Transcripts for BBCNEWS Talking Movies 20240604 09:34:00 : v

Transcripts for BBCNEWS Talking Movies 20240604 09:34:00

veaetarian. �* . learn full pun'abi dinner, meat and vegetarian._ jules, - learn full pun'abi dinner, meat and l vegetarian._ jules, played vegetarian. but dad... jules, played b keira vegetarian. but dad... jules, played by keira knightley. _ vegetarian. but dad... jules, played by keira knightley, plays _ vegetarian. but dad... jules, played by keira knightley, plays for- vegetarian. but dad... jules, played by keira knightley, plays for local i by keira knightley, plays for local women's football team takes note of jess's talent and be friends. you should come _ jess's talent and be friends. you should come along, _ jess's talent and be friends. gm. should come along, have a trial. jess's talent and be friends. you l should come along, have a trial. a trial? think i am good enough? should come along, have a trial. aj trial? thinkl am good enough? as trial? think i am good enough? as this trial? think i am good enough? this upbeat trial? think i am good enough? is this upbeat comedy progresses, it deals with a host of issues.- deals with a host of issues. indian uirls are deals with a host of issues. indian girls are not _ deals with a host of issues. indian girls are not supposed _ deals with a host of issues. indian girls are not supposed to - deals with a host of issues. indian girls are not supposed to play - girls are not supposed to play footbaii _ girls are not supposed to play football. _, . ., football. some connected to race, re'udice, football. some connected to race, prejudice. class. _ football. some connected to race, prejudice, class, gender— football. some connected to race, prejudice, class, gender and - prejudice, class, gender and sexuality. prejudice, class, genderand sexuality. i prejudice, class, gender and sexuality-— prejudice, class, gender and sexuali . ., ., ., ., sexuality. i am and not a lesbian, it is not that _ sexuality. i am and not a lesbian, it is not that big _ sexuality. i am and not a lesbian, it is not that big a _ sexuality. i am and not a lesbian, it is not that big a deal! _ sexuality. i am and not a lesbian, it is not that big a deal! 0h, - sexuality. i am and not a lesbian, j it is not that big a deal! oh, no... in man it is not that big a deal! oh, no... in many ways. — it is not that big a deal! oh, no... in many ways, this _ it is not that big a deal! oh, no... in many ways, this was _ it is not that big a deal! oh, no... in many ways, this was a - it is not that big a deal! oh, no... in many ways, this was a film - it is not that big a deal! oh, no... i in many ways, this was a film ahead of its time. , in many ways, this was a film ahead of its time-— of its time. this is take me away from everything _ of its time. this is take me away from everything i _ of its time. this is take me away from everything i know. - of its time. this is take me away from everything i know. and - of its time. this is take me away l from everything i know. and bend of its time. this is take me away - from everything i know. and bend it like malcolm — from everything i know. and bend it like malcolm was _ from everything i know. and bend it like malcolm was also _ from everything i know. and bend it like malcolm was also the _ from everything i know. and bend it like malcolm was also the highest . like malcolm was also the highest grossing football film in history. welcome to talking movies. i don't have to tell you, it is the 20th anniversary of bend it like beckham and people do view that movie you made is really being a landmark picture. why do you think that is? what do people say to you about it because well, people are just very effusive, full of affection for it

Related Keywords

Dad , Dinner , Meat , Jess , Trial , Women , Talent , Friends , Jules , Vegetarian , Football Team , Vegetarian Jules , Veaetarian , Keira Knightley , Wyou L , Note , B Keira Vegetarian , Local I , Gm , Indian , Deal , Girls , Big Sexuality , Prejudice , Gender Football , Tre Udice , Gender , Class , Host , Lesbian , Issues , Deals , Race , Genderand Sexuality , Play Girls , Football , Sexuali , Comedy Progresses , Quirls , Ithinkl , Big A Sexuality , Aj Trial , Footbaii , 0h , 0 , In America , Everything , Movies , Ways , Malcolm , Bend , Film It , Grossing Football Film In History , Highest , Man , It , Fri Movie , Bend It Like Beckham , People , 20th Anniversary , Affection , Landmark Picture , View , 20 ,

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