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Millions of the other girls. Thanks for joining us youre watching r. T. International now another u. S. Election more claims of meddling early this time not by outside actors but by inside ones with donald trump accusing the democrats of massive voter fraud after joe biden became president elect. The president has yet to concede this election and is vowing to take legal action some of his supporters also alleged republicans were prevented from voting we believe these people are thieves the big city machines are corrupt this was a stolen election the best pollster in britain wrote this morning that this clearly was a stolen election and its impossible to imagine that biden out ran a bomb in some of these states where it mattered they stole what they had to steal. When saturday Media Outlets called the race for biden after days of counting president elect biden has vowed to help america become a nation healed promise may be hard to deliver though given the election was much closer than many anticipated holkins explains for Many Americans the 2020 us president ial election had so much riding on it it was symbolic a long awaited chance for justice to prevail for the country to correct the mistakes of 2016 at least thats how the media and many people saw it where were you in 2070 when we had the worst president we could argue its unfair to rank trump as a work president ever after just one year but clearly those scholars see in him Great Potential worst in most dangerous president in the history of our country are the worst words hes americas ever. Thousands of jubilant people celebrating on the streets a far cry from the scenes we saw after the last president ial election seemingly the only tears this time with those of joy. Its vindication for a lot of people who have really suffered for years ago when trump won broadcasters showed scenes of people in shock and crying today a biden declaration shows coverage that would make you think jesus had returned all 4 hours might be exaggerating but to some it really looks like a savior has the same that upon america except this is a reality for only half of the country bidens predicted landslide or blue wave didnt happen and no matter how many times he was called the worst president in American History the worst president the countrys ever had trump still managed to gain the support of close to half the electorate and they alongside his Campaign Team are not giving up without a fight. I. Was able to over and immediately. With the democratic leadership all trump has so far also refused to concedes making a slew of allegations about the legality and accuracy of the voting process if you count the illegal votes easily when if you count the illegal votes they can try to steal. The election from us and trumps team up behind him ready to do battle in the countrys legal system and highest courts to stop what they see as an injustice these are a lawsuit will be brought starting on monday as you know from the very beginning the mail in ballots were a source of some degree of skepticism if not a lot of skepticism as being innately prone to fraud this fraud war between the trump and biding camps wont end anytime soon how do we know this well that simple the last one dragged on for trumps entire term a democratically elected president was accused of just about. Every wrongdoing trump is already acting like a russian donald trump is actively or was actively colluding with russia hone told mahlers office about more contacts between trumps orbit and its it appears trump himself in russia they didnt believe trump when he denied there was any collusion for example so why should he give his of positives the benefit of the doubt what claims the president made yesterday were simply not supported you know i think what the president needs to do is frankly put his big boy pants on he needs to acknowledge the fact that he lost and he needs to congratulate the winner well its not for us biden or trump to decide whether any wrongdoing took place during the 2020 lection it looks like math will be down to the Supreme Court but what we do know is that trumps 4 years in office might have taught him a valuable lesson about how to fight his bottle and so far it looks like theyll be little unity along the way. When we discuss the allegations of fraud with our guests. Theres no doubt but that joe biden is the president elect and will take office that noon on the 20th of january next year there are no court cases that have any merit the margins are such that they are not capable of being disputed and also clear joe biden won the election by 5000000 votes the most votes that any candidate has ever gotten the countrys polarized but there was an extraordinary turnout in this election largely because of donald trump and because a majority of americans wanted did not want him to continue as president not joe biden got over a 50 percent of the vote. The Hillary Clinton won by 3000000 votes but she didnt get 50 percent there are teams of lawyers in every state with question marks on them and their purpose is to put together their part of a case thats going to be presented to the public and to justice as a full case that shows that the election outcome was altered by the fraud that it was that significant number to give you just one of those mathematical mere impossibilities to show you how you can obviously see that things were done that are not right to. Vote for Hillary Clinton was very strong and a lot of democrats Capital Cities including the ones in the swing States Joe Biden got fewer votes than Hillary Clinton in every a major American City except for and those 4 are milwaukee detroit atlanta and philadelphia the 4 cities where much of the obvious to change every is going on so joe biden got more votes than Hillary Clinton coincidentally in the 4 Capital Cities of the swing states but less all across the rest of the country and still he gets a Record Number 74000000 popular votes for president. How does this happen when only 4 cities have to make up a disadvantage to your previous gender day in the previous election its just mathematically nearly impossible i think theres a lot of circumstantial evidence a lot of self evident impossibilities like that and you have to assemble them all into a single detail jason i think thats what president trumps team of lawyers is doing right now. Europes been taking an intense interest in the u. S. Election and with joe biden confirmed president elect brussels has expressed hope bilateral ties will get a boost though some of the continents political top brass are skeptical things will actually be any easier under the new administration to show the d. M. Z. Picks up the story many e. U. Leaders were signaling their congratulations a sense of relief i think in europe that biden is the president elect there was a lot welcome particularly over the fact that biden has said he would bring the u. S. Back into the paris climate agree fold but there was also this carefully wooded suggestion about the challenges that are faced in the future and cooperation all those challenges together one of the big issues that european leaders are going to be thinking about is nato trump was seen as being divisive not particularly supportive of the alliance whereas joe bidens seen as somebody who is a big supporter of nato and may look to reinforce the alliance but there are some aspects of that that he wont be changing from the trumpet administration clued in perhaps the 2 percent of the g. D. P. That trump demanded that other nato members pay their fair share thats likely to remain the status quo and those the suggestion that joe biden would not be making a u. Turn on other important decisions. Joe biden isnt going to change washingtons approach to International Issues overnight because he cant its a mistake to believe that everything changes europe must above all count on itself nothing will be easy there are also many issues where i dont think anything is going to change there. Theres also the issue of trade this is been a massive problem with all these tariffs that trump has been imposing on e. U. Products over the last 3 years now joe biden comes into the presidency with a u. S. Trade deficit of 170000000000. 00 u. S. Dollars with the e. U. So trade is something that is going to be continuously a difficult issue theres also talks coming up over the digital tax on tech giants which of course friction over the past year or so and there is this continuing dispute over subsidies for airbus and boeing so that is unlikely to resolve itself very soon now the e. U. Has also been pushing ahead with this agenda of more sovereignty in defense in trade trying to perhaps sort of rally itself up against the u. S. And that is also unlikely to change up this marks a new chapter in european history one where europe is independent where we can be proud of our european culture and identity will be able to stand up against china against the United States against the disorder we are currently witnessing european strategical told them is goal number one for generation were sending a message not only door citizens but also to the rest of the world europe is the world power and then of course theres the issue of braggs it those negotiations are not going to well between the u. K. And the e. U. But the e. U. Is hoping that a biden presidency will not give special treatment to the u. K. Particularly if there is no deal breaks it so lots of issues that europe is waiting to find out about but the reality is joe biden has so much on his plate domestically trying to create the harmony within the u. S. And lets not forget that trump gained more than 70000000 votes trump is and is alive and kicking and joe biden is going to have to do an awful lot to reach out to those voters. Well earlier today i spoke to karen nice a last resort former minister of Foreign Affairs she said that under biden ties with europe wont be a u. S. Priority personally i dont see the European Union issues being top on their chanda we might believe that we are so important there to watch it wakes up in the morning and now cares for us and promise that about how to repair the alliance how to get back to better relations with the various e. U. Member states no i think they are 1st and foremost Foreign Policy a chanda will be the peoples republic of china and how to handle all the open issues with them but personally i would share the position by former president of the you being commissioner jocular do you think its going to change because although he cant change a lot and there are certain constant. Factors there that will continue one of them is to trade deficits and the other one is the trade this and of course the burden sharing within the alliance and we will of course be staying across latest developments coming out of the United States bursting stern 2 days after Media Projections put joe biden above the 270. 00 vote mark to secure the white house and declare him president elect donald trump is still refusing to concede with legal challenges being mounted by trumps team the transition of power in america could yet face hurdles. Seemed wrong but old old just told. Me to get to shape out just. The ticket and engagement equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart. Just to look for common ground. The world is driven by dream shaped by. The day or thinks. We. Ask. Back a 20 year old gunman has killed 3 fellow soldiers at an airfield in the russian city of a 4th victim was seriously injured and is recovering in hospital the suspect 1st attacked an officer with an axe before grabbing a pistol and opening fire police say that he escaped and could still be Armed Special forces of joining the police in the manhunt the attack is thought of happened following an argument. Saying in russia where the covert 1000 pandemic is spiraling with the daily rate of new infections topping 20000 for the past 3 days in a row the main infection hotspots of moscow and St Petersburg those 2 cities have imposed a number of anti pandemic rules that include mandatory masks and gloves in Public Places as well as curfews for restaurants and Leisure Centers and to cope with the growing infection rate moscow has opened a number of field hospitals on russian channel went to check out the conditions. Well of course as our polling. Shows that they have. For free or for almost still it. Heres the thing. The 2nd week how is it different from the 1st i think people have become less vigilant what do you mean people get used to it yes people got used to it but here are those who refuse to believe there are 2 groups now those who are extremely concerned about coronavirus know what it is who lost their loved ones and those who say you are all liars in the summer we relaxed let ourselves go and here you are and what we are seeing the consequences of this in autumn all we did we relax because there were some objective reasons for that or were we just being stupid no we are not stupid we are just human beings how many temporary 1000 hospitals were set up in moscow 5 and all them can accommodate over a 1000 patients approximately one 3rd to live or die of sort of the reporter for. The pulse of earth but it was a. Lot of. News and it will slowly be shown some ventilators has the survival rate grown since march and the 4 patients on a ventilator it hasnt changed much what is the rate 25 percent however our approach has changed a lot or them for us now placing a patient on a ventilator is a last resort when all other possible treatments are exhausting or the question will come there i think this is not the feeling of the most ill middle of the earth incredible at sort of the current input. Issue over the years weve produced results. Taking longer than was meaningless or about how has the hospitals work changed since march knickers on the one hand the team has gained confidence in their actions but on the other hand everyone is exhausted. When will you be able to get back to normal routine work if we expect the 3rd wave in spring the usual season for all viruses so we hope this wave will be less powerful when it comes to the rate of infections if it goes like this probably by june we will be back to normal i hope so but maybe even earlier well see a morning with the short. I. The United Kingdom is denied entry to all visitors from denmark over concerns that they may be infected with a new strain of covert 19 mutation of the virus which spread through mink farms has been detected in 214 people breaks have also been reported in fur farms across other parts of europe and the United States millions of mink are now set to be culled. If. You share a machine or the virus mutates in maine and the mutated virus can spread to humans this is very very serious as the Danish Health authorities and they were bored to have found 5 example safira says in maine farms the mutated virus the Main Committee therefore pulls the risk that the upcoming vaccines it will not work as they sure. Response to the new viruses spawn concern among them a welfare activist saw panel of guests debated the issue. The current weight and hard. Precautionary measures are very important if there are issues that you need to stop groups of transmission wherever however you can my concerns are that if this reservoir of infection then spreads to other animals and then we establish a animal or reservoir for the coronavirus sauce kovi 2 variants then it becomes much much harder and much more more difficult to control and eradicate corona virus from the human population if that is what we are trying to achieve its not the 1st time that we have seen cold at 19 on make farms we have seen shark farms in the net netherlands in spain in italy in the u. S. And in denmark all become hotspots for the virus so why take the risk why should we gamble with what could be a huge threat to Public Health nobody needs a mink coat but we all need a vaccine thats effective yes of course we can expect today she and yes of course it is sad to rack knowledge that meant have got this infection one thing that is a missing link is that International Bodies who can look at the genome sequence of the virus that is circulating amongst the denmark meaning other people havent had access to carefully scrutinize and see what the issues are we need to be cautious we need more information from denmark about what exactly is this mutation that you are very concerned about the only thing that we can do to protect animals and to protect human health from this sort of thing that can develop on many farms is to ban the far chain and this is. Calling on denmark to do that was a dying industry anyway top designers and who are refusing to work with it but i do concur with my colleague that the the the use of our deferred for the fashion industry is that lining in quite some time but this is the history of the 5 of the trade that was related to me when exam comes to denmark its relevant youre talking rom 800000000 worth of trade. To towards all of and especially to trying about what do on the world and you do measure that has been sold drastic by the government and the Prime Minister most probably will put an end to this to this. To this industry anyway is it really necessary to have farmed animals so that we can harvest their furs i think that per se is very cruel and i appreciate that they have to be euthanized now the question we should really be asking is is it necessary to farm them in the 1st instance. For this news are you watching R T International thanks for joining us dont forget to check out more stories if you head to our website plenty more there at r. T. Dot com. You know those will sleep wolf who wish to be sure but. I sure do. Love a boy who was. Sure. I can afford it doesnt actually matter the age to put have been murdered by. You to go with us because all of those who do use the word because those stories could be game we will see in the movie it is with it would seem to most humans but it is the most insidious some of put it in your speech come on and use the of. The 20th century was thing in order of revolution the Great Depression and world war the 21st is the century of mental illness. Those arent my words thats what surfaced some psychiatry to tell us the only question is should we accept it as a fact. The or tactics that can be used to get innocent people to confess to crimes they didnt commit i dont even think people in the us really get that the police are allowed to lie to the person who falsely fast actually came to believe the lie that they were told about their own behavior once a false confession a stake in the case is closed and nobody really can tell the difference between a good confession and one that isnt. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation full community. Are you going the right way or are you being led to. Direct. What is true what is faith. In a world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or a made in the shallowness. Well. As i. Say how are you doing. You know. I believe that we want to knock at the end and sean and me appeal that we now have a child. And over. To get to the. Point that we have a level to make and that. He can carry cant get on. It i think would end up and it mean and how do you keep making one. Copy. Of a crime or not. I had cashed it i probably greenlight it or one of the part of the masterminding it. Out again and one person could get on you then another. Population. Committed even more our ages and i think john the 3rd and extremely broken and i think a lot of women here like her said. That come kelpie and that sort of not just myself it should be the whole job. Times where you just wanted to end it theres many many times. Years in which you know how much you dont wake up again. To let me die its hard to find their value for yourself when you know you have no human contact so that anybody gets convicted of something so outrageous youre it automatically. Away from that person to stop or topical because you dont want to be associated and theres a kind somebody to live the dream and not much and thats reporting. To look at the way and develop a copy and then let it go. But i could not touch upon your involvement we have to have this up now we have to get oh ok well thank you so much. I dont think its great. Thank you good luck to you too. Like many women on death row for no longer has contact with her family. Her brothers and sisters want nothing to do with her and even her own mother testified against her child. In 6 years she has not had one single visit from her family. The only one who continues to write her as her daughter jasmine. She was 17 years old when her mother was sentenced to the. Events of her any sense this nightmare haunts her a day and night. After being harassed she had to change her name and moved out of state. You often think of her mother. All the time. Theres no day that goes by i dont think about her. I wish i had a magical time machine that i can go back in time. And tire up and put her in my closet. That none of this would happen that she wanted ended up. Over there when she got framed for she did it. I was a kid that had a pretty decent life. To nothing. To lower than nothing you were 17 at the time youre a student what how the stock. Dropped out. My family turned their back on me. I lived in a tent in the middle of winter time just to survive. People emailing me and said my family should be in state. They said that it was my fault. That i shouldnt be here

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