The Mission Tiki Drive-In Theater in Montclair has been showing movies outdoors since 1956. This year, the venue has seen a huge uptick in business as moviegoers hungry to see films in a theater flocked to the outdoor venue 35 miles east of Los Angeles. The 27-acre property was sold for development last year, but uncertain times have staved off the final curtain for a bit longer. We spoke with 73-year-old Frank Huttinger, CEO of DeAnza Land and Leisure, which has owned and operated drive-in theaters around Los Angeles for more than 70 years. How’s business? We had a very good summer and we had to figure out what to do in the fall. We didn’t have much to play outside of a couple movies from the major studios, so we blended independent films with repertory during the summer, and after school started, repertory didn’t work anymore so we looked for more from independents.