Sirens, slaps, handcuffs vs rice, oil & drinks? When I heard the news, I asked myself, can this be true? A Warrant Officer Class One (WO1) of the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF) in uniform with Ghana’s Coat of Arms on his right wrist indicating his rank, slapped, beaten and handcuffed in broad daylight by five National Security personnel? As I thought about this, my mind went to Shakespeare’s play, Macbeth. Lady Macduff was advised to flee with her children to avoid being murdered. She answered, “Whither should I fly? For I have done no harm. But I remember now, I am in this earthly world, where to do harm is often laudable. To do good, is sometimes accounted for dangerous human folly. Why then alas, do I put up that womanly defence to say, I have done no harm?”