The Greatest Movie Scenes That Almost Never Happened The Greatest Movie Scenes That Almost Never Happened By Sam Scott/Dec. 10, 2020 12:27 pm EDT/Updated: Jan. 11, 2021 11:31 am EDT A lot of us like to think movies spring fully formed from the imaginations of great filmmakers. If not that, maybe you enjoy the thought that it's the results of filmmakers working their hardest to reshape reality around their visions. But the truth is, every movie requires so many people and resources to get funded, made, edited, and released that it's almost a miracle any of them ever reach the screen at all. There are so many variables at play that many of the best moments in the best movies are the result of random chance, or they're one random event away from never happening at all. Sometimes an actor comes up with the perfect line in the middle of filming. Sometimes a producer steps in at the last minute to make a suggestion. Sometimes circumstances beyond the filmmakers' control force them to improvise on the spot. And sometimes a scene comes together for reasons no one could've predicted.