Real cryptid encounter reports, eyewitness experiences and paranormal investigations Monday, April 19, 2021 Recent Upright Canine / Cryptid Sightings & Encounters Reported in Montgomery County, PA A Pottstown, Pennsylvania resident and her friends have had sightings and strange encounters with a canine cryptid at various times and locations. We are investigating. I recently received the following information: "I was born and raised in Pottstown, PA and currently still live here. The sighting was an hour west from Philadelphia and half an hour away from Valley Forge. I ran into your FB page through "Weird Pennsylvania" or something similar to that which led me to the webpage "Phantoms & Monsters." I was reading some things and saw where people who had experienced encounters and sightings could email you with their story. I've had 2 experiences where I've seen things that I cannot explain. I'll start with the most recent.