they don't like kevin mccarthy. don't want anyone from the existing republican leadership to get this job. they schedule the house floor, set the calendar agenda. they don't trust jane boehner and don't want the number to be a boehner confidant. >> kevin mccarthy is from california and there's a movement among conservatives in house saying we need someone in the house leadership who's from a red state. kevin mccarthy gets elected, he's from a conservative district. >> you think there could be a nice little fight going on? >> no doubt about it. mccarthy is trapped now. this will turn into establishment versus tea party no matter what mccarthy does. >> buck mckeon the last hour told me he wants mccarthy all the way. >> he's most likely a boehner ally. those associated with the leadership, that's why they're scheduling the election a week from friday. they want to get this over