Members of Clubhouse Kick off Week-long Fundraiser for Texas Relief Efforts Share Article Powered by Pledge, creators on the app will host a series of fundraising events featuring musicians, celebrities, athletes, elected officials, impact leaders, and more "Our mission at Pledge is to expand who, how, and where worldchanging good happens. With our fundraising technology, members of Clubhouse were able to mobilize within a matter of hours. Together, we’re making it as easy as possible to provide the necessary relief to those who desperately need it." LOS ANGELES (PRWEB) February 22, 2021 Members of Clubhouse, the audio-chat social networking app, today announced a week-long fundraiser in response to the overwhelming disaster relief needs in Texas. Powered by Pledge, the virtual and audio-based fundraising platform that makes it easy for businesses, nonprofits and individuals to make a positive impact, the event kicked off with a special concert Sunday afternoon that raised over $76,000 in just a few hours. Hundreds of users replaced their Clubhouse profile photos to show their support of the event.