south part of the search area. about a million square miles. and that's literally two-thirds to a half of what the united states would be, trying to find an airplane somewhere in the united states. >> chad, what about the ship traffic in that area? you heard the commander talking about it. it's a busy area. can you point out to what he is talking about? >> absolutely. we have this i know i can look at this, there are over 1,000 ships in this strait here between the gulf of thailand back over here to malacca, the strait of malacca. right through here and everybody has to funnel through there. so all of this traffic, had there been debris in the water, somebody probably would have seen something, specially in the daylight hours. there are some miscommunication saying that some people have found luggage. we think that the communication was more like mistranslated to saying, please look for luggage in the sea. right now no reports that have been confirmed at all of anybody