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Significant amount of entrants that asks are you an advocacy and lobbyist organizations and many of the organizations that are receiving any kind of Funding Foundation fund will make no, if in their not a policy advocacy orchestrates it seems to me theyll have to register as that in which case to make a decision to continue to say that or because of this have to mark themselves as a lobbyist so within that activist ive not directly asked commissioner Vice President haney the example would you consider that an expenditure lobbyists. The activity and the expenditure they have over the town hall to educate the Community Around income and equality. Lets go to our experts in regards to other jurisdictions and the way this language has played out there. Well usually and i have to say i cant remember all off the top of my head but for instance, at the state level no exemption for nonprofits i dont building that in san diego there is an exception for nonprofit not im not sure but communication with your members if youre a nonprofit communicating with the members of the nonprofit and also, if somebody is a furnished of a nonprofit under the current language and pays reagan device lets say that funder will not trigger the reporting itself one thing ill add this is a policy determination obviously the commission i will add there you are definitely in our interests of persons meetings concerns of the entities and the nonprofits engaging in this activity liquor store you know just as a practical matter you know you do open up the possibility if you exempt a nonprofit people will conduct the activities diligently through nonprofits it is a consideration for the commission. I would have to as a for the totality of the engagement of nonprofit that for excuse me for the the totality of nonprofit inform city and county of San Francisco the vast majority are not that i want to say we could very much scorch the earth in order to achieve you know trying to take care of that one small thing there would be i want to bring to light there are serious unintended or discussed them and brought them to light intended consequences i feel we need to Pay Attention to them. Do i hear a motion. Yes. I move that the we put this on the ballot with the friendly amendments that weve had from the commissioner hur. Is there a second. Ill second. Yeah. Just i apologize to jump in im not sure we came to the conclusion of the problem areas and the by commissioner hur with for example the activity weve outlined a couple of options i dont believe the commission reached a decision on which of the options they prefer so i think there are a few outstanding concerned commissioner hur well i understand what commissioner renne said he agreed to changes that were suggested by commissioner hur that he was agreeable to being made and he didnt necessarily indicate his agreement to the other suggestions that were made by commissioner hur so i understand the motion to approve that as drafted with the two amendments hes prepared to accept. As i recall perhaps commissioner hur will correct me commissioner hur alternated the language specific language only for those two and there were awe illuminations and comments that were made but no actual language. So well, thats true i didnt propose the languages for all the proposed change but mined commissioner renne youre in agreement and need to do something otherwise it explicit capture the concerns. Thats true what i would i guess be sxhurz we have those two options that are put forth the third one wasnt no doesnt it effected did Contact Contact people and what was the second the second one was the one i found attractive. According to any notes one friendly amendment your amenable directly or indirectly was the definition of a expenditure lobbyist page 5 line 6 to the preceding line follow the phrase who makes payment that is one friendly amendment your amenable to and the second one it would be helpful to hear which route. You then told us of 3 options and the third one was one that effected contact lobbyists so i cant went the language of the second one as you recall you were outlining them the second one that appeal. So the first one the was to remove the reporting good faith altogether and the second a different months timespan or other time which expenses need to be recorded for an expenditure lobbyist. I think for simplicity i propose we amend it to the first one that takes it out then so rather than get hung up so we dont have to get catch up union street up in the drafting. Those are the two for the purpose of drafting. Ill not support it i think we need to change the 2. 1013 cit out the appeal language in the section 2. 3101 a. I agree and i would alsonot support it unless we tie it to the reports analysis, etc. To the actual communication that there has to think a nexus between the two and i thought that commissioner Vice President haney you were agreeable to those. I accept those. Okay. So theres 4 friendly amendments could clarify rome the language 2. 1013 tying the Public Relations Media Recommendations e to actually urging the public to directly lobby their officers and remotely the expenses from the expenditure lobbyist and fourth the moving the phrase directly or indirectly as previously mentioned the definition of expenditure lobbyists those four amendments thank you for clarification. So the motion is then off the record is clear that the we we agree to Going Forward with the proposed expenditure lobbyist as contained in the proposed ordinance with the four amendments to it yes. And i seconded it and ill seconded it with the four amendment and i guess call for public discussion. Larry bush for friends of ethics id like to remind the commission a few years ago you forwarded a measure to the board which they didnt put up the ballot that awe limited for the purposes of act it was overwhelmingly defeated from the republican to the Democratic Party to the skooesh every group defeated it youll have done all this for nothing in common trusts what it means when you say for the purposes of the act for example, you all took the position it was okay. Not to have go reporting on contracts to the commission from city officials and the opinion was that that freed up other staff time so you didnt need to take the time to do it none agreed the reason our going through this by line by library another commissions inadequately changed the law with the mrmths look at the chamber of commerce they said the chamber used to be considered a lobbyist and but the board of supervisors changed the law there are larry that was the law passed by this commission in 2010 and it gutted any reporting from the chamber of commerce you have not fixed it youre trying to fix what was done wrong in the past and if you fail to do so it will be a problem for this commission i would like to point out in terms of of the issue of nonprofit your confusing 501c 3 and 4 3s can spend a southern percentage and have to report to the irs are you saying to the sfifkts that has to be recorded to the irs but we dont have to report to the people of San Francisco thats nuts. Im bob planet hold i want to advocate for pga 24 pretty much in the form it is again, were going going back to once was in the event and when it was in the event the sky doesnt fall and City Government if freeze it is inappropriate to talk about the speculative problems now, one reason to pass this weve heard the example of airbnb bush your chart our agency showed on lobby expenditures showed for 6 and a half months in 2014 they spent 604 yet the staffers were talking to different people and reporters was talking to people in the Planning Commission the point is thats a dubious claim you only spent 604 why couldnt the big developer and big contractor and an Architecture Firm that designs highrise why couldnt they put money into developing astro turf youve got to nip this in the buddy want to go to 2. 1013 there is a procedure part you missed with regards to the claim of commissioner Vice President haney accepting swapping directly or indirectly from line 6 to 57 he heard you accepted it but i doesnt didnt hear taking out from line 6 we heard you folks couldnt come up with africa example what if airbnb posted on analysis proclaiming all the problems with regulations and then they said we encourage you to monitor news stories and make our views known well someone posted on the facebook and some might write a letter or call the supervisor or mayor thats indirect we didnt say we urge you to contact our supervisors or Planning Commissioners there are indirect reasons thats why you take outline 67 the dribble or indirectly only applies to making payment listings directly or indirectly to the making payment if you take out directly or indirectly youll cause a problem still the astro turf possibility of the developers and real estate people architect additional contractor all can festivity on us thank you. Good evening commissioner mark solomon i urge you to forward this to the voters for the election in november there are issues raised commissioner hayon mentions in the like its third reading come stay and airbnb advertising is not you need to go ahead and talk to your supervisors thats police views and has to happen here we need to have finding if things are duplicate ini improperly for the purpose can go to court and weve seen that happen in the past that why it needs to be in this legislation and as the nonprofits thats a tough nut to crack are were going to look at the properties which allows people to seek protection sf bart is a National Group dont live in San Francisco and theyre talking about supervisor bustos into a 601c or 4 had they be seeking the flupts of law we have a lot of city funded nonprofit that have those city groups theyll jamup political issues it didnt get resolved from the issue Getting Better but more money from the city to use to do lobbying to get up public option for more funding thats the essential of corruption our tax dollars are used that gets transcend into policy increase got to be a nexus between this kind of lobbying issue lobbying activities and tying it to a nexus of some kind of gain for the actors that are in the chance of cad can say katdz thats the nexus of the Public Interest are public communicating and still not in the Public Interest this needs to include we need this this year we need this because it is the reshaping the policy and the board whether not diesel with it youre the isolated body you need to send this to the voters do this thank you. Charley again bob planet hold was our former chair of that body under a different constituency of members but i think his expertise paralyzed a testifying that appears to have problems plus the environment has changed so while we didnt need grassroots reporting in the time or in the 90s we ended up now seeing a need for that so theres nothing wrong with changing the law you have to keep in mind that theres a dollars threshold if youre not happy put an a a different threshold but not everybody is going to be captured by this and have to register as a lobbyist that includes a lot of nonprofits providing pizza on a monthly basis unless youre running of 2,500 bills in pizza my concern is this if you dont put this on the ballot and this goes to the board in this political environment with those types of see what do they call those sharing economies which is a bit of a u telling him if you do that and it goes to the board it will be a political football if something counts it will not be the bill that was written it was be a horrible bill and youll be back here when our doing our reviews of the lobbyist ordinance we writing that just as we are now so my view better to put on the ballot the bill you want then to defer it to the board in this environment and im not tarnish africa scheme im not an extreme person only a reform that is trying to get registration and disclosure a new type of lobbying as we had it in the law in the past thats all were asking thank you. Thank you. Patrick brad shaw im speaking 40 in support of the motion on the floor although i having would have preferred some of the family amendment had not think adapted you know if it is covered goodwill stale if we have anything commiserating we have a drought not because we have a procedure in place to identify improper expenditures San Francisco is an out layer you need to fix it is what your job is i attended the interest persons meeting and was quite concerned about allowing the board of supervisors to make any amendments to it and the reason for that is back in 1989 the voters passed prop q requiring the Health Commission to be notified with the Health Facilities wanted to reduce the sodas the voters passed it given the Health Commission a marking order they could only reach a fine point of the reduction would or would not use will or using will or not having a detrimental impact on health care that law stood until june 10th when the House Commission in its wisdom and wouldnt release an attorney past, present, and future it communications not a written City Attorney thinking outside the box p opinion theyve said well have issued a formal opinion the Health Commission over turned it and instead of reaching the finding of when it will or will not have a detrimental effect of st. Marys theyve approved that without ruling one way or another in fact over thank you, your honor the will of the voters i dont want the board of supervisors having any snowball chance in hell of being able to overturn this i absolutely agree with the gentleman and the friends of ethic you you need to do that tonight and stop all this quibbling about nonprofit larry bush is right they have to report it to the irs they should be reporting it to you, too. Thank you. Good evening, commissioners im bob im a member of the friends of ethics and on this commission from 96 to 2000 im speaking in support of the proposed legislation that youve got before you and this commission has always had a problem of exerting its power this commission has a lot of power and afraid to project that power it is sub servant it bows down to all the appointed officials it bows counsel to the board the chapter didnt say that you folks have a lot of power you need to exert as commissioner Vice President andrews pointed out the nonprofits could be a problem i have a problem nonprofits are not what they were a few years ago mop can be a nonprofit and hide under all kinds of legal jargon so it is not the same group that were bringing or going after city funding unfortunately, many of the nonprofits are residents on city and 71 funding they dont have the contribution basis to be selfsufficient you know this is youve got 8 hundred thousand people plus in this town and youre the only wall between them and about maybe 8 or 9 hundred lobbyists many of who dont live in the city you need to protect the citizens of San Francisco and you folks are the only ones to do it you have the power you just need to do that thank you. Mr. Chairman and members of the Commission Im john a residents of San Francisco since eight hundred 6 during of the last year ive been concerned the politics and especially in the debate concerning proposition g that opened my eyes to what about going onion think it is correct that members of the Community Know that the lobbying effort with bag made what they dont know the magnitude and the magnitude matters when i write a check for a local campaign i have to disclose any name and the amount of the contribution loorlg correspondence are making 20 and thirty and 4050 million for lobbying and were entitled to know thank you. Including but not limited to a sue hester im an attorney who deals with land use and government things from the city and im it has evolved there is a lot more hidden today then in the past as a lawyer i did continue with the education this past week about the effects of the Citizens United decisions the whole escape in the country was changed by the Supreme Court and people are Rush Limbaugh to death over the country evil to hide expenditures and able to hide lobbying as long as it is through not through a candidate to people in corporations address entities are having there will in the city in the United States right now they shouldnt have it in San Francisco you have a responsibility and other local governments and california has a responsibility strong laws you are the people that have to state that this kind of efforts needs to be disclosed youre not the Supreme Court but the local level the local level needs reporting i listened to xherldz on the radio all the time the past week you would think that pan i didnt see are growing and pick up i didnt see are being held by nonprofit nondisclosed interests oh, i get to stay in the city i can host people and it is at the same time im very well aware many of the hosting done in the city is not my neighbor down the block but taking unit after the rental market thats just one example you have a responsibility and you have power you should utilities tour powerful to put that on the ballot and gives the people of San Francisco the right to say their needs to be more disclosure in San Francisco it is been taken away at the federal level but were not the federal government we are San Francisco and we can do it right i would ask you to put that on the ballot and be careful of waiting what is before you in this written version dont water it down thank you very much

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