Sarasota Herald-Tribune New classes, events and announcements • Temple Sinai Intergenerational and Interfaith Purim Costume Parade in Your Car: 10 a.m. Sunday, Temple Sinai, 4631 S. Lockwood Ridge Road (must enter from Proctor Road). Decorate your car and come to Temple Sinai’s parking lot in costume (pets welcome) to take the car through a Purim maze. Masks and social distancing required. Blow horns for Haman and sing and cheer for Esther and Mordechai. Contact Bethany Leinweber, • Church of St. Margaret of Scotland is starting a Lenten Reflection class at 9 a.m. on Sunday: Living Well through Lent. Starting Wednesday the 5 p.m. Study/Discussion topic is “Seven Words, Listening to Christ from the Cross” by Susan Robb. 8700 Clark Road, Sarasota; 941-925-2525