Keith Ellison talks strategy to halt concentration in agribusiness Attorney General Keith Ellison recently discussed antitrust enforcement and other strategies to restore competition and price transparency in the agricultural industry. 5:30 am, Feb. 19, 2021 × Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison. (Jean Pieri / Pioneer Press) Minnesota's attorney general says more needs to be done to eliminate and prevent monopolies in the ag sector. At a recent session of the Sustainable Farming Association 2021 annual conference, Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison shared the state's response to concentration in the ag industry, which has caused lower prices and less competition among producers. "In Washington and other parts of our country as well, there's a lot of conversation going on around monopoly and market concentration — not enough in the agricultural sector," Ellison said. "There's attention focused around Facebook and Google, and that's appropriate, but we need to focus on ag monopoly."