chuck Schumer started this whole mess, right . So can we go back to the heart of the issue . Watch it again. I want to tell you, gorsuch, i want to tell you, kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price [cheers and applause] you wont know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions. Trish yeah, you cant undo that the with some lousy half you know what apology. You cant undo it, and you cant undo that smile. It wasnt until Mitch Mcconnell called him out that Chuck Schumer was willing to even admit in any kind of way that his actions, his words were wrong. Watch mcconnell here. The minority leader of the United States senate threatened two associate justices of the u. S. Supreme court were. At the very best, his comments were astonishingly reckless and completely irresponsible. Trish you know what . Im tired of it and you should be too, right . Im sure you are. Because the gop has been harassed, it has been threatened repeatedly. You tell them theyre not welcome when they go low, we kick. [laughter] thats what this new Democratic Partys about. You cannot be civil with a Political Party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about. Trish you know, the gop if has even been hot at. Steve scalise is proof of that shot at. And yet the left wants to encourage hate, wants to encourage mobs, wants to encourage violence . Is this the goal . To empower the antifa to harass these justices just like they did to a woman running for congress . Remember that one . Ive played the tape a bunch. They surrounded her car. They screamed at her. They threatened her because they didnt like her stance on an issue. You see, by issuing threats like you did, Chuck Schumer, you are encouraging that kind of violence. And what kind of america does that make . Chuck schumer is proving himself to be no better than the thugs hes out there trying to encourage. So apology . Senator schumer, you know, if we can call it that, apology not accepted. Thats tonights intel. Weve got a lot coming up tonight. Im not done with senator schumer, not yet. The liberal media today not really knowing how to deal with one of their buddies getting in trouble. So when in doubt, pivot to blaming President Trump. Silent when President Trump attacks judges. President trump, as we just mentioned, has been very critical tamer than even, say, trump. Trish tonight trump 20 Campaign Senior adviser Corey Lewandowski is here calling out schumer and the main stream media. Also tonight im taking note of a new trend, liberal black americans shaming and belittling conservative black americans, remember this . Black folks have got to look themselves in the mirror and say, hey, do i want to follow mark burns . Do i want to follow Katrina Pearson . Do i want to follow diamond and silk . Trish liberal hollywood director spike lee is entering the fray, comparing black Trump Supporters to house slaves. Tonight hear his truly awful comments, truly awful comments. But first, the height of hypocrisy, the liberal selfrighteous governor of california, gavin newsom, just loves to trash President Trump for his immigration policies and at the same time not so humbly declare how open and welcoming he is. Listen. The Trump Administration has got this. We ultimately renounce the kind of bigotry, the kind of xenophobia the rhetoric around shutting down the border. Trish what a great guy, right . Khrushchev shows up, american citizens, guess what . Hes not letting them actually talk. Governor newsom decides to close that border and raise that wall, and yet he wants a bunch of federal bucks to do it on top of it. I mean, just a little hypocritical . I think so. Im calling him out right after this. Fun fact 1 in 4 of us millennials have debt we might die with. And most of that debt is actually from credit cards. Its just not right. But with sofi, you can get your credit cards right by consolidating your Credit Card Debt into one monthly payment. 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But tonight gavin newsom, the liberals in california, theyre singing a very different tune as a passenger cruise ship sits off the california coast with more than 3,000 people possibly contagious with the coronavirus. Gavin newsom wont met them into his state. And in an ongoing case for more taxpayer dollars is declaring a state of emergency. That ship is now being delayed because we have a number of passengers and crew members that have developed symptoms on this cruise. This next phase that is required of me under the circumstances to advance a proclamation of a state of emergency in the state of california. Trish ooh, interesting how gavin newsom so quickly decided to become all proborder, dont you think . I mean, here he is, hes got now a political opportunity to blame President Trump, again one he relishes, i am sure, but also consider the fact that when hes actually personally confronted with a real threat of contaminating his states population, hes willing to keep out even californias own residents. Im not saying he shouldnt. Im actually all for Border Control right now. I think its best to test people before they come in. They can be quarantined, i mean, especially for goodness sakes on a cruise ship that has infected patients. But shouldnt the left and gavin newsom be consistent . Illegals make up only about 7 of our population, for example, but according to data from the Justice Department account for nearly two this thirds of all federal arrests in 2018, illegals accounted for 24 of all federal drug arrests, 25 of all federal property arrests and 28 of all federal fraud arrests. So if the left really, i mean, if they really wanted to protect america, wouldnt they make sure they protected us not just from the coronavirus of whom 12 people in our country have now died, but protect us from the violence of illegal aliens as well . Joining me right now, House Oversight Committee Member congressman ralph norman. Again, im not disputing the fact that gavin newsom is concerned and wants to make sure people are properly tested before he has them waltz in california, but i find it interesting the hypocrisy, if you would, because suddenly borders are now important. Yeah. And, trish, these liberals know no bounds. Theyll criticize the president when he limits the airlines that come in from china and other countries, yet now theyre quarantining passengers on a ship. Hes been calling for open borders forever. And, you know, its so hypocritical. And theyll ask for a bailout from the taxpayers around this country to pay for it. And they have no shame. It just, it continues to amaze me as i serve in congress how they can do one thing and say another. Trish, no i mean, theres no consistency. The hypocrisy is constant, but its so selfmotivated, right . Its so driven by, you know, what works for them. And for whatever reason, they dont see the threat of illegals as an actual threat. But i have a practical question to get to right now and, congressman, im curious your thoughts about this because i youve got major Homeless Populations in los angeles, in San Francisco. Weve seen the video, seen all the pictures. What happens if this virus spreads among the people there in los angeles and San Francisco that have no homes . Its getting so out of control. Thats going to be the sad part, trish. I mean, you know, californias got problems that, or you know, you see it on the airway withs now, the tents, the companies that are leaving. They lost 8 billion last year in taxpayers who are leaving the state. Yet he still doesnt get it. And when this if it becomes a pandemic and spreads through california as it has, its in over 100 countries now. I dont know what his answers going to be. I assume hell continue to advocate for open borders and keep trish and allow the homeless situation to continue unchecked. I mean, theres a lot of things that you could do to fix it, and theyve chosen not to. For whatever reason there. And, you know, youve got diseases, Infectious Diseases that we havent seen since the middle ages like, things like typhus, right . Because of the fleas on rats and other animals in downtown streets, tuberculosis, hepatitis a also on the rise. I mean, this is not a good scenario if you combine the Homeless Population in california with coronavirus, congressman. No. And the sad part about it is its probably going to be january, from what were told, that theyre going to come up with a credible vaccine. And youre kind of out in the middle of the water without a paddle with what were going through now. To add to the problems that california has is unfathomable, and for them to continue to take the position that they have, i just dont understand it. They keep electing liberals, too, who are trish hey, they voted for Bernie Sanders. They dont call it the left coast for nothing. Man if norman, thank you so much congressman norman, thank you so much. Senator schumer, do you see that . He just fed into that, or he fed into the violence and he fed into that with his violent rhetoric. Remember that. [bleep] i was asked to leave because i worked for President Trump. Three huge guys came up and started, probably an inch from my face, screaming at me. Why dont you leave my husband alone [inaudible conversations] trish tonight, Corey Lewandowski is here, and hes taking senator schumers fake apology on. Also tonight the liberal media just loves to accuse President Trump of racism. Racism racist. Racist. Racism racist. Racist, xenophobic and a bigot. Trish but the media is giving spike lee a pass. The far left hollywood director now comparing black Trump Supporters to slaves. Deneen borelli is here to call him out. But first, a vote for Bernie Sanders is a vote for the return to racial divide and the anticop rhetoric that we saw under president obama. Africanamericans and latinos being stopped by Law Enforcement disproportionately. Theres a history of Racial Disparities in the application of our criminal laws. Police officers interacting with primarily africanamerican, often poor in ways that raise troubling questions. Trish coming up next, socialist Bernie Sanders campaign now embracing a radical antipolice group that wants to abolish prisons and abolish police. The details next. Im your mother in law. And i like to question your every move. Like this left turn. Its the next one. You always drive this slow . How did you make someone i love . That must be why youre always so late. I do not speed. 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Switching gears, come comrade Bernie Sanders is delighted to inform you the dream defenders, an antipolice group, has just endorsed him. If youre not familiar with this crowd, their motto on their web site is police and prisons have no place in justice. Police and prisons, they believe, just are racist. And they work to enforce the separation of rich and poor. [laughter] i mean, hey, who needs police in comrade bernies society . There would not be any property to protect, right . Everything would be a total freeforall. Communitybased stuff. If you ask me, accepting this groups endorsement, its the equivalent of anarchy. Joining me right now texas republican congressman louie gohmert. Congressman, great to see you. Great to see you, trish. Trish i mean, its loony tunes out there. Suddenly you dont need police or prisons. Were just going to share and hold hands and sing kumbaya, hmm . Well, yeah. And this is traditionally, historically the way socialists, progressives, communists, marxists, whatever you want to call them, its the way they go. Were going to get rid of the police, were going to get rid of prisons, and well call them gulags, well call them, like, siberia. Were going to send them off to work camps. But this is the way it starts. And those people that have come to america from eastern europe, theyve heard a all of this before, and they are more afraid in america than most people that were born and raised here, because theyve heard it, theyve seen it, and they know how freedoms are taken away. You have this little bitty ruling class, and then you have no middle class, and you have everybody else. But i think accepting this enforcement or getting this endorsement and then not railing back at these folks is really refreshing, because bernie is showing exactly who he is, what he is. Hes a marxist, leninist, chavez ite trish at least he admits it, right . Which brings me to joe biden, because i get the sense that the Democratic Party as a whole, in part because this has just been the way theyve evolved, right, with their progressiveness over the years, and increasingly so they feel the pressure if to court these bernie supporters. So i suspect that what were going to see, ultimately, from joe biden is not the, you know, the democrat cut from the cloth of years ago, but this sort of modern progressivestyle democrat that embraces a lot of this socialism you know what. Well, yeah, youre right. But first, former Vice President bidens got to figure out where he is so he knows what audience to please. But [laughter] trish yeah, like literally. Yeah. Trish literally where he is. Am i in New Hampshire or vermont . [inaudible conversations] once he figures that out, then obviously hes going to be playing to them. But it, you know, trish, one of the decent things that came out of the horror, the evil of 9 11 was americans began appreciating people in uniform. Our military, our first responders. And then we went through eight years of Obama Administration where he turned so Many Americans and inappropriately. Usually on the wrong side, he turned them back against our Law Enforcement. And were still seeing the remnants of that. Trish that, we are. So it is a dangerous thing the democrats are proposing, and you nailed it, the word is anarchy. Thats where they go and they hope socialism arises out of it. And one other tactic they use, and you were great talking about schumer earlier, but they kuwait criticism they equate criticism by republicans with the outright threats they make. Theres a huge difference. One is legal, disagreeing our american right and the other threatening . Thats what they do. Thats what schumer did, and hes dishonest in the way hes not apologizing for exactly what he meant. Trish unbelievable. And youre right it is. Trish apples and oranges thing and trying to merge it all together, very, very different thing. Congressman gohmert thats their tactic. Trish thank you, thank you. All right, coming up, im not done with senator schumer. Ive got a lot more to say. The guests have a lot more to say. The liberal media today not really knowing how to deal with one of their buddies getting in trouble, so when in doubt, oh, you just pivot to blaming President Trump. Themselves in the mirror and say a, hey, do i want to follow mark burns . Do i want to follow Katrina Pierson . Do i want to follow diamond and silk . Trish well, now the disturbing trend continues. Liberal hollywood director spike lee comparing black Trump Supporters to house slaves. Black voices for trump Advisory Board member deneen borelli, one of the very people hes taking a shot at fidelity, online u. S. Stocks and etfs are commissionfree. And when you open a new brokerage account, your cash is automatically invested at a great rate. Thats why fidelity leads the industry in value while our competition continues to talk. Talk, talk from across the city to come to this fellowship distribution spot and get food that they cant afford. sorrowful music [announcer] there is an emergency food crisis for elderly Holocaust Survivors in the former soviet union. [yael] this is a crisis. These elderly Holocaust Survivors are struggling to survive. Theyre starving, have little money for food, electricity or medicine. [announcer] just 35 provides one needy elderly holocaust survivor in the former soviet union with a special emergency food package that contains a note saying its from christians and jews in america who want to bless them. Call now. Please call the number on your screen in ukraine, theres no support network. They dont have food cards or neighbors that come in to help. Theyre turning to us because they have nowhere else to turn. The bible teaches blessed is he whose help is in the god of jacob. He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry. [announcer] these special passover food packages represent a gift of life for destitute, elderly jews in the former soviet union. Just 35 provides one elderly holocaust survivor with a special emergency food package. Call right now. Please call the number on your screen. [yael] what i pray is that you wont turn your eyes, but you will look at their suffering and your heart will be changed. [announcer] we pray that god will move upon your heart and send an emergency gift of just thirty five dollars so that we can help more frail and lonely elderly Holocaust Survivors in the former soviet union before its too late. sorrowful music we thanked him for all of his policies that are benefiting americans but especially black americans. So shame on spike lee. Spike lee is a hypocrite and the perfect example of a black liberal hollywood elite. Him and the other ones on the networks that are complaining about this president need to take a look in the mirror, because theyre mad because President Trump is making inroads with black voters, with black americans. He has done more for black americanss and this country than any of them want to talk about, and that is why they are throwing around the race card. The race card is old and tired, and folks know that. But they cant help it because theyve got nothing else to talc about. Trish deneen borelli, thank you. And im sorry, you know, nobody should be subjected to that. Im a big believer in diversity of opinion, you know, as well. And we should be able to listen to each other. And spike lee ought to be able to listen to you. All right. Thank you, deneen. Lets be honest with ourselves here. Is joe biden really even able to be president at this point . [laughter] i got hairy legs that turn, that turn blond in the sun. [laughter] trish every time i hear that, im just stunned. Anyway, coming up, the socalled surging candidate really has been showing his age, shall we say, on the campaign trail. Im calling him out. And ive actually dug up even more embarrassing sound. Also next, whos mimicking who . Chinese media also blaming President Trump for the coronavirus. Ill tell you what theyre saying now. Soundsc a little like msnbc. Also more on senator schumers disgusting comments, violent rhetoric that we keep hearing from the far left. You cannot be civil get up in the face of some Congress People when they go low, we kick. [cheers and applause] you tell them theyre not welcome trish trump 2020 Campaign Senior adviser Corey Lewandowski is here in the house with me, and hes calling Chuck Schumer out bigtime. Thats next. Lets be honest. Quitting smoking is hard. Like, quitting every monday hard. Quitting feels so big. 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The best tv experience is the best tv value. Xfinity x1. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Xfinity. The future of awesome. We continue to hear from the president using imprecise language the white houses messaging has been all over the place. He is lying his [bleep] off about it. Because this is it just feels like gaslighting. We saw the president call it a hoax. Which is more dangerous, a virus or a president who says that . And the president also downplaying the severity of the outbreak. Trish well, it seems the Chinese Media has been watching a whole lot of the liberal media here in the u. S. , and now over there in china theyre starting to sound like that. Theyre sounding like msnbc and cnn. The chief editor of the communistrun state newspaper, chinas global times, writes today that, and i quote Trump Administrations attempt to downplay the epidemic is disturbing. I have called on chinese local governments to implement a 14day quarantine for all people coming from the u. S. Like any american really wants to go to china right now. Anyway. You see what chinas trying to do here, right . Theyre trying to weapon weaponize the virus against the president. A front page piece telling etc. Readers why President Biden would be so much better for china than President Trump. And heres why, and i quote china is more familiar with biden as he is representing the liberal, proestablishment elites. Dont hide it or anything. And he is not just predictable to china, but also to u. S. Allies. Great. [laughter] joe should be running from that endorsement. Anyway, its worth asking how much will they, are they trying to interfere in our elections . Remember Vice President pences warning on this. China has initiated an unprecedented effort to influence American Public opinion. President trumps leadership is working. And china wants a different american president. China is meddling in americas democracy. What the russians are doing pales in comparison to what china is doing across this country. Trish so knowing all that realistically, dont we need to also be asking how did this virus get leaked . Was it created in a chinese lab or through animaltohuman contamination as theyve told us . And is it a stretch to think that these things election interference and the coronavirus is it a stretch to think they might be related . Joining me right now someone who doesnt put anything past china, im sure, Corey Lewandowski. Thanks for having me. Trish what do you think theyre up to with this kind of rhetoric with their media right now . Look, weve seen what this president has done to put china back in check. For too long they had taken advantage of the United States on the trade side, on the policy side, and this president said were not going to stand for it anymore, and he stood up to china. The first president in 30 years to do so. Why do they want joe biden . Because its so much easier to deal with a typical politician than it is a strong, tough businessman whose motto is america first. Not america alone, but america first. China doesnt like that, they know that they cant negotiate with President Trump. To lie to him continuously. This president s done something that no president s done in recent modern times, theyve held china accountable, and the chinese economy feeling that because this president is making sure of that. Trish you know, its interesting how this all came about, right . We heard about coronavirus after the trade deal had been signed. They may have been reluctant maybe to tell us. I dont know that you can trust their information. The administrations i screwing this up. We dont know that theyve got it under control. I, frankly, dont trust much of anything coming out of china when you consider this is a government that imprisons millions of people because of their muslim faith, putting them in concentration camps. I mean, theyre really capable of some pretty extraordinary and pretty awful stuff. So do you think its wise for us to be thinking about all these different things, the intelligence community, for example, to be thinking about how exactly did this whole coronavirus thing come about in the first place . Well, it should scare us. I think what we have learned from the Chinese Government over the last 30 years is that theyre liars. We know they manipulate the data, they dont tell us the truth, we know they use intelligence, spies in our own country to get more information, theyve stolen our intellectual property time and time again. And if theyre telling us 2,000 people have died in china, its probably 10x. I just dont take on face value what the Chinese Government tells us because what weve seen in the past is, hey, go back to your homes, die in your own respective home, and were not going to call that as a coronarelated virus death. I dont trust anything china does. I have enormous faith in our intelligence community. I know were continuing to monitor what the Chinese Government is doing and what chinese individuals are doing here. Thats a robust operation, and we will do everything we can under this administration to make sure that no foreign entities are meddling in the election. Trish let me turn to Chuck Schumer who really has no love lost for this president. Apparently any of his Supreme Court picks. This is him outside the Supreme Court on the steps there yesterday, corey. Here we go. I want to tell you, gorsuch, i want to tell you, kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price [cheers and applause] you wont know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions. Trish its unbelievable, what he said, okay . And then you combine that with that little grin. Hes proud of himself for threat temperaturinging Supreme Court justices. Your take. If this wasnt Chuck Schumer, if this was you or i, wed have an if fbi agent at our door asking if were trying to do harm to two specific Supreme Court justices. Dont forget, Chuck Schumer depending on how the elections go has at least the potential to be the Senate Majority leader if the democrats take control of the u. S. Senate. That should scare the american people, that hes using his position as the minority leader of the u. S. Senate to intimidate and threaten and potentially incite violence against two Supreme Court justices. Weve seen him backtrack on it today, but hes very proud trish he should know better. [inaudible conversations] he said im from from brooklyn. Okay, that makes it all the better. Can you imagine if that was somebody else up there in front of the Supreme Court asking for two specific justices, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor to have violence ensued against them . The media outrage would be unstoppable, and theyre just like, hey, dont worry about it trish yeah, until Justice Roberts came out and said something in a statement. This is crazy stuff. This is really unusual never been done. To have the chief justice of the Supreme Court come out and say it was irresponsible and dangerous should put everybody at a notion that what Chuck Schumer did was completely unacceptable. Trish Corey Lewandowski, thank you so much. My pleasure. Trish a sneak peek on whats coming up on kennedys show. Hello. Kennedy it is thursday, so weve moved game night over here, were going to party squad. Jest Jessica Tarlov is probably going to bad mouth Elizabeth Warren a lot. And lawrence jones, he is going to praise democrats for standing up against the president in the face of the coronavirus threat. Trish thank you. Look guard to it. Thanks, kennedy. Lets be honest with ourselves here, is joe really able to be president . [laughter] i got hairy legs that turn, that, that, that turn blond in the sun. Trish mothers, keep your children away from joe [laughter] i mean, its just bizarre stuff. Coming up, the socalled surging candidate really has been showing his weirdness and also his age. Im calling him out. Ive dug up some more embarrassing sound if you can imagine. Thats next. Wild thing, you make my heart sing. You make everything. Groovy. Done yet . Yeah, yeah, sorry, sorry. You sure . Hmm. Mmm. Come on, come on, wild thing. If you ride, you get it. Geico motorcycle. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. Schwab, a modern approach to wealth management. Trish by the way this is my little sister valerie and i am joels husband oh no zero no, you switched on me. This is my wife, this is my sister. They switched on me. All right, its chris but. My name is joe by deborah democratic candidate for the United States senate. We choose sides of our fiction. We choose truth ever facts. Think about it, we hold these truths to be selfevident. All men and women were created you know the thing. [laughter] s before you know what, this is actually going to be a really, really really fun election season. Isnt it . My goodness. Should he be running . Before tomorrow night we have diamond and silk on the show we will see what they have to say well see you tomorrow night. Kennedy is next. Kennedy i am now, thank you trish, and another one gone and another one gone and another one bites the dust. Liz worn out of the race. Farewell. So who is going to benefit more quest mike sleepy joe, crazy bernie or el president e. As we all know it liz worn had a very miserable super tuesday. She did not win a single state. She came in third in her home state of massachusetts and forth in her first state of oklahoma with only 64 delegates for the nomination would have been virtually impossible with the 64000dollar question who is she going to throw her hat to you would

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