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Timeline of legal dispute between Ogdensburg, Local 1799 fir
Timeline of legal dispute between Ogdensburg, Local 1799 fir
Timeline of legal dispute between Ogdensburg, Local 1799 fire union
OGDENSBURG — The following is a timeline of events associated with the legal dispute between the City of Ogdensburg and the Ogdensburg Professional Firefighters Local 1799:
Related Keywords
City Of Ogdensburg ,
New York ,
United States ,
Ogdensburg ,
Stephenp Jellie ,
Blitman King ,
Jasont Bouchard ,
Timothyw Gorman ,
Jeffreym Skelly ,
Stephen Jellie ,
Marym Farley ,
City Council ,
Majority Ogdensburg City Council ,
Appellate Division In Albany ,
Appellate Division ,
Supreme Court ,
Third Department ,
International Association Of Firefighters ,
Ogdensburg Professional Firefighters Local ,
Lawrence County ,
Judge Mary ,
City Manager ,
Fire Chief Stephen ,
Taylor Act Fortified ,
International Association ,
City Manager Stephen Jellie ,
Arbitrator Timothy ,
Arbitrator Gorman ,
Supreme Court Judge Mary ,
Mayor Jeffrey ,
St Lawrence ,
Government ,
T Lawrence County ,