Disinformation – a deliberate passing on false information in order to cause confusion or completely mislead the recipient is not a novel concept, it is an efficient weapon of war. However, false news or alternative facts as a concept are not a product of the modern era, but an occurrence in existence since the conception of impartment of information. [1] A noteworthy example of wrong allegations and disinformation is indeed the case of Lundin Energy in Sudan – a Swedish oil and mining company, formerly known as Lundin Petroleum and Carl Bildt, former Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sweden, as well as a member of the board of Lundin from the year 2000 to 2006. Lundin’s Chairman and former CEO have been under investigation by the Swedish Prosecutor for 11 years for alleged complicity in war crimes. A decision whether to charge has been deferred many times but another suspicion sheet has recently been issued. A final decision seems to be on the horizon.