<p>Mindful Monday Lunch and Learn</p> <p>Mindful Walking</p> <p>October 18, 2021 from 11:30-12:30 EST</p> <p>This is a free online live webinar on Zoom</p> <p>Holly Tiret, <a href="mailto:tiret@msu.edu,">tiret@msu.edu,</a> Lisa Tams, <a href="mailto:tams@msu.edu">tams@msu.edu</a></p> <p><strong>Mindful Walking <br /></strong>Mindful Walking introduces the benefits of slowing down with moment to moment awareness walking to connect body and mind and explores ways to ride out waves of strong emotions through thought surfing. Stress Less with Mindfulness is a program authored by West Virginia Extension.</p>