Real cryptid encounter reports, eyewitness experiences and paranormal investigations Saturday, April 10, 2021 British Columbia Cryptids & Unexplained Phenomena Encounters 3 different accounts of cryptid and other unexplained phenomenon in British Columbia, Canada. These include a Sasquatch encounter, a white biped cryptid and phantom voices. The following accounts were recently provided to me: "My grandfather had witnessed for himself the tremendous size and strength of a Sasquatch for the first time in 1951. At the time, he was working in the Nass River Valley as a Chief Forester for the province. He watched this occasion from a distance of about 100m, as a large black haired figure walked across the log camp from one end to the other. The creature he said was the height of the top of the cookhouse, which was near 9ft, and the stride was near 5ft after later examination of tracks. It walked across the camp in about a minute or so, and when it reached the cookhouse it had to move barrels full of diesel away from the entrance to the cookhouse. When the weekends came the logging crews would shutdown and would often leave fully loaded fuel barrels stacked in front of the cookhouse doors to prevent the natives and hermits from breaking in and stealing food.