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Sidney Lumet's first and last films: 12 Angry Men and Before
Sidney Lumet's first and last films: 12 Angry Men and Before
Sidney Lumet's first and last films: 12 Angry Men and Before the Devil Knows You're Dead
What changed, and what stayed the same, during Sidney Lumet’s 50-year career as a director? As Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead is added to BFI Player, we tackle the bookends of a great filmography.
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United States ,
New York County ,
New York ,
Hollywood ,
California ,
America ,
Hank Ethan Hawke ,
Kelly Masterson ,
Andy Philip Seymour Hoffman ,
Finney Charles ,
Charles Albert Finney ,
Reginald Rose ,
Manhattanite Lumet ,
Sidney Lumet ,
Philip Seymour Hoffman ,
Sea Gull ,
Marisa Tomei ,
Leej Cobb ,
Making Movies ,
New York County Courthouse ,
Big Apple ,
Henry Fonda ,
Devil Knows You Re Dead ,
Ethan Hawke ,
Albert Finney ,