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Here we go, the countdown, taylor mania , it is taking over the bay area, whether you are a fan or just trying to avoid getting stuck in it all, it is a spectacle in santa clara right now as the pop superstar brings her tour to levis stadium, our chopper is over the crowds. The fans started writing hours ago, about 58,000 people expected tonight and tomorrow. And even more fans without tickets could be showing up despite an official ban on tailgating. You can expect major traffic around the stadium. The opening acts take the stage and that is in a half an hour. Lauren has been all over this coverage, leading up to it, it is finally here. What is it like . Reporter fans are pining with anticipation tonight, fans have flown to santa clara from across the country like this group who flew in from the east coast , there is no short of excitement here tonight, tens of thousands of fans are here, but with that comes a high level of security. Earlier today i spoke to the Incident Commander at the Santa Clara County Sheriffs Department who said tonight, safety is their top priority. The fans have gathered to get a taste of the excitement. Behind the scenes, First Responders have been preparing for weeks to ensure a safe and enchanted night. Sergeant marino has been with the santa clara Sheriffs Department for over 20 years and despite some frustration from fans, he says safety is the top priority. Everybody is out here to make sure this event occurs safely and everybody goes home safely. Reporter in the wake of recent security incidents, the venue has strict security policies, including an initial ban on friendship bracelets and cell phone batteries, upsetting fans who say the items are harmless. Prompting concerns among fans who want to prepare for a more than threehour concert ahead. But, santa clara councilwoman, kathy quickly came to their defense, declaring that the fans should be treated no differently than 49ers fans. Who is going to be here . Young girls, their moms, teens, we want everybody to have a good time, there is a different standard as opposed to a football game. We have great Public Safety , we have other outside agencies that are working over the next two days. The fans are finding themselves consumed with bracelet trading and song lyrics that they say every large crowd must be treated with the same level of caution. As far as law enforcement, we treat everybody the same and our concerns for the safety of people moving from event to event. And security is topnotch, they both say with the goal of keeping the night sparkling. Right now, these fans are just focused on taylor swift, some of these fans came all the way from kansas city. What are you most excited about tonight . The surprise songs. And i see all of you guys came decked out with your friendship bracelets, that is one of my favorite things of this tour so far, i would love to exchange my kpix friendship bracelet with you. Thank you so much. Have the best time tonight, right now we are only about 30 minutes away from the first opening act and taylor swift is expected to hit the stage probably. That is huge. Do you see people in there without tickets, just for the tailgating . Reporter not just yet, most fans i have seen today are here with tickets, they are rushing and making their way into levis stadium right now. So far i havent encountered anybody here without a ticket but we can expect a handful of people, probably several hundred to come later today to hear the music from outside and sing along as best they can. Thank you so much, we will see you later on. You dont need to be a fan to know demand for these shows is sky high, at last check, the cheapest seat is over 1000, the most expensive is over 9000. Vta is bracing for record ridership today. Vta is adding extra trains this weekend to handle all of the extra traffic , they will be running every 15 minutes tonight and every 30 minutes tomorrow until one hour after the concert ends. We are keeping an eye on the traffic around the stadium, highways 101, 237 and 880, those are the ones to track. They are all expected to be busy today and tomorrow, plan ahead , if youre not a swifty or if you are. There is a benefit to all of this, the shows have been a stimulus boost to the cities hosting her tour, hotels like the hilton near the stadium are either all booked or right now they are at near capacity and nearby businesses are also cashing in. Berks restaurant is about a five minute drive from the stadium, they showed us some special taylor themed cocktails they are whipping up like the lavender haze and the nonalcoholic bad blood. Having these extra shows and bringing in the money, we all benefit, the hotels and restaurants, it is a win situation. One Market Research firm estimated taylor swifts tour could help add 5 billion to the worldwide economy. We certainly have you covered with everything you need to know about getting to the shows or getting around them, you can find information on road closures, parking and what you can and cannot bring to levis stadium, just go to kpix. Com. There are new numbers showing just how hard tech layoffs are hitting the Silicon Valley office market. A new report from commercial real estate for cushman and wakefield show Office Vacancy rates are at a historic high, particularly around the san jose airport where the vacancy rate is 42 . It is around 32 in santa clara and nearly 30 in downtown san jose. We will have much more coverage coming up. Lets go over to oakland where neighbors from all corners of the city say crime is just out of control and they want help. That message was loud and clear at a pact and sometimes Heated Community meeting in montclair last night where people came out in droves to press their leaders for solutions. But, many walked away more frustrated when they came in, and one powerful group is demanding the city declare a state of emergency. I will get to these volunteers in a little bit, but the Community Members believe this emergency would allow them to access state and federal resources, they are desperate for help. 74yearold, a hoffman has changed how she goes about her daily life. I cannot carry a purse anymore. 2 years ago, she and her friend were robbed at a busy intersection. They grabbed my friends hair and pulled her across the sidewalk and the other one beat meal my head, grabbed my purse, dropped me to my knees. They demanded the District Attorney hold criminals accountable. She said the teens who attacked her were arrested and released because of their age. There must be consequences. This is unreal. If there are no consequences for these children. The Oakland Branch of the naacp and Bishop Bob Jackson, pastor of the Biggest Church sent out a letter demanding accountability and more police patrols. To declare the city of oakland in a state of emergency, number one because of Public Safety. They say the declaration would allow the city to get help from the Alameda County sheriffs office, Housing Authority police and federal police officers. Just out of control, i have never seen oakland like it is right now. Oakland Police Reports from january 1 through july 23, homicide went down 50 this year compared to last but almost Everything Else went up , robbery up 22 , carjacking up 9 , burglary, 39 and vehicle theft up 49 . It is terrifying for too many of our neighbors, and part of what we are doing is to deliver on many of those deeprooted issues that we know have led to people being desperate and acting out in ways that have been the danger for them and the community. East oakland councilwoman helped organize the event, she said she has urged the mayor to declare a state of emergency. Ive had this conversation with the mayor and im looking forward to seeing action. As for barbara, she is planning her own outreach. Im looking to see how i can volunteer. It might be mentoring somebody. It is unclear if the mayor will declare a state of emergency. She is meeting with state officials to see what kind of resources available. The Oakland Branch at the naacp and Bishop Bob Jackson accuse the da of not doing a better job of punishing criminals. The office responded, we are disappointed that a great africanamerican pastor and a great africanamerican organization would take a false narrative on such an important matter. We expect more from Bishop Bob Jackson and the oakland chapter of the naacp. The civilian agency in charge of invest getting misconduct complaints against Oakland Police is having a hard time getting up with its caseload. The chronicle reports the unit which formed in 2016 is dealing with staffing shortages and a lack of resources that may not be able to complete the cases on its docket. The Police Departments internal Affairs Division is already looking into the cases but, oaklands mayor has pushed for the independent civilian agency to take over. The mayor tells us, this report is the first step in identifying these longstanding issues , establishing a plan to address them and creating a foundation for accountability and effective oversight moving forward. San Francisco Police and prosecutors say they need help holding a case against two suspects listed in that dramatic crash over a set of steps in the castro. Kevin also and Jennifer Bono were initially charged with carjacking and other counts. The da has discharged the case because of witness unavailable. Still ahead, its an unusual hunt in the San Francisco park, a 16yearold learns she has a talent for wrangling rabbits. And we have like 10 or 15 people trying to corner it around this one bush, and somehow moving fororward with h node positive b breast cancncer is overwrwhelming. But i nevever just fouound my ; i madede it. And didid all i cocould toto prevent r recurrence. Verzenioio reduces t the risk of recururrence of h hrpositi, heher2negativive, nodedepositive,e, early brbreast cancecer with a high c chance of r returnin, as detetermined byby your docr whenen added to o hormone thth. Hormone ththerapy workrks ououtside the e cell. While veverzenio wororks insie to helelp stop thehe growth of canancer cells. S. Mamay be severere, while veverzenio wororks insie or c cause dehydydration or infectition. Atat the firstst sign, call youour doctor, ststart an antntidiarrheala, anand drink flfluids. Beforere taking veverzenio, tellll your doctctor ababout any fefever, chilll, or otherer signs of f infecti. Verzenio m may cause l low whwhite blood d cell countn, which mamay cause seriouous infectioion that canan lead to d death. Lifefethreatenining lung inflamammation canan occur. Tellll your doctctor about ay nenew or worsesening trououble breaththing, cough, or c chest pain. N. Serious liliver problelems cacan happen. Sysymptoms incnclude fatigig, appetite l loss, stomamach pa, and blbleeding or r bruising. Blood clclots that c can lead to deaeath have ococcurred. Tell y your doctoror if you he papain or swelelling inin your armsms or legs, shortntness of brereath, chest painin, and d rapid breaeathing or heart r rate, or i if you are e nursing, pregnanant, or plalan to be. Iim making m my own way y for. Ask k your doctotor about everyday verzenio. Is taking a look at levis stadium where we are counting down to showtime for taylor swift, her opening act starts at 6 30, expect major delays in the area, and with the huge stadium show and blog posters drawing people back to the movies, it feels like the days before the pandemic. But, Health Officials say covert numbers are ticking up and one indicator is the states Positivity Rate which is now 7. 6 . That is compared to 4 a month ago, this is only one measure since many people are now using home testing kits or not testing at all. The state is also tracking a slight rise in infections from wastewater levels. But, for perspective, the cdc says this is not surprising for summertime and u. S. Covid rates are still near historic lows after months of declines. Look at this little guy. A neighborhood in San Francisco, they banded together this week to do a little rabbit wrangling, anne makovec is here now, this has to be easier said than done because ive had my fair share of bunnies. Yes, and they can hop around very easily, very quickly, but it is a common problem, people get one for easter, then they decide they werent ready for the commitment. They thought it might be happier running around in an idealistic San Francisco park, but that was not the case. Today i met with one teenager who is helping. In the thick of the city wilderness in the golden gate heights, lurked a band of bunnies. When i first went out, i was like, theres no way im even going to see a bunny. But she had no idea she was a rabbit whisperer, and her first day out, she snagged one. But it wasnt as easy as it sounds, it required some stealth searching and operations in small spaces that roaming the neighborhood kids could complete. And we have 10 or 15 people trying to corner it around this one bush, and somehow three times it ran into mine. And this morning, they caught a fourth. The one this morning we think is a pregnant female. That is the problem with rabbits, but it is a good news that they made it here, because they were domestic rabbits that were likely dumped. They are not wildlife, they cannot make it for too long on their own, theres coyotes and dogs. Unfortunately they are beyond capacity at the shelter with all sorts of pets. Allison says she cannot adopt one because soon she will go off to college. I hope that they find loving and nice homes where they get to play and have a good life. She has certainly done her part in getting them the best chance. Two takeaways, do not dump your bunny in a park, consider adoption. The shelters are full right now and they need help. Ive had miniature dwarf bunnies, they are so cute. I do have two cats and a dog in a small apartment, so i think im good. Thank you so much. We are looking at blue skies, a little bit of fog, looking toward downtown from sutro tower, we will track the fog as we head every bubusiness deserves a a great deaeal. Thats whyhy comcast b busins is lauaunching thehe mobile m made free e event. With ourur businesss ininternet, nenew and exisisg cucustomers cacan geget one yearar of unlimimd momobile for f free. Its our b best internrnet. Powered byby the nextt geneneration 10g0g network ad wiwith 99. 9 r reliabilityt. Plus one l line of freree momobile for a an entire y y. Itss the mobilile made fre eveventhappenening now. Get t started fofor jujust 49. 99 9 a month. Plusus, ask how w to get onene line of f unlimited d mobil. Comcast t business,s, poweriring possibibilities. For all the fans waiting to get into levis stadium , outside the stadium they are going to have a nice night tonight. It is certainly warm in the parking lot, the temperature is 73 degrees , and by the time taylor swift takes the stage, itll be in the upper 60s, itll be fine. Same thing for tomorrow night. Lets take a look at the forecast. For the weekend, swift related or not, low cloud cover and fog is going to be spreading out for the rest of tonight. We still have plenty of sunshine, just normal july weather this weekend, we can definitely handle that, still dealing with coastal fog, some passing clouds overhead for other parts of the bay area, then we call back down to below average temperatures for next week. Take a look at the roller coaster temperature ride for concord, plenty of ups and downs, five degrees above normal, then we are down to below average tuesday, wednesday and thursday. Maybe a bit more of a warmup by next weekend, that is beyond the scope of the sevenday forecast, just something to monitor. Different perspective right now as we look out from the hotel, looking to the north from the bay , temperatures in the 70s and 80s inland, 60s around the bay , 68 degrees across the bay and even the warm spot is 88 degrees right now in concord. Very close to normal for late july. The fog is going to spread across the bay into some of the inland valleys early tomorrow morning, that will not last long, backing up to the bay by midmorning, and back to the coast by lunchtime but not budging from the coast. And likely bright skies next week as well. Amateurs will be backing off into the upper 50s, so if you are in the 80s right now, just wait a couple of hours and open up the windows and get some fresh air into the house. By noon, temperatures into the 70s and low 80s inland, still 60s around the bay and along the coast, the warmest spots will get up into the low 90s but that is it again, we can handle that this time of year. Mostly 80s inland at a mix of 60s and 70s around the bay. Low 60s right along the coast. Good dog walking weather for tomorrow or for ginger and sophie, good basking weather, these dogs appear to be well acquainted with the concept of basking in the sunshine and they will have plenty of that on saturday. Temperatures a little bit toasty in the afternoon to get out for a walk with highs reaching the mid 80s but comfortable temperatures in the morning. If you are going to be heading out to the raceway for the Sonoma National saturday and sunday, temperatures will be warm, itll feel warmer than the air temperature if youre going to be sitting in the direct sunlight so make sure you stay hydrated. No concerns at stern grove where the temperatures will be dominated by the marine influence in the low 60s this summer which is pretty much where youve been for every concert so far this season. Temperatures will be a few degrees below average for the first several days of august, mid 60s in San Francisco, upper 60s and low 70s for oakland tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday. Temperatures will be very nice in san jose for four days to begin august, the lower half of the 80s for inland parts of the north bay and even the warmer spots only getting up into the middle portion of the 80s and along the coast with even more clouds overhead tuesday and wednesday , temperatures likely to stay below 60 degrees for the first two days of august. I know other parts of the country have a hard time fathoming that but, this is what we have. Thank you. You could call it a seismic swift, literally, it turns out fans of the popstar so good at shaking it off, they are literally shaking the ground, we will explain. And our coverage of stern grove festival resumes this sunday, the headline this weekend, bob moses, you can watch taylor swift fans arent just shaking it off, they are also apparently shaking the earth, let me explain, seismologist say swifties were so excited during last weekends show in seattle, they generated enough energy to register seismic activity of a 2. 3 magnitude earthquake. People are dancing, which means they are dancing in the building, and those signals can amplify and they can add together. We also have a speaker system , and we cant be certain as to whether the signals that we are recording on the seismometer are the people on the ground or potentially something about the sound system. Will the ground shake tonight . We will keep an eye on it, and we will let you know later on, we will margaret tonight, donald trump remains defiant despite new criminal charges. He is continuing his president ial bid in the wake of new accusations that he sought to destroy evidence related to his indictment for mishandling of classified documents. Here are tonights headlines

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