life he always wanted. it�*s beautiful, it�*s beautiful. it�*s a lot of work, it�*s even less sleep than before, but it�*s nice. this is david when he first had his implant in 2017. "stim on" means electrical stimulation on. when it�*s turned off, he can�*t move. back on, and he is able to walk again. nerves in the spinal cord send signals from the brain to the legs. some people are paralysed when the nerves are damaged through injury. in most cases, there is still a small signal to the legs, but it is too weak to create movement. the implant boosts the signal, enabling david to walk. it has also improved david�*s kite surfing. he can make slight movements with his feet to control the surfboard. even with his implant turned off. that�*s the wrong leg that just got stimulated. the technology was developed by a team led by gregoire courtine. looks like it works! so far, nine people have