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New research reveals that prehistoric seafloor pockmarks off
New research reveals that prehistoric seafloor pockmarks off
New research reveals that prehistoric seafloor pockmarks off the California coast are maintained by powerful sediment flows
New research on a field of pockmarks -- large, circular depressions on the seafloor -- offshore of Central California has revealed that powerful sediment flows, not methane gas eruptions, maintain these prehistoric formations.
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Morro Bay ,
California ,
United States ,
San Simeon ,
America ,
Los Angeles ,
Chris Scholin ,
Charlie Paull ,
Lucile Packard Foundation ,
Senior Research Technician Eve Lundsten ,
Pacific Research ,
Us Bureau Of Ocean Energy Management ,
Continental Margin Processes Team ,
Seafloor Mapping Lab ,
Sur Pockmark ,
Big Sur ,
Central California ,
Research Technician Eve Lundsten ,
Ocean Energy Management ,
Expanding Pacific Research ,
Submerged Systems ,
Sur Pockmark Field ,
Margin Processes Team ,
Senior Scientist Charlie Paull ,
Mapping Lab ,
Lucia Chica Channel ,
San Simeon Channel ,