Solving Contract Manufacturing Shortages by Going In-House May 4, 2021 In 2017, Adaptimmune opened its U.S. headquarters at the Philadelphia Navy Yard after the company outgrew its space at the University City Science Center where it had been operating since 2011. [Adaptimmune] Share Officials at Adaptimmune, which focuses on cell therapies targeting solid tumors, say the company has built in-house bioprocessing capabilities to avoid shortages in outsourcing capacity for cell and gene therapies when they started manufacturing autologous therapies four to five years ago. “The CDMO market is growing, but at this stage there isn’t enough capacity for everyone who wants to take drug candidates into the clinic,” explains John Lunger, chief patient supply officer at Adaptimmune, adding that a new cell therapy company might face a twelve- to eighteen-month wait before a CDMO can begin work on their project.