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known falsehoods. tony perkins, the leader of the family research council has repeatedly and falsely said on national television and elsewhere that we list their group because they oppose homosexuality. they believe homosexuality is a sin and because they oppose same-sex marriage. as perkins knows, that is not true. we criticize them and have listed them as a hate group since 2010 because they put out information like the absolutely false claim that gay men molest children at vastly higher rates than straight men. >> mark, we're going to end it on that note. >> they are depicting gay people as incestuous, evil, perverted and a danger to our nation and so on. we think we're fully within our rights to call them what they are, a hate group. certainly we are not in favor of any violence. >> yeah, i got you. >> tore violence that occurred at frc. >> he's the author of the report. worth looking at that report,

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Family Research Council , Group , Homosexuality , Tony Perkins , Elsewhere , Television , Known Falsehoods , Sin , Information , Marriage , 2010 , People , Men , Claim , Danger , Mark Potoch , Nation , Rates , Note , Evil , Children , Violence , Author , Report , Rights , Favor , I Got You ,

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