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Biden feeling good right now hes standing back and hes saying continue to count those absentee ballots because he knows that hes more and more likely to get some support from all of those ballots that were meldon in the weeks before the election now when it comes to trump hes getting more and more frustrated because exactly what we thought would happen happened which was that in person voting typically tended to go more towards trump and then all of those absentee ballots continued to go more and more toward the fight and so now trump is coming out hes saying that the results are fraudulent hes alleging that a lot of these absentee ballots are now being brought in to offset his lead and of course he is saying that he wants to take legal action as a result of that now of course like you said hes looking at michigan wanting to fall lawsuit there to stop the ballot counting hes looking at wisconsin and wanting to call for a very count there altogether which would of course add more time to deciding who is the winner and then when it comes to pennsylvania even though this state is looking like trump may be in lead right now were talking about razor thin margins here where shes not just happen 1000000 votes and the state this morning said that they still have 1400000 absentee ballots to count so. Could be that it could go either way and thats exactly what were seeing with these 2 candidates right now looking at these results and wondering how its going to turn now the biggest thing were saying is that donald trump is not going to go down without a fight here hes going to use every single legal avenue possible that he can get his hands on and that could mean this race going to the Supreme Court now the restoration that comes from that is that if the Supreme Court is the one that comes in and actually decides who wins this election that means that theyre deciding it and the American People who went out and voted in record numbers arent necessarily the ones who are actually deciding this election so thats kind of what were dealing with right now but tensions certainly are still very high here in washington d. C. Tension suffering very high lots of on result questions and even when you think something happens that someones not happy and it might happen after all that was Rachel Blevins reporting from washington d. C. Thanks for that report. What i want to bring in now that rockwell dot com dot is of course you out in rockwell himself welcome to the Program Thanks for speaking to us we know now that i mean the something weve had time and time again trumps roddys but now trump is officially claiming that. Has happened in michigan he wants this town we just heard from rachel in wisconsin is it a case of desperate times Desperate Measures in your opinion all that genuine grounds for concern. Well im sure there are you know the new question that theyre trying to steal the election philadelphia has been a hotbed of criminality with within voting for decades and im sure that was constant and michigan had have their own problems too. The question isnt this is all happening. And i think as if he is good maybe and tells people this is not the way to actually organized society when you have this kind of this kind of. Apparatus trump. You know its a great thing that the the polls are showing to be total failures total idiots its a great thing that the media mass media is shown to be totally totally idiotic on the other hand the good and the good part of this also shows that the u. S. Empire is not the glorious enterprise that it portrays itself the rest of the world as its invading them and trying to control them so i think that you know thats thats a good thing and we just have to see my guess is what i was recommended trump in fact if he does not win and if its being stolen from him the need for Mass Ascension organization and he say that this country is too big its vastly too big. For 325000000 people just roll ruled from this little tiny place in washington d. C. Little corrupt horrible place so you want to call for a succession of the states that voted for him if the other other people want to come in thats great too if the states that voted for him want to stay with the washington d. C. Apparat well thats would be fine too my guess is there are many many states that would want to go with trump and have a session as enterprise the way to allow freedom and get away from the government. The federal government is the biggest most zathras richest enterprise in the history of the world and in need to be dismantled so one way to do it is were trying to say around a year and you guys keep washington d. C. The monuments. The cia the f. B. I. The i. R. S. All these enterprises and were going to be a freedom country and i think a lot of americans would go for. Like the thing the trumpet do that im sure would be great and that would suck and be a very interesting top of events but then again as we keep saying this it is 2028 nothing would surprise us anymore i want to toss keep you any speculative the ok asli there are conflicting reports that its very difficult now with trump saying that hes going to take action but with wisconsin officially going to is is the presidency slipping away from trump. Because theres no question i think the big stolen from him were looking at that was constant or michigan or pennsylvania. Its was stolen from him in arizona i dont know about dividing and alaska. Being stolen but angers everybody whos a republican they are they set out to do Something Different this is not working for the people who dont want to be ruled by the media joe biden the. Dementia. Or guy if you dont want to be ruled by him if you dont be ruled by the communist compiler terrorists and the rest of the democratic apparatus get out. What we can do we can leave and trouble be a great leader to help bring that about i hope it doesnt. Now we know that trump and biden of both want that really theyre ready to fight to the very end you know and not includes potentially go into the Supreme Court. I mean a few questions here how long could this potential legal proceeding last and in your opinion who would benefit the most from it i mean obviously now the with the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg republicans are now quite strongly 63 so how how could that play out do you think. Well i think that you know would be interesting to see that most of the judges around trump bitterly and drum whether thats true of the majority of the Supreme Court i guess well find out but i think. He absolutely should because a Supreme Court but i dont think thats going to work and i think theres real. Real real trouble ahead for the United States with the riots with the arson killings stabbings. Its its its a terrible business and i think we need to get out of it i think we need to get out of the u. S. And around for a very long time needs to be. We need to separate ourselves from him and that would be great biden to have the cia and the rest of these people and. I guess he did some military apparently the marines gave him the most donations far many u. S. Military apparatus so maybe he needs maybe he would take the marines with them but i think its time for radical change radical thinking and we need we need we need a new america the america that the democrats have created and theyre about to put into effect is unbelievably evil and lies about our history lies about racism and a lot of lies about a 1000000 things we dont need to be part of it let them have and let us have a. Real america and i think i think the people would flock to it those who dont want to blog good. When peace so i think. Is a chance for some really radical thinking and redoing and this is a trump i hope youll open your eyes and open your heart to this kind of this. Reform absolutely necessary the u. S. Doesnt need an empire should be trending more on russia should be threatening war on china and ill just say probably the only good thing about a biden be elected hes unlikely to do their war on china so thats a good thing on the other hand Everything Else is or is evil. To trump. Do something radical do something good down in history down in American History as. The new america would not be great were just hearing you talk you know you can see how mystified americans are so many people who are so pro who are anti by tamil proton pump you want to say and with the riots and stoppings that definitely feels like there is such a chasm in American Society and you will run emery can you remember the country being so polarized you know no i cant and ive been in you know involved in politics for very long ive never seen anything like this and by the way its getting worse its going to be worse if this continues the next election will be even worse and. We could have adults on the streets. And have terrible events going on peoples houses i was a big burned giving shot on the street that terrible things are being terrible things are happening we need to get away from we need to see we need a free society we need a free america. Back of the articles of aeration for example were the one fortunately replaced by the constitution. They were great free markets is a kind of thing we need weve got scholars historians who could help. Would be one of the great events in the history of the human race or at the. Wall it be very interesting see how this all plays out one thing is for sure it doesnt look like anyones going to be getting any sleep and its not a good sleep anytime. You out of iraq lads of iraq called like you so much for speaking to us this evening thank you very much. Well just in a moment we all do you to hear from joe biden himself not 100 percent sure what he is going to be saying but you can see there on the screen the big. The podium is ready for him he has already spoken of this morning when he said that they are confident that they are on the way to victory and he spoke completely about winning sutton states but we have no. We have no substitute what is going to be said soon but we will be returning to that as soon as joe biden himself appears on the stage so peace stick with us. While with the world still waiting on tenterhooks for the result europes been reacting to the situation to my colleague discuss the response with. Paris and to give you the whole picture peter all of it. Before heard from a few senior figures within the e. U. Bush notably the Prime Minister of slovenia of all places yet is has said that hes already called it basically for donald trump and mike pence. His tweet was followed up with one from the chief Spokes Person of the e. U. Commission who said that the democratic process was still underway yet in that there was still chances things could change but weve also heard from munford verba whos one of the most senior peas in the European Parliament saying that we should look here in europe towards the United States and if we dont sort out our problems in the e. U. We could end up as divided as america while youre sick but the e. U. High representative for Foreign Affairs has been keeping it as diplomatic as you would expect from the e. U. Top diplomat thats been pretty much the message as well for mayor in germany from one of the countrys main tabloid newspapers good look mr president whoever it is on the front page of build saying that this was the most important d vote in the world right now that was going on what weve heard from senior figures though here in berlin from Angela Merkels cabinet is that whoever is in charge of the United States following this election the problems that are in existence between berlin and washington they arent going to go anywhere. Like the German Government and Defense Ministry we have to deal with any reality on the ground in the us regardless of who gets to the point the administration points about the need for more german and European Defense spending north stream to relations with russia have also been brought up by the democrats the time is different but in principle the demands are just as tough from that party try it to the Trump Presidency germany have been one of the United States closest allies politically economically and strategically some of those issues have been spawned in a new way. With berlin in washington it polar opposites when it comes to nato spending truth isnt the 1st president to tell germany that it needs to contribute more but hes the 1st one to do it so publicly and so often when it comes to north stream 2 a pipeline bringing gas from russia directly into germany well trying to say its a new start everything you can to try and shut that down including putting in place sanctions against german entities involved in it something that would have been on thinkable in the past then its the relationship between donald trump and chancellor Angela Merkel it clearly well its clear they dont get on a lot of senior figures in germany in berlin in the political sphere. Would really rather a biden presidency not because the problems would go away but because donald trump has demonstrated time and time again hes willing to air the dirty laundry in public that perhaps would be done behind closed doors under a by presidency. The u. K. Has this special relationship is it keeps a with the United States what it said given that the election is hanging in the balance in the United States socalled special relationship between the former period of power the u. K. And the. Sun if you will the United States and thats what was called in by Winston Churchill many years ago and it has survived obvious and downs in the relationship recent years perhaps some strains creeping in on the donald trump youve seen differences on things like the 5 g. System here in the u. K. With trump pressuring the u. K. To lessen or completely kick out chinese influence in the 5 g. System differences with regards to the iran deal and perhaps all of those reasons why the foreign secretary rob was somewhat circumspect saying that its not really important who the president is because he believes that special relationship will overcome any ups and downs depending on whos in. In the white house there are always slightly different contours of the opportunities and the relationship come what may im very confident the bedrock ties all Security Cooperation and shared values will mean that the friendship the strength of economic ties cultural ties the shared interests im very confident that the relationship will go from strength to strength all of these dont exist in a vacuum the United Kingdom itself is really how cling to wars and no deal breaker the coronavirus because when hard enough as it is the u. K. Were banking on a trade deal between the u. K. And usa but weve seen previous democratic president barack obama saying that the u. S. Is priorities would be a trade deal with a big block like the e. U. The u. K. Would be to the back of the line remains to be seen whether biden words take a similar stance to that of his democratic colleague but then on the other hand you have donald trump saying that he does want to strike a trade deal with the United Kingdom but at what cost there are many here in the u. K. That fear that any trade deal would mean essentially the asset stripping of the United Kingdom and selling off public assets and utilities like the National Health service the n. H. S. Many people here watching those Election Results very closely to see what it means for the future of the United Kingdom behaving pretty much diplomatic responses with the election hanging in the balance is that the story too in france president mark owen has been incredibly tight lipped on twitter in regards to this election but we did have one slip from the minister of the economy hes tweeted in the last few hours that what ever happens in the United States States Europe must strengthen politically and economically in the face of not just the United States but also china so a sense that regardless of the outcome over the election over the other side of the atlantic france in europe will be more. When president. When was elected him back in 2017 trump was already in office in the us he invited trump to come and spend basti day here in france and it did seem as if the choose genuinely go solo with each other but that quickly soured and there have been big problems in the relations over the last few years lets start off with the Paris Climate Accord President Trump said he was going to leave the Paris Climate Accord which meant present michael was very unhappy about there was also the Iranian Nuclear deal which again trump said he was going to leave now present microloan was trying desperately to keep that to rein in nuclear coolant life theres also been the trade rules between the countries the us has hit products in europe including french products such as wine and cheese with these massive taxes now europe is looking at retaliatory taxes for that but it is holding on holding on until theres a result of this election to see who they might be dealing with in regards to that trump is the winner of this election we can expect that there will be a bumpy ride over the next he is now if biden is the winner of this election perhaps doesnt change too much over some of the issues but biden has been clear that he would take the u. S. Back into the Paris Climate Accord the suggestion that he might go back to the table over the Iranian Nuclear deal and as i said the e. U. Is holding off on those retaliatory tariffs because they think if its a poison presidency they might be able to open those negotiations and smooth over the issues but lets be clear if boyden is the winner he is going to have a lot to deal with on his plate domestically so regardless of whether this is a trump or a poison when of course the administration here in france will work with that new administration in the u. S. But it doesnt seem like its going to be easy sailing. What has guy lived. The press of european or francesca research see very nice to see you well lets start off with the latest which is that trumps team has filed a lawsuit to hold the vote counting in michigan it says that it hasnt been given access to started counting like a sentence i want you were interpretation of that move and do you think that theyll get what they want. All good evening everybody well it was to be expected i think weve got a toast to. Approach to these matters. Just like todays question no legitimacy of everything but but the reality is of course that republicans and republican observers present in michigan just as theyve been present elsewhere i think actually from a european perspective i think whats happened in the United States over the last 12 to 15 hours and the the announcement by President Trump 2 oclock in the morning will go down in history as the 1st time a president of the United States has called into question the legitimacy of the very core of american democracy which is which is frankly extraordinary and i dont think the people sure this side of the atlantic at least should underestimate the impact of that if trump goes on to win now i dont believe that that will happen because the. The polling if you like and the postal votes in particular appear to be going against him but i think we should really not underestimate. The damage that this is done to the credibility of american democracy what we talk about about undermining the integrity of these elections and generally of the american electoral process i want to ask you i mean do you think that any basis to what trump saying or do you think hes just trying to make his potential defeat seem less humiliating. If i dont think frankly i dont think theres any basis in. President trumps hes still a president allegations of cheating strolled having your lectures taken away from him look this is frankly the conduct of a president who knows hes going to lose and doesnt want to lose power and i think people have got to be blunt about this in a democratic system as we know it in europe. Where you have alternation in government if you lose you go you dont question the legitimacy of the process if the process and by all accounts and all experts the persons perfectly legal and perfectly sound so what is going on in america is corrosive destructive this isnt about freedom this is about undermining a whole system of government and i think that that is very very sad and im very sad indeed while certainly a lot of americans all across the country are probably feeling that its very sad as well but also most are they feeling that they just want some resolution and i want i want to ask you as that trump says hes not willing to let go hell take it to the Supreme Court if he feels about necessary do you think that bidens team is worried about that should they be worried about it how do you think a ruling would go would it go in trying to save or no it will not guarantee im so youre in favor of because all of the states have their own particular aspect on the rules but but if you like they are rooted in the process of the law or nothing is being done on some of them or here the Supreme Court will not intervene for a very simple reason if fine wins you will win the Electoral College votes and you will also win the popular vote it would be a very very fluid Supreme Court that suddenly poked its nose in if jew process has been followed in all the states and there is no evidence to suggest that it hasnt so all of this stuff is not really a good. I think. This is no division hatred it really is quite trying to. Do United States which from a western coast has been held up as a paradigm of democracy due process and so on where the downside you understood or not is irrelevant but it does but you know that the last 12 to 15 hours we have seen one sign of the political debate completely did. And this is this is whats done dont use. My language. While i view such news the world conflict im in conflict split Division Polarization these are words that we have heard an awful lot of those losses that he said 12 to 15 hours while i was francesca was a t. A professor of european law thank you so much for coming on to the program this hour. Well before we wrap up lets take a quick look at the latest situation so weve got different reports of course but this is how it stands weve got coming in from the key states that are still counting the votes we cant see anything there but the latest is that wisconsin right up next to the great michigan has turned blue that means its gone to biden had been one of those gray states that you can see on our map nevada over there as well as georgia North Carolina and pennsylvania up that that might swing either way we still dont know we might not know for days now so far by tim has the edge over trump nationally on wisconsin and me towards that all important finish line of 270 as only a small number of states up for grabs but their votes will play a decisive role in who becomes a president or eyes on that all eyes as well on an empty podium because were expecting joe biden of course the democrat president ial nominee to come and speak any moment now its been confirmed that he will speak but we do not know about what hes leaving us in suspense which is something that can describe this whole election cycle i think pretty well we will be returning as soon as he emerges we will talk through it and talk about Everything Else thats coming as soon as it emerges check back. I. Find. It. Some control from middle class to homeless overnight most some are very hardworking people who want to get ahead that either have some some Health Issues or have some of how this trick about luck a full time job wont always pay for a place to live and missing just a months rent can get she was a victim to gunpoint if anything bad happens to any thing that just throws your budget off slightly. You better catch up real quick or youre going to have a judgment of possession against you and get addicted to anyone thats homeless is treated like garbage people look at you like a monster or someone bad or you chose to be there most of the time its not the case see how it is to be paul in the worlds richest country. Join me every thursday on the alex simon show and ill be speaking to guests of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you then. The world is driven by a dream shaped by. The dares thinks. We dare to ask. Donald trump cries foul finding a nor certain to hope of counting in michigan demands a recount in wisconsin meanwhile claims victory states creeping towards the white house. Pulled out from the election could drag on for days or even with neither side willing to cause pain. So well be going to the u. S. Supreme court we want to. Voting just. So youre prepared for any efforts republicans make in any court and. To advance the absurd theory that the president as far as last march

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