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Party members say Morrison used Lebanese background against
Party members say Morrison used Lebanese background against
Party members say Morrison used Lebanese background against opponent
Two statutory declarations say Scott Morrison told party members they should not back his main opponent, Michael Towke, for preselection in 2007 because of his ethnic background and because of rumours he was a Muslim.
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Australia ,
Sydney ,
New South Wales ,
Cronulla ,
Lebanon ,
Lebanese ,
Kimberley Kitching ,
Penny Wong ,
Barnaby Joyce ,
Michael Towke ,
Kristina Keneally ,
David Coleman ,
Prime Minister ,
John Howard ,
Jacqueline Maley ,
Paul Fletcher ,
Jane Hume ,
Josh Frydenberg ,
Bruce Baird ,
Stephen Mutch ,
Anthony Albanese ,
David Crowe ,
Clare Oneil ,
Scott Morrison ,
Pauline Hanson ,
Simon Birmingham ,
Katy Gallagher ,
Jacqui Lambie ,
Alex Ellinghausen ,
Tourism Council ,
Macquarie University ,
Twitter ,
Mental Health ,
Mr Fletcher Is Communications ,
Financial Services ,
Coalition Senate ,
Morrison ,
News Corp Australia ,
Sydney Morning Herald ,
Liberal Party ,
Senator Fierravanti Wells ,
Treasurer Josh Frydenberg ,
Finance Minister Simon Birmingham ,
Financial Services Minister Jane Hume ,
Senator Fierrvanti Wells ,
Communications Minister ,
Assistant Minister ,
Senator Kitching ,
Clareo Neil ,
Sky News ,
Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce ,
One Nation ,
Liberal Julia Banks ,
Australia Votes ,
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