Toward the end of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, the 1964 animated television special, a huge blizzard threatens Santa’s ride to deliver presents to all the children of the world. After receiving a weather report he says to Mrs. Claus, “We’ll have to cancel Christmas.” Before he drops the bad news to his crew he spies Rudolph’s red nose and Santa realizes that the blinking beacon will save Christmas. The Grinch didn’t stop Christmas and neither will 2020 end our holiday. (Twenty20 @whittneyshawnelle) How could Christmas be cancelled? Even as a small girl, I questioned this plot twist. Despite a historic blizzard, Christmas wouldn’t be canceled if Santa couldn’t bring the doll I coveted. We still had our tree glittering with glass bulbs and homemade ornaments. Colored lights spanned our front porch. My dad played a constant stream of holiday music that emanated from our monolithic stereo console. Christmas was already here! How could it be canceled?