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which will return to -- it's a very small number -- general election. millions in many different states. to have that iowa, and all that symbolism, and all its energy, oil down to, in that case, 6000, or what next monday could be ten or 20,000, is a wide margin. and if it is a close one, even with trump in the league, it may power one of these republicans to consolidate the mantle of that anti republican -- excuse me, anti trump caucus. that i mentioned in the republican party. so turnout is key. and that brings us to the weather. we've been told before, you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing. go from fugees to dylan. but i will tell you, there's a lot of weather people who are very clear that the snow and storms heading iowa are only getting worse right now. so forecasts showed the temperatures are gonna plunge, the lowest below zer the so-called highs during the

Related Keywords

Iowa , U S , Energy , General Election , Number , Millions , Symbolism , Trump , One , Republican Party , Case , Anti Trump Caucus , Margin , Mantle , League , Oil Down To , Ten , 6000 , 20000 , Weather , Weatherman , Turnout , Wind , Fugees , Dylan , Lot , People , Storms , Gonna Plunge , Snow , Highs , Temperatures , Zer , Forecasts ,

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