Transcripts for CNN CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta 20240604 14:55:00 :

Transcripts for CNN CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta 20240604 14:55:00

violation of the gag order is him re-posting other people's pose about the witnesses, et cetera. >> so interesting to see this kind of dynamic play out and how it impacts this case moving forward. >> and that's why the alternates are gonna be so important because within one within one de, not even 25 periods, you had jurors who felt that their memory had been compromised and therefore did not want to be or could not be impartial. this is why the gold chains are so important here, but also when you go ahead and think about why the judge is saying use common sense. remember there is this notion of prior restraint. the court can't be in a position of telling you what you can pre publish if it's a matter of public record. and yet and still, we an immediate have to have that balance between access to information for the public and a very high interest trial. and also trying to ensure that the process adjusted this is fair. yeah, it's really important to think about there's so much that's happening right now, jim, there are a lot going on. i'm gonna go back to you in washington as we're waiting hey, missy can make finalize this panel of total of 18 even this morning

Related Keywords

People , Kind , Case , Alternates , Gag Order , Violation , Pose , Gonna , Witnesses , Dynamic , Et Cetera , 25 , One , Jurors , Judge , Court , Restraint , Common Sense , Sense , Gold Chains , Notion , Memory , Balance , Process , Matter , Information , Public , Access , Position , Interest Trial , Public Record , Lot , Panel , Thank Jim , Washington , Total , Missy , Gonna Go , 18 ,

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