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yeah, i was in afghanistann. >> yeah, i was there, and thennn just leave it at that. there never tell them that you were there as a comedian. katt yeah, i've actually been watching a lot of the and martha has been interviewing a lot of the people that came back and survived. wad it's made mee covera actually deeply emotional to watch it and hear what they have to say, even though obviously it's a story that we're all familiar with. l it's such a pivotal, pivotal thing. and it's just unimaginable to me to think of, you know, one you're one of the lucky ones who came back. f th but still have to see all these things. things at know, i justr thei i think it's important to hear their stories. i think that if you haven't heard some of what they've had to say, you should check it out. because even if you are so familiarshouldcheck itut, the ss it's been really, really moving to me to watch. so so thank. >> all right. we'll be right back. shingles. shingles. burning sensation or an debili this painful, blistering rash could also disrupt your workou'e and time with family. shingles could also lead

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