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We will speak with the met arrested a number of times protesting over Immigration Rights, illinois democratic congressman Luis Gutierrez about as President Trump addresses the human generalissimo today, he will be protesting outside trump tower with other lawmakers. Will this increases number of arrest . Not clear. And we will speak with dulce garcia, an immigration lawyer in california who is one of six Daca Recipients suing the Trump Administration over its plans to rescind the program. Then President Trump childhood childhood trumps home in queens, new york, is now in airbnb. Oxfam rented it out this week and four refugees to spend the night and share stories of hope, resistance, and like in the United States. To me, the American Dream is having a safe and stable home and being a able to accccomplish your goals and having those opportunities, and now it is starting to feel threatened. Amy all that and more, coming up. Welcome to democracy now , democracynow. Org, the war and peace report. Im amy goodman. In the caribbean, Hurricane Maria strengthened rapidly monday over the warm waters of the atlantic, growing from a category 1 to a category 5 stororm in a s single day, threatening puerto ricoco and other r lands alreadady sufferig fr h hurrine irmas lafall earlier ththisonth. On mdaday, t storms ey passed d directly over domomini, wherprprime nister roooosevelt skerrit wrote online my roof is gone. I am at the complete mercy of the hurricane. House is f flooding. He laterer said hed been reses, but that the islsland had en devaststated. The e stm also bugught hh winds and oooodingo adeloupethe staging grou for reli e effor foror iands raged byurricane ia earlr this month. Hurricane maria now threatens the capital of puerto rico, san juan, with a direct hit as a major hurricane. The storm also prompted hurricane warnings in the u. S. And British Virgin islands, where residents scrambled to collect debris from massive damage caused by hurricane irma. Officials warn that shards of metal and glass from the rubble could be turned into deadly projectileles as Hurricane Maria passeses. At the United Nations, President Trumps chief economic adviser, gary cohn, said monday the u. S. Would withdraw from the landmark 2015 Paris Climate Accord as planned. His comments came as u. N. Secretary general Antonio Gutteres said climate should be a top priority at this years General Assembly. We see the consequences daily. Since 2008 coming no better than me, some 20 Million People have been forcibly displaced by storms, fires, and extreme temperatures. Climate change is not a distant problem for future generations, it is here, it is now. We need to deal with it. Amy gutteres call was echoed by french president emmanuel macron, who joined President Trump monday in a meeting that was cordial despite their disagreement over the paris accord. Speaking to reporters alongside macron, trump praised a military parade on bastille day he witnessed during history to paris in july. Pres. Trump i was her guest at bastille day. Anand one of the greatest parars iveve ever seeeen. It was two hours on the butttton and it w was military might. I think a tremendouous thinfor france, and the spirit of franance itit was a tremendous day. To a large extent, because of what i witnessed, we may do Something Like that on july 4 and washington down pennsylvania avenue. Make a President Trump also met monday with israeli Prime Minister benjamin netatanyahu, claiaiming theres a good chance for middle east peace, and strongly hintiting hes prepared to withdraw the u. S. From the iran nuclear deal. And trump also repeated a threat to intervene militarily in venezuela to oust president nicolas maduro, saying the u. S. Would take additional steps if necessary. Truck is set to deliver his first address to the u. N. General simile where he is expectcted to single out north korea and iran. A lastditch senate effort to repeal the Affordable Care act on a major boost when the Arizona Republican governor doug ducey said hed support the legislation. The governors backing prompted Arizona Republican senator john mccain to say he would reluctantly vote yes on the Health Care Bill. In july, mccain cast one of three republican votes to defeat another effort to repeal obamacare. The Congressional Budget Office wont be able to fully score the u. S. S impact on the economy by september 30 deadline, meaning senators could vote on legislation whose full effects are not undnderstood. The center on budget and policy priorities says the grahamcassidy bill would cause many millions of people to lose coveragege, gut medicaid, eliminate or weaken protections for people with preexisting conditions, and increase outofpocket healthcare costs to individuals. All while showering tax cuts on the wealthiest americans. A group ofof six young undocumented immigrants sued the Trump Administration monday in a San Francisco federal court, challenging the president s decision to end dadaca the deferred action for childhood arrivals program, which gives nearly 800,000 undocumented immigrants permission to live and work in the United States. The suit argues the Trump Administration failed to follow proper administrative procedures in rescinding daca, and that revoking the program violates due process laws. We will have more on that later in the broadcast. The lawsuit was filed as undocumented activists and their allies shouted down Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi during a San Francisco news conference, accusing her of using dreamers as bargaining chips in a meeting with President Trump last week in which she sought to win legislation protecting young immigrants in exchange for a more militarized u. S. Mexico border. The protesters demanded protections not only for dreamers, but for all 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States. After headlines, we will speak to congressman Luis Gutierrez and a daca recipient suing President Trump. Cnn is reporting investigators wiretapped Donald Trumps former Campaign Chair Paul Manafort both before and after the 2016 election, including during periods when manafort spoke by phone with President Trump. Cnn reports the fbi sought and won a fisa warrant from a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court in 2014 and later got a second warrant that extended at least into early this year. The fbi also reportedly conducted a search of a Storage Facility belonging to manafort. He is a key figure in special counsel Robert Muellers investigation into russias role in the 2016 u. S. Election and whether Trump Officials colluded with russian officials to sway the outcome. In nigeria, suicide bombers killed 12 people and injured at least 26 others monday in an attack in the Northeastern State of borno. There was no claim of responsibility, but the area is home to the boko haram insurgency and has seen at least 200 People Killed since june 1. Indias government asked the countrys suSupreme Court monday to allow the deportation of more than Rohingya Muslim 16,000 refugees to burma, where human Rights Groups say the government is waging an ethnic cleansing campaign. The threatened deportation came as Human Rights Watch distributed bebeforeandaftfter Satellite Photos it says show the near total destrucuction of 214 villages, with tens of thousands of homes burned to the groundnd. Photos echo the stories of the mo than 410,000 rohingya whove fled to refugee camps in bangladesh. The military torched our houses. Myhusband along with daughter and her husband were killed. Was able to flee somehow with my grandson. Amy the Trump Administration is planning too shrink 10 National Monuments and open them up to mining, logging, drilling, and other forms of extraction. In the memo from ryan zinke shows the plan would cut hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of acres from protected reserves, including utahs bears ears and nevadas gold butte National Monuments. The plan would also open the rose atoll and the pacific remote islands marine National Monuments to commercial fishing. Meanwhile, the Trump Administration is laying the groundwork to open the Alaska National wildlife refugee toilet gas trilling. The Washington Post reports that are modifying a 1980s regulation to allow for exploratory drilling and seismic surveys in the nearly 20 million acre reserve. In atlanta, georgia, Police Officers arrested three people on riot charges monday evening as they clashed with students at georgia tech over the police killlling of the presisident ofa gay and tranansgender stududent group last sunday. Y. Video of the killing shared online shows officers ordering 21yearrold Student Scout schultz to drop a knife, as schultz refuses to comply, at one point shouting, shoot me after a brief standoff, one of the officers then kills schultz with a single shot to the heart. Schultz had dialed 911 to report a man with a knifefe and gun, though schultzs family says the student was armed only with a small multipurpose tool and was having a Mental Health crisis. Schultz was president of the Georgia Tech Pride Alliance and identified as bisexual, nonbinary, and intersex. And those are some of the headlines. This is democracy now , democracynow. Org, the war and peace report. Im amy goodman. Juan and im juan gonzalez. Welcome to all of our listeners and viewers from around the country and around t the world. We begin todays show by looking at the political showdown over daca, the deferred action for childhood arrival program. Daca gives nearly 800,000 young people the legal right to live and work in the United States. It was implemented by president obama in 2012 after years of grassroots protests led by undocumented students nationwide. Earlier this month, attorney general Jeff Sessions announced the Trump Administration plans to rescind the daca program. But President Trump and Democratic Party leaders are now attempting to strike a deal to protect dreamers. Last week, Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority leader nancy pelosi met with President Trump at the white house for a meeting aimed at enshrining the protections of daca into law. After the meeting, trump said any potential deal would rely on also approving massive Border Security. Well, on monday morning, dozens of undocumented activists and their allies shouted down congresswoman pelosi during her news conference, accusing her of using dreamers as bargaining chips in her meeting with trump. The protesters demanded protections not only for dreamers, but for all 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States. Yes yes, i am. Yes, i am. You do not [indiscernible] you dont know whatat youre talking about. You are a liar amy well, for more, were joined here in studio by congressman Luis Gutierrez, democrat of illinois. He is a member of the Judiciary Committee and is the cochair of the Immigration Task force of the congressional hispanic caucus. Today is President Trump addressing the United Nations, general similar, conongressman iteris w will be with otheher lawmakers protesting outside trump tower, demanding trump work with congress to pass a version of the dream act that provides a path to citizenship and does not increase funding for the militarization of the border. Welcome to democracy now , congressman iteris. You have been arrested a number of times over immigration issues and other issues related to policy. Will today be another of those arrests outside trump tower . Im gogoing to be with my with a broadd from makectivist here the wrote new york. I want to thank the activists and organizations on behalf of make the road new york. A few congressman getting together in front of trump tower does not make any event unless there is grassroots support. So im going to join them and we will take the necessary steps to make sure that trump understands and the world understands, you need to continue this fight while the negotiations are going on. Juan were you surprised by these talks that have gone on between the minorityty leader nancy pelosi and your minority leader in the house and Chuck Schumer in terms of crafting some kind of an agreement with trump . Look, first i was surprised when we reached an agreement so rapidly when i know in the democratic caucus, the feeling to be we should tie 800,000 visas, that is for the dreamers come to any continuing resolutions, to raising the debt ceiling. And nothing was done. I was even more surprised when a week later i hear that they said to have for dinner and that now it hadad changed not only from e dream act daca they call it, we call it the dream act because we bought a dream act enshrined in law that will forever protect the dreamers and allow them a pathway to citizenship. We are thankful to obama for the executive order, but lets build on that and get something lasting and trusting to the country. Amy do you think it is possible that is what trumps actions will lead to come it leading to a dream act . That is what the democrats have said and were pretty clear about that at the leadership level and the grassroots level. Let me give you my take on this. 90 republicans walked away from supporting the debt ceiling, from supporting continuing funding the government, and includuding harvey. That means they no longer have an operating majority when it comes to the budget. What come into more months juan those 90 were against lifting the debt ceiling. Yes. They were against continuing financing the government, and they were against aid to the victims of harvey. 90 republicans. That means they need about 70 democrats to pass. Please, tell me the last time in the last decade of budget has bebeen passed at the federal lel without the cooperation of the democrats. All were saying is, look, there is a line in the sand. In december, i dont want to shut down the government. I will vote to live the debt ceiling. But if it is a republican budget, the democrats, let the republicans put the votes up on the board. If they dont have the votes, then lets make it a bipartisan budget, which includes it the seems to me, you know, transgender acuity that is been attacked, the Muslim Community, those stripped of health care, mankind had all. F those who have been attacked it is like saying enough is enough. We will not cooperate with you if you do not give us some kind of balanced budget that brings fairness. Juan why do you think President Trump is pretty spinning in these negotiations . What is in it for him in terms of his presidency . I havent the slightest idea. It is donald trump. In the a. M. It is one thing, it in, another, and the pm. He is such an untrustworthy person to be sitting across the table. One thing is become known for come he does not tell the truth. He lies and brags and his untrustworthy. Just ask all of those who helped him get elected, much less as on the other side. He began his campaign again his campaign pressing mexicans are murderers, rapists, and drug dealers and we need to get rid of them. He starts his campaign. Then he attacks the muslims. Look at the transgender community, thousands of them serving in the armed forces of the United States honorably. What does he say this is a man when it was his turn and he got called for the draft, said i have some bones first. Now as commander in chief, saying the people who do want to serve, who served honorably in protecting our nation, you cannot serve because of your sexual orientation. Amy i want to turn to House Minority leader nancy pelosi speaking after she was shouted a news activists at conference. They were accusing her of using dreamers as a bargaining chip in her meeting with President Trump during the protest in which she said you dont know what youre talking about. After the news conference, nancy pelosi said the protesters were completely wrong. I understand the frustration. Im excited byy it, but the f ft is, ththeyre comompletely wron. The democrats are the ones you have s stopped their assault on sanctuary cities, stoppeded the wall, stopped the increased deportations in our last bill that w was the end of april. Were d determined to get republican vototes to pass the clean dream act. Amy so they had said that she wasnt a force in stopping deportations. She said, you dont know what youre talking about. Your response . Do i think the democrats can be more forceful and more steadfast in their claims for rights of the immigrant community . Absolutely. But i believe that nancy pelosi in the democratic leadership are going to stand tall and stand in aand invite me back couple of months around december. We have to get a budget. The debt ceiling has to be raised. Not only economic crisis in the market and in the United States, but across the world. If the United States of america says were not good on the money we borrowed come you can imagine the impact. But i think that is the kind of test we have to be ready to meet as democrats. This say we are going to raise the immigrant community to the level. I do have to say one thing. And i am proud of this. Have the negotiations gone on with donald trump and trumpet said, were going to close down every planned Parenthood Center in the country, every one of them, and you have six months to close them down, i doubt we would have come out of there talking about closing them down. We have to raise is democrats have raised, reproductive rights, it gay rights, environmental rights. We have to raise immigrant rights to the same level. Were doing a great job at other levels. We need to do a better job when it comes to immigrants. Juan i want to ask about the wall. Never trump has a rally, inevevitable refrains and from m is build a wall, build a wall, and yet in this supposed deal amy and mexico will pay for it. One coat now theres a question he is insisting, no, the wall is due here, but now it is massive Border Security. , when i hear they had dinner i wasnt surprised about the dinner, i was flabbergasted. Cleant from asking for a plan dream bill to now we need Border Security. What does that mean . If you add thousands of more Border Security agents, you militarize the border. That has a direct impact on america we just got rid of arpaio and now were going to send thousands of more Border Patrol agents . If you live in tucson, san diego, phoenix, in el paso, anywhere along that border in a browow neighborhood, more Border Patrol agents mean more people coming to deport you. Now, if you listen carefully to star huckabee, she not only says more border, she says more interior enforcement. That means ice agents in the city of new york, in chicago, in l. A. Where we are sanctuary cities. We cannot stop them from showing up at your local Day Care Center when an immigrant mother is dropping off or a health care center. Look, we could not allow and we dont need to allow to hurt other parts of our immigrant community in order to help another part of our immigrant community. Amy i want to go to the issue of health care. Senatorindependent Bernie Sanders has introduced legislation that would provide universal health care by expanding medicare t to include every american. Sanders introduced the bill and this is what was new, flanked by doctors and nurses that was a new but some of the bills 15 democratic cosponsors. In the past he had not had any. Sen. S sanders today we begin e debate vital to the future of our economy as to why it is that in the United States we spend almost twice as much per capita on healthh care as any other nation on earth, and yet we have 28 Million People without any Health Insurance and even m more who are underinsured with heide dr. Bowles and copayments. Amy that is what senator sanders did last week. Senate republicans meanwhile have launched another attempt to repeal the affordable air i after the two previous efforts ended in humiliating defeat. This is South Carolina senator Lindsey Graham introducing the grahamcassidy Health Care Bill last week. There are three choices. Prop of obamacare, or any care, or our bill. That is your you are at. Count me out for propping up obamacare. Bernie care. Amy the center on budget and policy priorities says the graham having cassidy bill would millions of people to lose all while showering tax cuts on the wealthiest americans. What is new in this last day is governor ducey of arizona said he would support it, which means that john mccain was the one who killed the bill in the midst of him dealing with brain cancer himself, killed the bill, destroying the republican streams of the repeal, now says because ducey has supported it, his governor, he is going to support it. That would be a shocker to the system because i know the house of representatives is ready to whack 30 million, 40 million americans right off of health care. Remember, the primary reason they want to do this now tax reform. Billions going to get of dollars in tax relief to the richest in this country, where are you going to get the money from . You simply take it away from Health Care Costs and then transfer that to give tax breaks. Hooray for Bernie Sanders. Congressman conyers led the way with medicare for all. I am happy now that there is a Senate Version with not just one with 15 senators. Now you see democrats on those sides of the aisle moving. First thing we need to do is protect obamacare, expand it everywhere we can that will lead us ultimately to a singlepayer system. Because as youu said, it isis expensive we pay twice as much as any other industrialized nation. It is expensive because people die people dont have Health Care Even under obamacare. Lets go to singlepayer. You know what . I want to have the same health care come the same understanding of the health care system, the same rules and regulations and inevitable as any worker in my district. We all in it together. Guess what . I think it will improve it for all. Juan i want to ask about another topic in the news a lot now, the Hurricane Season and now the new Hurricane Mariaia tt is barreling, category 5 hurricane straight for puerto rico, and island already reeling previous hurricane as well as its financial crisis. Your sense of what is going on right now . It is expected to hit landfall as early as tonight. It hasnt happened in 80 years. That is a direct hit. It you know, juan, to me it is not an accident that there had been four huhurricanes and thihs might become thehe new n normaln terms of how it is we deaeal gin climate change. From a g general point o of vie. From a more personanal point of view, fofor you and me and our famimily members, thatat is a pe that we love. It is our home. It might bee our ancesestral hoe because e were in chchicago orw york, but it is ourr home. I ask americans to be generous because i have a really sad feeling that it is going to be quite devastating, this hurricane. Lets hope. You can run the tape and say, luis is wrong. We barely got past irma. In infrastructure is so weak puerto rico. Like sixi were talking hours before, even touched puerto rico, the lights were out. Now we have a control board whose primary mission is pay the bondholders, not the infrastructure. Juan the union of electrical workers of puerto rico has been claiming during irma that the Electric Company to literally did not send out crews to repair the electrical lines because the privately controlled electctric company was looking to build up public support for complete privatization of the electric system. Not be surprised. Remember for your audience, the public utility is in other words, it is owned by the people. There was Nothing Better than corporate greed to go out there and take it over and now control the energy grid of the people of puerto rico. Look, the control board . Theyre going to pay the bonds. Theyre not going to invest in that grid system. The thing is, water goes out. A Tropical Island without water . How can that be . Because we make absolutely no plan to set up reserves and we build homes everywhere. In the mountainside the mother earth is saying, youre not giving us anything to retain the water will stop so when you need it, i can give it to you. That is what the earth in puerto rico is saying. We need better planning and we need, and force like him and i dont see it in the near future, that is why went from messick came up, i said no. I cannot transfer a terrible colonial system and then have unaccountable amy explain promesa. Puerto rico 72 billion in debt. The federal government says, were going to help you. What did the congressman save time and again . Vote for this because it will not cost us a penny. 3. 5 Million People in need and the congress says, were going to do something as long as it does not cost a penny. They set up a control board made up of seven individuals, four republicans, three democrats. The majority come from the Financial Service sector. The very sector that was involved in the e selling of the that bonds to the people of puerto rico o and to the government. Does not run puerto rico. The legislature does not run puerto rico. They have to run everything through and there is a veto power of this control board of six men and one woman. Sad. Amy youre heading off at noon to this protest at trump tower . Would you call President Trump a racist . I think his policies are racist. They have been racist against the Muslim Community because they havave been filled with ha. Ththey have been it is becaue of the religion. Lets be clear. The latino community, what can i say . I think it is racist when you use your Justice Department to undermine you set up a special commission on Voting Rights and security come at which we all know means we want fewer black and brown people to be able to vote. Because why . Those signs see black lives matter, if anybody understands, it is a kid, me, born in 1953, when separate but equal was still a lot the land. I am a member of congress and youre interviewing me now because of the civil rights act, the Voting Rights act. Without of which, i would not have been given the opportunity. And to corrupt the voting process, something that so many thousands literally gave their lives for. I think it is a racist attempt against our community. You,i want to thank congressman Luis Gutierrez, for joining us, democrat of illinois, member of the Judiciary Committee and is the cochair of the Immigration Task force of the congressional hispanic caucus. Has been arrested a number of times protesting about Immigration Rights and we will see what happens today. We will cover that protest outside trump tower as President Trump himself u. N. Is speaking at the u. N. General assembly himself is speaking at the u. N. General assembly. This is democracy now suinge come back, a daca the president. And President Trumps childhood home is now an airbnb. Oxfam rented it out last weekend so that immigrants, refugees, could sleep over and have a conversation about their dreams in this country. Stay with us. [music break] amy this is democracy now , democracynow. Org, the war and peace report. Im amy goodman with juan gonzalez. We are continuing to look at the struggle over daca. Thats deferred action for childhood arrivals, which gives nearly 800,000 young people legal permission to live and work in the United States. On monday, six dreamers sued the recipients sued the Trump Administration over its plans to rescind the program. The lawsuit argues the Trump Administration failed to follow proper administrative procedures in rescinding daca and that revoking the program violates due process laws. Daca was instituted by the Obama Administration in 2012 after years of sustained grassroots organizing by young undocumented students. 15 states and the District Of Columbia have also sued the Trump Administration over its plans to end daca. Amy among the six plaintiffs is jirayut latthivongskorn, a fourth Year Medical Student who has been living in the United States since he and his parents moved from thailand when he was nine years old. Two other plaintiffs are middle school teachers. Another plaintiff is dulce garcia, an immigration lawyer who regularly defends other immigrants in court in california. Shes been living in the United States since her family immigrated from mexixico when se was fourur years old. So were going to san diego, california, to speak with dulce garcia. Dulce, welcome to democracy now can you lay out what this lawsuit is all about and who you are representing, not to mention yourself . Thank you so much for having me. On a personal level what this lawsuit is to me is a way to speak, to tell the story, to tell who we are, to tell the stories of our parents and their sacrifices as well because although the dialogue has been centered around us as dreamers, it is clear and evident from the lawsuit itself that there was support from our parents all the way through to make sure that our dreams came true. So for me, this lawsuit means a voice for us. Were speaking on her own behalf. We are filing a lawsuit on behalf of 800,000 Daca Recipients. T is a very personal lawsuit being a lawyer, i trust our judicial system. I am placing full faith on them to do what is right for us. Juan tell us your own story and how itit came to be, one, that u ended up as a lawyer and benefited from daca yourself. Talk about your familys joururney. , the lastctually memory that i have of my home country was when we were robbed the border in tijuana. That is the last memory i have of my home country. I have been your for over 30 years now. I have been here for over 30 years now. We arrived in san diego, which is a beautiful city. We settled there. Loved it. But we struggled. We struggled at times with homelessness. Fearng up, we had so much of our local police. We had fear of not just immigration officers, but also in general authority. We would never step into a Government Office to ask for help for anything. So my family, we would find i,selves, our siblings and sleeping under a table because my parents at that time could not afford a home for us. So we would rent out areas of a had a difficult upbringing, to say the least. We definitely lacked health care. But we knew that was hard work with hard work, we would be able to accomplish our dreams. My dream from very small was to become a lawyer. In my mind, not realizing i was not a u. S. Citizizen, in my mini was going to become a lawyer, a criminal defense lawyer, and work for the federal government as an fbi agent. In this is based on a book i was reading, the tv that i was , and just looking around my neighborhood abused by police at that time. It inspired me to go into a field, and criminal defense. I did not realize i was undocumented and my dreams would be deferred for very long time. It is still a struggle today to keep going and accomplish those dreams. Theyve changed somewhat. Now my area of focus is immigration simply because i find that i have to understand my parents situation, my own situation, and those in my community. Yeah, growing up, i did not realize i was undocumented. I got everything we were going through had to do it just eating poor. Ing poor. Not realize it was precisely because we were undocumented. Juan to explore that further. Your father was a welder and could you talk about what your mother did and also your spoken about the impact in terms of health care to your family come the lack of the fact that you did not have Health Insurance largely because your family w ws undocumented. Right. I did not step into a Dentist Office until i was an adult. My dad is a welder. He did work unlawfully for another person. At one point, he injured his arm. He shattered his arm and wrist in several places. We did not have Health Insurance, so for over a week, he just worked through the pain and not realizing that it was exponentially getting worse. He just toughened it up. Finally, we realized that his arm was getting infected and we went to a doctor. He waited that had any longer, he might have had his hand amputated because it a gotten so bad. But we were just so terrified of seeking help because of all of the rhetoric going around us that it wasnt safe to go out of our home. I didnt get to experience everything that san diego has to offer. I had a very sheltered life. I did not go to the park, to the beaches. I did not go to disneyland, even though i could i kept hearing all kinds of things from classmates about disneyland. It wasnt until an adult was able to do that on my own without depending on school stuff to go out at my home. It was a tough upbringing because we felt terrified all the time. We felt scared all the time to step outside of our house. Even a go to the movies or Something Like that. We would not do anything, really, that would be compromising our stay here because we had a goal. My parents had a vision for us. They did not want to compromise that. They made sure that we would be very sheltered. And because of that, i also did not quite understand the reasons for it. Growing up, i just thought my parents were a little tough on me and assumed that a lot of the things we were limited to doing was because we were poor. As far as the health care, whenever any of us would get sick, we would toughen it up as much as possible. We do not have regular checkups. Luckily enough, we were Pretty Healthy considering the amount of attrition that we suffered the amount of attrition that we suffered through for quite a bit of time. Amy youre not the first to sue. 15 states have sued around President Trump, rescinding daca. You are the first daca recipient representing other Daca Recipients to sue. Can you talk about the significance of this and your fellow Daca Recipients like the time medical student you are representing . I want to emphasize that the people that are named plaintiffs in this lawsuit, this is just a very small sample of the 800,000 Daca Recipients. We are not the best of the best, the brightest, the most accomplished. This is just a very small sample of what the 800,000 Daca Recipients are doing and our community. And summit amazing of them are doing such greeat work in our community. Y. But the named plaintiffs are very incredible people. To be very privileged working with them and working wiwith the team the hind this lawsuit. Thent to emphasize that 800,000 Daca Recipients are in our communitys teachers, doctors the lawyers. Mothers and hardworking parents, hardworking fathers wanting to provide for their families. A lot of them are in incredible schools and doing incredible work for our communities. Are, inhe fact that we a way, providing a voice for the 800,000 Daca Recipients, i more than honored. Amy before we wrap up, can you tell us the grgrounds on which u are suing . . Y yes. Several grounds. One of them is the promise that we relied on, relied on the government telling us to come out of the shadows, give us your information, and you wont be deported. You will renew your daca permit for two years. I very much depended on that. I have a practice and i just open a Second Law Firm this year. I signed a fiveyear lease this year in may, thinking i would be able to renew this daca work permit. So a lot of us depended on this promise of the government saying if you step out of the shadows, you do the right thing, follow the rules, and we will protect you. I went out in the community as a lawyer asking people to sign up you will be saved, it will be a life changer for you with so many benefits to being able to walk around without the fear of being deported. And now i am scared and terrifified. Amy it looks like we have just lost our satellite feed with dulce garcia. Dulce garcia, imimmigration and defense lawyer criminal defense attorney in san diego. She is one of six dreamers who have sued the Trump Administration over its plan to. Rescicind daca she has been in the countries and she was four years old. When we come back, President Trumps childhood home in queens is being rented out as an airbnb. Some refugees stayed overnight and talked about their dreams. [music break] amy this is democracy now , democracynow. Org, the war and peace reportrt. Im amy goodman with juan gonzalez. We and today show by looking at a surprising gathering that just took place at President Trumps childhood home in queens, new york. The home is now in airbnb. On saturday, International Monetary Fund Development Organization Oxfam america rented out the home for refugees to spend the day there sharing their stories of home, resistance, and living in the United States. In this video released by oxfam, we hear from four refugees who spent saturday in that trump childhood home. Abdi of somalia, who is now resettled in maine. Eiman of somalia, now resettled in north carolina. Ghassan of s syria, now resettld in m maryland. Uyenen of vietetnam, now r resed in california. , american dreream to me thinking peacefully. To meet the American Dream is having a safe and stable home and being able e to accomplish your goals a and having g those oppoportunities. And now it is starting to feel threatened. Therere are so many parenent, moms, dadsds, who are e holding their kids acrcross jourys come differentall of these unlnlike any other persrsons come here. Look at the person, what his life journey has been like. Amy well, for more, we go now to raleigh, north carolina, to speak to one of the refugees in that video who was in Donald Trumps childhood home of an now in airbnbnb eiman ali. , her family fled somalia in the 1990s for yemen, where she was born. They eventually left yemen for tunisia before settling in the United States. In washington, d. C. , were joined by isra chaker, the Refugee Campaign lead for oxfam america. We welcome you both to democracy now isra, how did you even discover that Donald Trumps childhood home is an airbnb . We found that the home was on airbnb jusust keepiping up with Current Events and current news. We knew immediately that we had to do Something Special with this opportunity and really bringing the stories and narratives of refugees to the forefront will stop this is a critical time for our country. This is the worst refugee crisis since world war ii. Right now with three branches our government taking critical decisions affecting refugees, whether that is the Trump Administration, members of congress, and the Supreme Court coming up with the travel ban case. General sibley taking place across the river from the home, we knew it was the perfect time to take advantage of this and really highlight the stories of these refugees. We were able to find incredible partners that brought that to life. Juan could you tell us of what you know of how i became an every and be . I assume the trump family no longer owns it. Also, what does it rent for . All i know is we rented it from a private owner, senate President Trumps family does not own it. Night. Ed it for 725 a , we see theli images of the childhood home and now there has been a mac put out, i guess for your weekend, that said refugees welcome. Describe your experience there history about your own as a refugee, leaving somalia, fling to yemen, ultimately coming to the United States. I came to the United States when i was three years old. As far as i can remember, i have been in the u. S. But my parents have taught me so many stories about home, what it was like before the war. They really miss it and have some really wonderful stories, but the stories during the war were not so happy. So to know they went through that and sacrificed so much getting us to the United States, it really is something that makes you feel very grateful. I really admire all of the refugees that i met that weekend. It was fascinating to be an Donald Trumps home and hear the stories. It was very inspiring, even just having our things around the house, he was in interesting experience for sure, walking in my First Impression was that it looked just like i would expect his childhood home to look like. But walking around, it was very interesting to see where he starteted and reflect back on where i starteted. Juan President Trump as often claimed that refugees and immigrants steal jobs from americans. Of course today, he is addressing the United Nations. Im wondering what your response is due his policies on refugees and immigrants and what you would hope the world would know about the Trump Administration . I think that is a common myth that we have limited resources in this country. We have a lot to give, both to the American People and the people who are coming in. I think it is really about compassion and reaching in and thinking about where these people are coming from and what they can accomplish year. Immigrants to provide a lot for this country and to provide opportunities for other americans. I think it is just about doing research, finding out what we hahave and where o our prioritis should be. Amy isra chaker, President Trump has already capped the number of refugees resettled annually in the United States at 50,000 which is less than half of the 110,000 refugees admitted under president barack obama. Last week, the New York Times reported trump is considering whether to further reduce the number of refugees allowed into the u. S. To fewer than 50,000. He has until october 1 to decide how many refugees the u. S. Will admit over the next 12 months. Can you talk about this . Of course. Or message here for this action that we took at President Trumps childhood home is that all World Leaders, especially President Trump, t take the refugee crcrisis serioiously ano their best to help support refugees here and abroad. As you mentioned, the president ial determination, he will be announcing in the nenext couple of weeks come is dedetermining how many refugees willll be admittedver r the next 12 months here in the u. S. We at oxfam have been asking for at least 75,000 refugees admitted ovever the next 12 months, which is o only a mere fraction of the millions of refugees right now around the world. More than 65 Million People have enforced to flee their homes due to violence, persecution, and war. You can imagine having the unUnited States of america, a country built on compassion, generosity, and welcoming those in need, a country built on immigrants and refugees, only accepting less than 50,000 . It is unacceptable. We cant and for it. Juan is there any country, especially advanced country in the world that you think has a more in line refugee policy and is doing the right thing . I dont want to get into details of other countries policies, specially on refugees, but keep the focus on the United States. Right here across the river from the United Nations General Assembly where our World Leaders the to come together and make sure this refugee crisis is a priority. A year ago, World Leaders came and promised in the new york delegation on refugees and migrants that they would do their best to support refugees. Since then, we assume little to no progress. Amamy i want to ask you about President Trumps visit to minnesota, right outside minneapolis, the airport. I think it was the day before election day when then candidate trump attacked d somali immigrants, particularly the Somali Community in minnesota. Mr. Trump you u have seen firsthand the problems caused with faulty refufugee vetting, withth large numbers of Somali Refugees coming into your state without your knowledge, without your supporter approval, and with some of them then joining isis andnd spreading their extrtremist views all over our country and all over the world. Honestly, it is hard to believe. Hard to believe. Reading aboutis the e disaster taking place in minnesota. Everybybody is reaeading about. Right to even have the talk about it. You haveve no idea. Amy that wawas president no, that was donald trump right before election day,y, before he was electeted. In august, there was an attack on the Islamic Center in bloomington, minnesota, right near this airport. An explosive device thrown through the mosques Office Window as before gathering for morning prayers. No one was injured, but the bomb damaged the office. Trump did not condemn the attack. Ifanted to ask our guests you could talk about your response to the attack his attack on somalis . When i first heard that, i felt very hurt. Usually, my Somali Community has not been too much under attack in the time that i have been here. Ive heard about muslims often are immigrants, but never really heard about somalis in particular. When i heard that, i was surprised and hurt because to know that just a little bit later, he was elected to be president. It made me feel betrayed in a sense, because my family has contributed so much of thiss family and other somalis that ii ow t that are papart of my commununity have ao contributed so much. It was hurtful. Ifn in minnesota as well. It is a thriving community. To create a division between two entities. It is to make people fearful. That is been a pattern in this where therein many is division created and fear fostered just to push a certain agenda. So i think people should research and find out more on their own what is going on and these committees and all the great things coming out of it. , we just haveker about 30 seconds left. What can individuals do more concerned about supporting refugees . What kinds of actions can they take . The most stringent in this country for anybody entering our country, so they go to the most vevetting. The save his people coming into our country are refugees. What can you do . We need everyone in the American Public to stand up and speak out on behalf of our refugees and tell our leaders, our congress and our President Donald Trump that we need to support refugees here and abroad. We need to ask for them to at in the next75,000 12 months. To signgo to oxfam. Org a petition. Amy we want to thank you for being with us, isra chaker and eiman ali. One gonzalez will be speaking and network and then in kansas city. This week in global 3000 we head to the United States where we meet the everprepared preppers. In the guatemalan rainforest we learn what food and woodland conservation have in common but first we go to china, where divorce rates are rising and paving the way for new business ideas. The big day around the world, weddings are pretty much always an excuse to celebrate in style. In 2015, more than 400,000

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