David AshdownGetty Images Ron Hill, one of the greatest marathon runners of all time, who smashed the Boston Marathon record and also inspired the “streaking” movement by running every day for more than 52 years, died in his home town of Hyde, Cheshire, England, on May 23. He was 82. Three years ago he announced that he was suffering from dementia. Hill’s standing in elite running history rests on a superlative sequence of races that began in 1968, when he twice set the world track record for 10 miles (46:44.0). In 1969, he won the European marathon championship on the tough Marathon to Athens course. In April 1970, he broke the Boston Marathon record by 3 minutes, running 2:10:30, becoming the first Briton to win that race. Three months later he won the Commonwealth Games marathon in Edinburgh in another huge European, British, and Games record of 2:09:28.