Bitterroot Outdoor Journal The appearance of what is called either Fairy Barf or Candy Lichen is an odd-looking species that Bob Danley noticed this week in our Bitterroot Outdoor Journal. The lichen is thin, looking like it was spray-painted on the surface of well-rotted wood in the forests. It is lime green with pink spots (see photo above). And, no, we don't know who named it, but we can be sure it wasn't Lewis and Clark. Other natural scenes around Western Montana include a few Sand Hill Cranes (photo below), Horned grebe, Yellow-headed Blackbirds and double-crested Cormorant (photos below). Your best chance to see some of these birds is always the Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge near Stevensville. By the way, the huge spectacle that is the Freezout Lake snow goose and tundra swan migration has probably reached its peak, but is still a sight to behold over by Choteau.