the impact of this documentary has been amplified in india by social media and the indian government's acted on this. an adviser to the government has called the programme hostile propaganda and anti—india garbage. he also says the government ordered twitter to block tweets linking to clips of the film and that youtube has been instructed to block uploads of it. and so if this is a documentary about the prime minister, the fallout from it is also about media and press freedom in india, too. let's begin with rishi iyengar, staff writer at foreign policy magazine, who's live with us from washington, dc. rishi, thanks forjoining us on the media show. what would be the indian government's justification for asking twitter and youtube to remove these clips? thanks for having me. so the indian government, the law that the adviser cited when he spoke about blocking this documentary and said that twitter and youtube had complied, is an update to india's it rules or information technology rules that was first floated in in 2021.