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[cheers and applause]. Sean hello [cheers and applause]. Sean welcome back to hannity. Back usa, usa, usa sean wow we are back with our live studio audience. Thanks for joining us at home. These are the only normal people in the state of new york want right here in in room. Thanks for coming. You are now looking at images in new york city tonight, not the crowd. Hate and hysteria is spreading around the globe. This is when the world is devoid of American Leadership. This is the result when you elect a frail, weak, cognitives struggling president and they have a feckless administration. The middle east is a powered keg ready to blow. Riots are erupting outside of u. S. Embassies abroad with chanting of death to israel and death to america. America is the greatest delve. Devil. The u. S. Embassy in beirut is under siege. Americans have to flee that country. Riots in turkey including again outside of the u. S. Embassy there. We have more protests in baghdad and iraq and paris and london and german. We are seeing antisemitism worldwide the likes i never thought we would see in our lifetime. At home what democrats would call an insurrection broke out in the capitol complex. Rioters arrested for assaulting police after clashes with law enforcement. This after an unhinged rant from one of americas most notorious bigots. Talib. After all of the evidence that proved that the hospital in gaza was not the fault of israel. Take a look the this. Watch people think its okay to bomb a hospital with children. [crowd noise]. You know what is so hard is watching those videos. The people telling the kids dont cry. Let them cry they are shaking. [sobbing]. You cant tell them not to cry. [sobbing]. They can cry. We all can cry. If were not crying, something is wrong. Sean dont let her tears fool you. Tlaib is stoking the flames of antisemitism and hatred. Where were hirtears when defenseless israelis when babies were killed and beheaded and women were raped and taken hostages . Where were the tears then . Where was Congresswoman Tlaib at that point that and other people on the left. Now they are mouthpieces for hamas. The terrorists organization. They have in their charter the destruction of israel. Spreading misinformation. Let us be clear israel did not bomb that hospital in gaza. The idf said so and presented to the world all of the evidence that it was the result of a misfired rocket intended for israel from the other terror group the Islamic Jihad. U. S. Intelligence confirmed israels claims. Geolocated video published by al jazeera shows the rockets being launched from right inside of gaza with one Rocket Straying off course. Can you follow it. In the direction of the hospital followed by an explosion a short time later. Then this audio published by the idf with a conversation between two hamas operatives. Listen. [speaking foreign language]. Because the world quickly raced to judgment and blamed israel, israel had to defend itself. I think they would have preferred not to tell their enemies about their intelligence gathering capabilities but they had to. You want more evidence . You got it. At the apparent point of impact, there was no significant crater. A minimal blast zone. A few cars were destroyed but other vehicle a few feet away are left intact. The explosion had none of the trademark characteristics of a large guided israeli missile and all of the characteristics of an unsophisticated rocket. The hospital only suffered minimal damage. Its unlikely that 500 people died as claimed by Members Of Congress and the media mob and by everybody else worldwide. Its sad. But thats the world we are living in. That didnt top americans antisemitism to vilify israel and fan the flames of war. This tweet from tlaib is still up there. Really . This tweet from omar. Bombing a hospital is among the gravest of war crimes. The idf blowing up one of the few places the wounded can seek medical treatment is horrific. Not only are these tweets still active but neither congressman is condemning the Group Responsible Islamic Jihad. They are rooting for Death And Destruction Inside Gaza to show the world how evil israel is . The victim here was israel. They didnt want this war. They didnt start this war. They dont want to five fight the war but they have to defend them. The mob and the media in a series of bizarre retreats. Msnbc disinformation specialist ben collins rushing to blame israel for the explosion. Passing off Hamas Propaganda as fact. The New York Times did the same thing. Spreading lies and talking points from terrorists. So did reuters and bloomberg and fake news cnn. Look at this headline Hundreds Killed on israel strike on gaza hospital. Palestinian officials. Who Elected Hamas . The Palestinian People voted for them in 2006. The last election. The media mob was taking the word of hamas only minutes after the explosion. Their Rush To Judgment forced israel to give away some of their great intelligence techniques. Not a good idea. The same people who perpetrated the worst Terrorists Attack in israels heading. History. Deheading babies and burning people alive and among the hostages are our fellow american citizens. Is that what the Associated Press calls journalism. Over at msnbc, chris hayes. Never heard of the guy. He is dumber than fake jake at cnn. Ben collins was spewing Hamas Propaganda. At nbc news they should be hanging their heads in shame. This is the same network that peddled lives about trump and Russia Collusion for three years. The same people. These are all devout democrats and all biden supporters and members in Good Standing with the climate alarmists religious cult. The world is spiralling into chaos and todays 7 hour photoop in israel did not help. Biden was shunned by the arab record. Mahmoud abbas would not meet with biden. They would rather believe Hamas Propaganda than meet with the president of the United States. These are the same leaders that care so much about the Palestinian People. Not one country will accept a single palestinian refugee. They sense weakness from joe biden and i have to be honest for good reason. He is trying to deliver an Important Message in israel. You decide how important this is. I was deeply saddened and outraged by the explosion at the hospital in gaza yesterday. Based on what i have seen it appears as though it was done by the other team, not you. Not a lot of people are not sure. We have to overcome a lot of things. Sean the other team . You mean the terrorists . You cant do better than that, joe in they just blew up part of a hospital and blamed it on israel. Lied about it. Sparking riots and violence around the world but no world leader wants to meet with you. Joe cant do any better here. He is on Air Force One on the way home. Looking half asleep. Struggling to sleep before telling palestinians to learn to shoot straight. What advice. Take a look. Can you talk about the impact of meeting survivors and First Responders . Look i. [silence]. I spent an hour and a half [inaudible]. I dont know how to say this. [silence]. Every mass shooting, every circumstance where a large number of people were victimized, i have spoken with them. Our Defense Department says its unlikely it was the israelis. Anyway. So, [inaudible]. I wanted to make sure look. I am not suggesting that hamas deliberately did it either. You have to learn to shoot straight. Its not the first time hamas has launched something that mal functioned. Sean how scary is that . The senior officials grimacing. Cringing in the background as joe was having a hard time putting a sentence together. America and the world needs a strong leader with a clear message. A person with moral clarity like netanyahu. First the Palestinian People will never be free or safe with hamas in charge of gaza. Israel has to defend itself and its home land and dry the terrorists who seek the destruction of the worlds only jewish state. Iran is behind all of it. Using palestinians has pawns. It would be great if our president could articulate that message to the world. We dont. We have chaos. But joe will give a primetime address tomorrow at 8 p. M. Eastern. Wake him up. Coffee. With the latest on the ground in jerusalem from america reports, 4 14 a. M. His time. John roberts doing great work there. [applauding]. Good to see you. The big question here in jerusalem and across israel is what comes next . It was believed that a Ground Operation would have begun by now. But with President Biden visiting today. Its not likely anything will happen before friday. Then you have saturday and the holiday. There is a sense that maybe a Ground Operation is not necessary immediately. I talked to a general who is the former National Security council chief of israel. He said there is no rush to start the Ground Operation. The Israel Air Force can continue pounding hamas targets in gaza degrading them and putting pressure on hamas. When they are weakened it might be time for the Israeli Ground forces to go in a Mop Up Operation rather than fighting doortodoor to get through the tunnelings t. It raises questions about the hostages. President biden doesnt want to talk too much about it but the United States is doing all it can be get 12 americans being held and get them out alive. The sun will come up here in a couple of hours. What is going to happen on the northern border with hezbollah . Could that start to escalate. Hezbollah seeing hamas degraded. The protests are far and wide. The narrative about the hospital in gaza is beginning to die down a little bit. If you start to look at western media, they are carrying a lot of stories that say that an analysis leads to the idea this did not come from the israeli side. Not saying it was Islamic Jihad but saying it didnt come from the israeli side. Sean, going into thursday morning here. This will be status quo for the next 24 hours with israel continuing to pound hamas targets in gaza. Then hamas and Islamic Jihad responded by firing those missiles all over israel. There were not as many alerts last night as the night before. We will see what today holds. Sean thank you. With reaction. Former Secretary Of State mike pompeo is back. [applauding]. Thank you. Sean mr. Secretary, we are worried about a Two Front War. In the north hezbollah and lebanon. Then gaza. Now we have iran warning israel their time is up. At that point in time, i know israel would be difficult in a Two Front War. If iran involves itself i would argue its very existence would be hanging in the balance. Thats a threat to the region and maybe the consequences even worse. I dont want to go there. How bad would that be . Yes, it would be deeply dangerous, sean. We are close to. That i think we have war at hands. We cant forget 30 americans killed and the president of the United States travels to israel and doesnt mention the Islamic Republic of iran. I hope we give israel the space and resources it needs to do what is necessary for its own people. There are still american hostages there as well. If we just get hamas, that would be a good thing and save lives to the jewish people. But this came from iran in spite of President Bidens unwillingness to acknowledge that. No doubt they knew about this. It will be their decision whether hezbollah comes in from the north. American can deter a Two Front War but it requires American Leadership i have not seen. The fact that President Biden goes there and says i will give the palestinians another 100million of u. S. Taxpayer money brought us to the day today. Sean they will award the families of october 7th terrorists with money. You are right about the 100million. Heres the problem i have been the tunnels they dig with israeli money and cement and electricity and american money and electricity. The money we sent for infrastructure and schools and hospitals they use it to build tunnels to kill the people in israel. Why would you joe its not going to the Palestinian People. Its going into hamass pocket. Am i wrong . No, you are exactly right. We talked for years about the fact that obama and Biden Administration underwrote the iranian ream. Regime. This policy is just messed up. Its backwards. Instead of being a friend of israel, the Biden Administration cosied up with the iranians and created the context against which the slaught of 1300 israelis took place. Sean mr. Secretary, i spoke to you on the job in the Secretary Of State. You had a great relationship with countries. Under your leadership you forged relationships with american, the egyptians and saudis. Thats now gone. How do you interpret that the jordanians and even abbas would not meet with joe biden . Its stunning. I tried to imagine them checking out of a meeting with president trump. We would all be working on the tw tweet. Sean they laugh because its laughable. It would not happen. Thats right. It was a bit of a joke. This is serious stuff. It would not have happened. They would have known they wanted to see the president of the United States and his Secretary Of State and wanted to be part of the conditions that would have saved their lives too. This is not just the iran regime are launching missile into saudi arabia. This is a challenge that confronts all people who care about human dignity. When President Biden says we are just going to allow them to have a Missile Program and let them build out their nuclear program. These are the signals that tell the ayatollah green light to do what they did on october 70. The world changed . We need to give israel every space to do what they need to do. If america tells them to stop, i hope they dont listen. They have to protect their borders like we have the right to protect american sovereignty. Sean when we come back steve live in beirut and senator ted cruz reacts to the mob storming the capitol. A message for republicans later in the show. S that were traveling all across america, talking to people about their hearts. Hows the heart . Good. You sure . I think so. How do you know . Let me show you something. Put two fingers right on those pads. Look at that thats your heart that is pretty awesome. With kardiamobile, you can take a medicalgrade ekg in just 30 seconds, from anywhere. Kardiamobile is proven to detect atrial fibrillation, one of the leading causes of stroke. Kardiamobile is now available for just 79. Order at kardia. 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A short time ago the Israeli Military was targeting hezbollah terrorists in southern lebanon. There are widespread concerns that hezbollah could open up a second Northern Front against israel. More violence outside of the u. S. Embassy. Protestors throwing rocks and Molotov Cocktails and removed a security barrier. Pushed back Lebanese Security forces who had to use teargas. The u. S. Embassy authorized all nonessential personnel to live israel and the United Kingdom telling its citizens to leave. Many airlines are cancelling flights in and out of lebanon. Sean thank you. The u. S. Embassy in beirut came under attack by bro testers. Protestors. They cut through barbed wire. A building was set ablaze. They were pushed back by Lebanese Security forces. We have The One And Only texas senator ted cruz is with us. [cheers and applause]. Sean great to have you. Everyone said before the show if you were in their state they would all vote for you . [applauding]. God bless the great americans in your audience. They are fighting to save american. Sean they are like texans. The only normal people in new york. Come down and buy a ranch and get a horse and live life in freedom. Sean and cowboy boots and a hat i am ready to go. Amen. Sean your thoughts on what needs to be and what role the u. S. Should play . What is unfolding in israel is horrific. The most serious attack facing israel in 50 years. Saturday october 7th was the biggest mass murder in a day of jews since the holocaust. Terrorists murdering the elderly and women and children. Deliberating executing every member of a family. Raping women and raping little girls. Burning and beheaded infants upon its evil. Everyone in the media and everyonere every democrat who says hamas and israel are the same. They are not remotely the same. Its critical that every american says america stands with israel 100 , period, full stop. For as long as it takes to defeat hamas. [applauding]. Sean thats what it will take. I know you have been to israel many times. I have been there. I was there during a flair up and been to border towns with gaza and seen the carnage. K kids, 10,000 rockets fired into a little city 10 years. Little children. It only takes 13 seconds for gaza to hit this town. The kids have to play in underground playground that are bunkers. They cant play outside. They dont get vitamind which is necessary for good health. I dont think people realize any outcome, doesnt it have to end any opportunity for the terrorists in gaza to be firing there . Having a Launching Pad from there . Absolutely yes. We know Prime Minister netanyahu well. He pledged to eradicate hamas. Thats the right thing. Three things we have to do. Cut off the money to iran. The Biden Administration flowed 100 Billion Dollars to iran. Joe biden and his administration is funding this attack. We need to cut it off. Cut the 6 million off that was a ransom for american hostages that set a bounty for iran to take more american hostages. Sean they had a secret deal but it was not ratified by the senate. They have secret deals from the beginning. Their answer is funnel billion dollars into iran. The ayatollah is a homicidal maniac who leads mobs in chanting death to america and death to israel. If you look at the four potts ever monthey went to hamas. 6 million to iran. Three weeks before that 10 billion to iran from the Biden Administration. The biggest pot is 80 Billion Dollars because biden wont enforce oil sanctions. Joe biden and the democrats allow iran to sell 2 billion barrels of day to communicate china a day. And the fourth pot is the Biden Administration sent hundreds of Million Dollars into gaza with the highly likely possibility that would go to hamas to fund terrorism. Cut off all of that money. Shut off their oil sales. Thats step 1. Step 2. Fund Israel Defensive weapons in the iron dome and step number 3, israel will be demonized by democrats and the corrupt media. Make clear that hamas is using Human Shields and israel has a right to defend itself. Speak the truth. I am doing that every week on my podcast. You are doing that. Thank you, sean for speaking the truth. Sean thank you senator ted cruz. [applauding]. Sean up next right here in studio. Senator scott will join us with reaction to the lefts shocking statements about hamas and more as we continue. There are some things that go better. Together. Burger and fries. Soup and salad. Thank you like your Workplace Benefits and retirement savings. With voya, considering all your financial choices together. Can help you make smarter decisions. For a more confident financial future. Hey, a tandem bicycle. You cant do that by yourself. Voya. Well planned. Well invested. Well protected. This is a special alert. Israel is under attack and israels enemies seek our destruction. The people of israel need immediate help. Rockets have us squarely in the crosshairs. Our people are targets in their own homes. Many have lost everything and fear for their lives. The International Fellowship of christians and jews has launched an urgent response to rescue those affected by this violent attack. Our teams are on the ground across israel delivering lifesaving aid. Your urgently needed gift of only 45 will help rush food, water, medicine and emergency supplies for jewish families that have nowhere to turn. Time is literally running out. What we need you to do is to act now. Hi, im jason. Ive lost 228 pounds on golo. I dont ever want to go back to wearing a 4xl shirt or not being able to climb up stairs without taking a break. So im committed to golo for life. [cheers and applause]. Sean iran threats are escalating. The country Foreign Minister sent a chilling message to israel. 2024 republican president candidate tim scott. [cheers and applause]. Sean its great to see you. Thanks for what you do. Sean you saw Congresswoman Tlaib and omar and the media. They are racing to blame israel with no evidence. Absolutely insane one reason why i spoke on the floor of the senate today was to send a message. They thought it was israel who shot the rocket, they were all up in flames. Everybody was coming out against them. The New York Times and the squad. When they found out that maybe it wasnt, quiet as a church mouse. Unbelievable how disgusting the reaction is when they think its israel and then quiet. I asked from the floor, tlaib, delete the tweet we cant have Members Of Congress being a part of the Propaganda Machine for hamas. [applauding]. Its crazy sean do you agree with me that the 100million that joe programs side going to hamas. I am leading legislation with senator rickets is to stop sending money into gaza until israel cleans it out. You cant do that. The one thing we know without any question, you send money, even if you have good intentions the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Dont get involved there. Stay shoulder to shoulder and backtoback with israel. Give them the time to eliminate hamas from the face of the planet before you do anything else. Sean are you as shocked as i am . I thought i was not shocked anymore. At the level of antisemitism in this country right around the block. Times square. Packed. It looked like new years eve. In our universities. Chant chanting in Australia Gas the jews. What century are we living in . One you and i dont want to be a part of it. America is a good country. Its not a racist country but there is a radical left that is so addicted to power they will use any person, any interest, any issue to hold on to the political power even at the expense of dividing this country based on religion. They allow the radical left and the squad to attack viciously jews. Sean we were expecting a possible Two Front War. The North Lebanon and hezbollah. Gaza south and hamas. Now we have the threat of iran getting in. If that happens, what should americas role be . No doubt having the six fleet and the ford coming in with a large carrier. Those are two specific things. I called for it last saturday october 7th. Help free american hostages. You take an american hostages it should cost you your life. [cheers and applause]. S sean sean last word . Make sure there is not a third front. There is a Misinformation War that leads to aggression on the northern border. Sean and then israels existence will be hanging in the balance. That could be all out war. I dont want to talk about it. Agree. Sean senator, great to you have in new york. Better in south carolina. Come down and we will get a steak. Sean you got it. A message to republicans choosing a new house speaker. We continue. Thanks for joining us. Im franklin graham. The world is searching for peace, and it seems to elude our leaders, and maybe you wish you could have peace. Maybe your life is in turmoil, and you dont know where to go, or what to do. But you can have peace, and thats through the prince of peace. Thats the lord jesus christ, gods son who came to this earth to take our sins, where he died and shed his blood on a cross and on the third day, god raised his son to life. And you can have peace, not only now, but for eternity, by putting your faith and trust in gods son, jesus christ. If youve never done that, pray this prayer with me right now. Just say, god, im a sinner. Im sorry, forgive me. I believe jesus is your son. I want to trust him as my savior and follow him as my lord from this day forward. Amen. If you prayed that prayer, call that number thats on the screen. We have someone whod like to pray with you and speak with you. Do that right now. God bless you with gold bond. You can age on your own terms. Retinol overnight means. The smoothing benefits of retinol. Are now for your whole body. Plus, fastworking crepe corrector diminishes wrinkled skin in just two days. Gold bond. Champion your skin. [female narrator] they line up by the thousands. Each one with a story that breaks your heart. Like ravette. Every step, brought her pain. Their only hope mercy ships. The largest floating civilian hospital in the world. Bringing free surgeries to people who have no other hope. 19 a month will help provide urgently needed surgery for so many still suffering. So dont wait, call the number on your screen. Or donate at mercyships. Org. [applauding]. Sean continuing on hannity we come governor Mike Huckabee and Kellyanne Conway. Heres the question i want to throw at both of you. A very important one. I think republicans need to lock themselves in a room. Check their egos at the door and check their phones at the door. Order inuber its and stay in that room until they find a speaker. Do their job no bandaid solution. Empower something for 6 to eight weeks. Dont work with the democrats. Lock yourself in a room and do the job you were hired to do. Yes, the reason is put your past pettiness aside to elect the speaker to do the business of the people who pay their salaries. People should realize what is being halted. A package to israel. Government funding. There could be another shut down that affects people. Sean secure our borders. Who comes out on top of the vote count every time for speaker Hakeem Jeffries. He received every single one. No deviation at all. All 15 ballots and every single ballot now goes to Hakeem Jeffries. I dont want step ford wives democrats of congress thinking the same. People think they are being funny being the hold out. In your place of work you dont have the flexibility and liberty to choose with whom you work. You have to find a way to come together. Everybody has worked in an environment where i cant believe i got this guy. Sean everybody at fox loves me. This is true. Fact check, true. Sean no. I agree. Its frustrating. No more vacation days, governor. Like yourself in the room and dont come out until the white smoke comes up that we elected a new speaker. You are only half right. Lock yourself in a room is great idea. Get rid of the eats. No food, no water until they come out with a decision. Thats how they fix it. Sean never go toe to toe with governor huckabee. Good point. The point is ask Kellyanne Conway is right. You cant have people in the Congress Every one thinking they will get it exactly their way. This is not burger king. You dont get it your way. This is mcdonalds. They have a simple menu. Order from you got. Get jim jordan. Get the speakership overwith. If you dont like him after a few months you can pull the stunt they pulled a couple of weeks ago and toss him out the door. The republicans need to come together and show unity and they need to put the focus on the country and not on themselves. [applauding]. Sean would be that work . Yes, i think it would work. Sean i like jim jordan . Yes absolutely and i knew Kevin Mccarthy too. Something happened today that was significant. A great congresswoman from arizona is retiring. She said washington doesnt work anymore. A great conservative leader. Going home because of stuff like this. We cant losing people and then Hakeem Jeffries will be speaker. Get it done. Sean turn that camera around you. You have the Kellyanne Conway fan club right there. [applauding]. I love you guys. Sean coming up a big huge confession and break through. Remember the Natalee Holloway case . We will tell you what we learned today straight ahead. Everything i do thats for my health is an accomplishment. Concerns of getting screened faded away to my astonishment. My doc gave me a script i got it done without a delay. I screened with cologuard and did it my way. Cologuard is a oneofakind way to screen for colon cancer thats effective and noninvasive. Its for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. False positive and negative results may occur. Ask your provider for cologuard. I did it my way no. No. Nuhuh. Yeah. Oh. Yes. Oh yeah. Yes. Isnt this great . Yeeaahhhh yeah, i could do a cartwheel in here. Oh hey would you like to join us . No. We would love to join you. Sean after 18 years we finally know the truth about the case of natalie holloway. Remember the 18 Year Old High School student disappeared senior trip aruba, in 2005, long time suspect van der Sleuth Storeed from extort asking money from her family back in 2010, he said ill give you all the information you want if you give me 250 grand. What a great human being that is. As part of the Plea Deal Van Der Sloot had to share everything he knew about the case. He admitted murdering her after she rejected his sexual advances. I remember as many times as i would see natalies mom on this network it broke my heart every single time. I suspected this probably happened but you always hold out some hope right . You know you want to hold out hope but myself as a former agent i knew and i think we all knew. I mean this individual was a Barbaric Savage he had murdered two girls. The federal prosecutors tfbi was charged can extortion in 2010, they brought him back from peru just this summer and unfortunately they were not able to charge him with a homicide here in the United States because the crime occurred in the aruba so the u. S. Did not have jurisdiction but they did everything they could stow charge him with the extortion and part of the plea deal like you mentioned he did end up confessing. And although he was not charged with the homicide here in the United States, that does give closure for her family and they deserve that. Her poor mother. Larry sean absolutely horrific. Tragic. He im so grateful for the family they have closure at this point sean im grateful, i will say this, you may not know that bb lost his brother in israel and you know about the raid, i mean, the Israeli Special forces are so great. Does that give us hope we can get all these hostages back, including american hostages . You know, its a very complex situation. We always want to hold out hope, sean. Im a woman of faith, like ive said before on your program and i think the most powerful things we can do as americans right now is pray sean for those people and the families as well. One of the things, i dont know if you know, but many of you know i train in Mixed Martial Arts ive been training now in my 12th year. One of the things i try to tell people, including my own daughter, is if somebody tries to abduct you, you believe in jesus, i say this to my daughter, if youre going to die, die right there. Because if you get in a car, 99 chance air not getting there. So if youre going to fight fight to the death right there. Is that good advice. You fight back, always fight back, give It Everything you have, do not resist, you fight sean to me that means you kick them gouge their eyes punch em elbow them. When youre fighting for your life give them everything you got sean unfortunately thats all the time we have left this evening. By the way this crowd is so great, come back tomorrow. We have another live show tomorrow night, tickets are free. Head over to hannity. Com. Most people leaving here with a free football. In the meantime please set your dvr so you never miss an episode. Let not your heart be troubled. Why . Greg gutfeld standing by going to put a smile on your face right now. Have a great night. Im Trace Gallagher in lo

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