taking these jobs. immigrant laborers. there's mainly two ways that farms and citrus groves find workers. one way is the h-2a guest worker visa program, a sort of stopgap measure designed to get immigrant workers in the field without granting them permanent residency. it's neither a path to citizenship nor particularly popular with the agriculture industry. so that leaves undocumented immigrants. after surviving a dangerous border crossing, they take whatever jobs they can find and generally live life in the shadows to avoid being deported. most see the risk as the only way to make a better life for themselves and their families. >> make a left up here. >> carlos is a 20-year-old undocumented immigrant. born in mexico, carlos was brought to america as a 6-month-old infant with his migrant farm working family. since he was 9 years old, he has been working in the fields with his father pascual picking tobacco, oranges, and onions.