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Kate Bolduan gives a fresh take on todays top stories. Reporting violations where they failed to report some things inadvertently. I think in the obama case it was what are called 48hour report, failure to report contributions. In none of those cases that im aware of has the actual candidate or the president been implicated in ordering it be done. It wasnt that obama said lets not report these contributions. Those are kind of the more the regular violations that you see in president ial campaigns. Here we have an allegation that the president directly ordered cohen to pay money to prevent people from talking about alleged affairs. Thats a potential violation on several counts. One, people talk about the reporting violation. These were contributions that werent reported. Thats true. But, they were paid by the trump organization. That makes it a corporate contribution. It is illegal to make a corporate contribution. It is also illegal for an officer of a corporation to authorize a corporate contribution which sounds like what trump may have done. Trump is also the candidate. It is illegal for the candidate to accept is the corporate contribution. There were also excessive contributions from cohen. Same thing applies. It was illegal to accept those contributions by the candidate. So this is very unusual in that we have the candidate being implicated in directly coordinating and directing the actual violations of law. Thats not what weve seen before. So you dont agree obviously with the president because you laid out that very well. When it comes to Michael Cohen though, page, how credible is Michael Cohen at this point . Well, erica, i think obviously thats the strongest argument that the white house has is, look, this guys clearly not been truthful with the american people. Hes committed Felony Crimes that hes now pled guilty to so how can you believe what he is saying about me. Thats especially true when we hear his lawyer saying, look, hes ready to talk more, he feels somehow betrayed by the president. So i think it is certainly from the president s standpoint the right move to attack his credibility. I agree with larry that whats been alleged here are certainly criminal acts but they dont have to be. I mean these particular statutes also allow for civil punishment fines and things of that nature which you dont see in say a Bank Fraud Statute or Something Like that. So there is discretion where a prosecutor can decide not to pursue this as a criminal indictment or criminal information and leave it as a civil fine. Larry, its also important to point out here that this could ultimately handled very differently if the president were not the president today. Right. If the president were not the president today, then there would not be this question about whether he could be indicted. Its clear that if he had not won he would have been indicted for these things. I think it is also true these can be prosecuted by the fec as a civil violation. Difference is when they become a knowing and willful violation and core violation of the law, then they can be prosecuted as a criminal violation. Thats whats going to be alleged here. One other point i agree that Michael Cohen has credibility issues. But it is somewhat ironic that the president , who is known to regularly lie about things, has serious credibility issues, and in fact lied about this very thing. First said he had no knowledge of the Stormy Daniels payments, then had to admit, yes, he did know about the Stormy Daniels payments is attacking the credibility of Michael Cohen, i think there are credibility issues on all sides. There are questions about what else can be said here. Lanny davis said directly this morning Michael Cohen may have more things he wants to talk to the Special Counsel about. That does not include cooperation in this plea deal. When you hear those words from lanny davis is it in some ways a public push on his part to come up with a separate deal perhaps with the Special Counsel . Thats certainly possible, erica. But it is a strange legal strategy. If he really has good, solid information that the Special Counsels going to be interested in, then set up a proffer meeting. Set up a time for Michael Cohen to sit down with the investigators, with the prosecutors, from bob muellers office and tell him, this is what i have. Or even the lawyer can do that. Lanny can sit down with those folks and say, let me give you an attorney proffer. Im going to tell you what my client would say. Instead of doing it in the news media. Because as weve seen, the Special Counsels office is really not inclined to use the media as part of their investigation. So from a legal strategy, i think you would be doing that Behind Closed Doors and not in front of the camera. Its fascinating, too, larry. I know that you said this plea deal itself could form the basis for impeachment proceedings. Not as many people are jumping on that impeachment bandwagon. But you think it is okay to go there. Well, look. I think it has to be discussed. If there is serious evidence the president committed a felony, then i think impeachment is one of the things thats on the table. As a practical matter, is it going to happen in this congress . Very doubtful. But i think it is something that has to be talked about. We talked about whether or not a sitting president can be indicted. There is the office of legal counsels opinion that he cant be. Thats not settled law. But if you arent going to be able to indict a sitting president , and if youre not going to talk about impeachment, that means hes Above The Law and thats just something thats hard to accept in a democracy, that the president is Above The Law, that he can do what he wants. None of us can ignore the fact that in has all become so political. As one of you just pointed out, We Arent Hearing Anything from the mueller camp on this. But it is what we are hearing from other folks who are either directly or indirectly involved who are really trying to paint this investigation in whichever way is most favorable to them. Looking at it from that political standpoint, no matter whats in that report, in some ways are we kind of past the Point Of No Return . I think so, erica. That really to me is the most troubling part of all this. Im on the front lines in federal criminal courts in red states all the time. And im defending people who are charged with federal crimes. Whenever i see bombs thrown by the president , by the white house, at their own department of justice, at the Special Counsels office, i see the longterm effects thats going to have on the ability of the government to prosecute cases in courts across this country. These credibility issues he may be talking about Michael Cohen one day and challenging his credibility, but hes also talking about the rule of law. Im concerned that the consequences of those actions will last far beyond his presidency. Page pate, larry nobles, appreciate it. Thank you. Coming up, why is the president defending Paul Manafort in the wake of his convictions . Could this be a signal, a possible pardon, perhaps, for his former Campaign Chairman . Plus, Republican Leaders in Congress Largely silent after Michael Cohen implicates the president in a crime. How long can they dodge the issue . You wouldnt accept an incomplete job from any one else. Why accept it from an allergy pill . Flonase relieves sneezing, itchy, watery eyes and a runny nose, plus nasal congestion, which most pills dont. Its more complete allergy relief. Flonase. Diarrhea is common, may be severe, and may cause dehydration or infection. 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Years in prison, plus there is a Second Criminal Trial on additional charges next month. The president s open sympathy for manafort begging questions about a possible pardon unless manafort decides to work with the Special Counsel in hopes of reducing his sentence. Cnn legal analyst paul cowan. Yesterday the jury sent the note saying we cant decide on one count. It led the Impression Everything was set on the other 17. Eight guilty eight counts they found manafort guilty. The other ten a mistrial. Is 8 out of 18 a win . It is a win because the Jail Sentence that can be attached to those eight counts is probably as great as if he was convicted on all the counts. I say that because you always hear about these cases. They say hes facing 90 years in prison. Thats not really true because when you apply federal guidelines, it will come down to a much shorter sentence that a judge is likely to impose. Probably around 10 years. Even if he had been convicted on all the counts, the sentence might be the same. So it really is a victory for the prosecution even though they lost ten counts. Even though they lost ten. We know that narratives already out there. You didnt even get a conviction on half of these, so you know what . What is this sort of sham of an investigation and Everything Else we are seeing come out of that. Is that a fair point . I dont think it necessarily is a fair point. I think the fair point is that watch out for juries and watch out also when you have a president of the United States send is messages to deliberating jurors. Now remember, the president was out making speeches about what a great guy Paul Manafort is, how this investigation is a witch hunt or as he now calls it a rigged witch hunt, that word gets around in a jury pool and you have to wonder, are people thinking this is a political prosecution and therefore theyre more skeptical than a normal jury would be . Whats fascinating, we know this jury was not sequestered. When they came back they were asked if they saw or read anything about the case. They said no. But sometimes it is hard to ignore it. The president s been speaking out. We saw the tweet this morning about Paul Manafort calling him a brave man. Looking at all this, he has this other trial coming up. His tweets, his comments, do you see those at as a message to Paul Manafort . Oh, yes. I think manafort is telegraphing that a pardon is coming down the road, sit down, be loyal, dont cooperate with anybody. Thats how i read those tweets with the president so actively supporting him, especially if you just look at the eight counts. I mean there are really legitimate Income Tax Evasion Counts here and other serious counts that were proven by prosecutors. For the president to continue supporting manafort is really hard to believe. Anything to as we look at what happened in this first trial, next trial comes up in september in washington. Anything that we can glean in terms of where you think that may go . They have three times as much evidence that they say said they are bringing. The big thing is the pool included counties that are as much as 60 for trump. If you get hard core Trump Supporters on a Jury Thinking that this is a political prosecution, he had a better shot in Northern Virginia of getting a hung jury on various counts. Washington, d. C. , its like 90 of the vote went for hillary clinton. So hes not going to get a friendly jury pool in washington, d. C. Thats why mueller is bringing those charges there. So i think hes got a rough road ahead. Paul callan, thank you. Coming up, Republican Leaders largely silent on the major news about Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort. Something though democrats dont want to talk about either connected to all of these latest connected to all of these latest developments. E cup of lemonade. Thanks . Time to pack up. Lets go kids. Thank you nfl sunday ticket. Get every live game, every sunday at no extra charge when you switch to directv. More for your thing. Thats our thing. Call 1. 800. Directv. Oh oh ozempic® vo people with Type 2 Diabetes are excited about the potential of onceweekly ozempic®. In a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. Oh under seven . vo and you may lose weight. In the same oneyear study, adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. Oh up to 12 pounds . vo a twoyear study showed that ozempic® does not increase the risk of major cardiovascular events like heart attack, stroke, or death. Oh no increased risk . 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Oh oh oh ozempic® vo ask your Healthcare Provider if ozempic® is right for you. So you have, your headphones, chair, new laptop, 24 7 tech support. Yep, thanks guys. I think he might need some support. Yes. Start them off right, with the School Supplies they need at low prices all summer long. Like these for only 2 or less at office depot officemax. Feel like 50 . How can i share new plans virtually . How can i download an efile . Virtual tours . Zipfile . Really big files . In seconds, not minutes. Just like that. Like everything. The answer is simple. Ill do what ive always done. Dream more, dream faster, and above all. Now, ill dream gig. Now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. Comcast, building americas largest gigspeed network. Republican leaders largely silent on the Michael Cohens Bombshell Plea implicating President Trump in a crime. Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell and House Majority whip Steve Scalises responsibility no comment. John cornyn says it had nothing to do with russia or the president and House Speaker wall ryan says he needs more information. We should point out as we try to track down lawmakers and get some response from them, either on capitol hill or even on their vacations because it is kinds of important we did just get some sound from senator orren hatch weighing in. Well, these are serious charges and they cant be ignored. Do you tink this opehink thp the president to tk indicted while sitting in office . No, because i dont think he can be indicted while sitting in office. Well have to see where this all works out. Rachel, can Republican Leadership really continue to ignore this . They cant continue to ignore it, no. Theyre going to have to answer for it of course when they are on capitol hill and reporters are pressing them. Theyre going to be dodgy on this. Republicans agree, when President Donald Trump was elected in 2016 that they were going to plug their noses and basically ignore anything he might say that they find unsavory or sings that things t that they do not like. There is no reason to think that in just less than three months from a critical Midterm Election theyre going to dessert the president when they think they actually need him to keep their house and senate majorities. This really puts them in a pickle because they have a lot of republicans in swing states, in swing districts, especially in the house, who are going to need to appeal to independent voters, people who perhaps dont like the president or are a little skeptical of the president. If they just turn a blind eye to what Michael Cohen said in court the other day . Then that could be a problem for them. They are in a tough spot here. Voters will likely be asking candidates obviously on both sides of the aisle about this. When it comes to Robert Mueller, Lindsey Graham saying it is important to let this process continue without interferences. What about, though, republican support to make sure nothing happens to Robert Mueller . Chances of that . I think you will see a renewed push in some quarters for that to happen. But it all depends in that regard on mitch mcconnell. In a sense he said, i see no evidence that donald trump is going to fire bob mueller and therefore we dont need this. I would note that we know that donald trump wanted to Fire Bob Mueller Last earlier this year, was talked out of it by don mcghan, the white House Counsel whos obviously been in the news a lot, of late. So i dont know that this changes much of anything. Remember, republicans control the house and the senate, which means they make the rules, effectively. If this is to rachels point. They made a deal a while back with themselves that they were going to have to kind of accept whatever came with donald trump. Im not sure they thought it was going to be this but whatever came with donald trump because they thought they could get Supreme Court justices, a tax cut bill through. Now donald trump remains quite popular with the Republican Base, one of the most popular president s among republicans ever. I dont think they abandon him this close to an election. One of the things that can certainly be a rallying cry for the bases of both parties here, talk of impeachment. It is something that democrats are shying away from. Heres what senator warren had to say. Do think that alone is grounds for impeachment . I think that what Congress Needs to do right now is we need to make sure that special prosecutor mueller is fully protected from being fired by donald trump. Senator warren obviously moving more towards the protect Mueller Front on that. Steve bannon though making the case that this is sort of a tough road for democrats to take. Hes got a point, rachel, yes, it energizes both the Democratic Base and the Republican Base when there starts to be talk of impeachment. This is something again that voters are going to ask about. How do they balance that, rachel . So far on the hill, we are seeing Democratic Leaders and democrats in general like warren take a cautious approach to impeachment which might surprise some because yesterday you had obviously Michael Cohen, the president s personal lawyer, implicating the president legally in federal court. So it is interesting because in the house about onethird of the Democratic Caucus voted last december to begin a debate about whether they should impeach the president. That was well before we heard anything about potential Campaign Finance charges. They were just talking about trump and the way he acted, saying he basically demeaned the office of the presidency. So we sort of expected this morning to come in here and see a bunch of house democrats, now that they are actually talking about criminal allegations, to be talking more about impeachment. So far, not the case. They are concerned apparently that it will backfire in the Midterm Elections and that it might actually donald trump up the Republican Base, turn them out and keep them from winning the house and potentially senate this fall. Quickly before we let you go, chris, i want your take on this. The charges against Duncan Hunter and his wife are i mean astounding when you read through this. Almost 38,000 in Overdraft Fees and insufficient funds in terms of around its remarkable to read it. Yet, Duncan Hunters kind of lucky that all of this happened yesterday because it is certainly being overshadowed. It is being overshadowed but it is not being forgotten. It remains a story. We are talking about it and we should be talking about it. What is alleged in that 47page Charging Document is widespread corruption and misuse of Campaign Funds for personal use. Essentially what you see is a member of congress and his wife who have almost no money to their name, repeatedrepeatedly, allegedly, using their Campaign Account for things that are all over the place. I read through it. I have a piece up on cnn. Com about what you should know from it. One just one piece that ill note is Duncan Hunter asked his wife if he could buy shorts for their hawaii vacation. She said they didnt have the money but to charge it to his Campaign Account and then tell the Campaign Treasurer that it was for golf balls for wounded warriors. That is some remarkably cynical and dark stuff. Well have to leave it there. Thank you, both. Coming up, facebook strikes another blow to foreign actors hoping to sow discord online, this time removing hundreds of pages linked to iran and russia. Those details ahead. If you have psoriasis,. 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They called it a coordinated inauthentic behavior. We should note, these were two different campaigns that all these pages were part of. The first one, the bigger one, was coordinated out of iran. These inauthentic pages, as they say, were promoting proiranian national stances, for example antiisrael, antisaudi arabia, propalestinian, proiran nuclear deal. Then the Second Campaign was coordinated by russia. This was not to do with the u. S. Or u. S. Elections. Again, it was promoting prorussian views like including their actions in syria and ukraine. And all told, these pages reached some 1 million people. Then shortly after facebook made this announcement, twitter did pretty much the same thing, saying that they were deactivating almost 300 of their accounts, also part of a campaign coordinated out of iran. So iran is not a country that we do a lot of talking about but they are a real force in the cyber world. This really does show that even as Companies Like facebook and twitter are stepping up their efforts to identify and take down nefarious actors, any are stepping up their efforts, as well. Alex, thank you. On wall street the bulletins to charge hitting a new milestone today. The longest stretch of nonstop gains in american history. Can it keep going . Cnn chief Business Correspondent Christine Romans is at the New York Stock Exchange for us live. Good morning. Reporter hi good morning. This is realably remarkable whe weve come from. Remember the dark, dark days of 2009 that was the beginning of this bull. We dont know it then. But the s p 500 has almost quadrupled really since 2009. The Dow Jones Industrial average is up 19,000 points. This was really driven by central banks, remember they tried to rescue the financial system. But the last couple of quarters youve seen s p 500 companies have 200 government growth two quarters in a row. Theyre making a ton of money. Thats why some say this bull could keep going here. The bull Market Driven by a whole host of things but really a Strong Economy now, corporate profits are doing well and the Federal Reserve still has relatively low Interest Rates. Weve seen the fed raising Interest Rates. Weve seen the president complaining about that. But indeed Interest Rates are still relatively low. So this bull market, now the longest in history, it tops a bull market, by the way, that started in 1990 and ended with the dotcom burst. You remember that . This was longer than that one. Here we are. Christine, thank you. Coming up, a top democratic senator says the country is now in the midst of a watergate moment. Does the Michael Cohen bombshell though really rise to that level . Well discuss. Former Watergate Prosecutor next. Thats style and service for every budget. Yours alone. For your oneofakind home. Call Budget Blinds for your free consultation right at home with pg e in the sierras. And im an arborist since the onset of the drought, more than 129 Million Trees have died in california. Pg e prunes and removes over a Million Trees every year to ensure that Hazardous Trees cant impact power lines. And since the onset of the drought weve doubled our efforts. I grew up in the forests out in this area and honestly its heartbreaking to see all these trees dying. What guides me is ensuring that the public is going to be safer and that these forests can be sustained and enjoyed by the community in the future. The ghosts the water garrett ma watergate making a little noise in washington. Some democrats quickly drawing a comparison. Wolf, were in a watergate moment where the two parties need to come together. We need bipartisanship now more than ever to protect the Special Counsel and to stop i must underscore stop any consideration for pardons. Here to discuss, man with some intimate knowledge, former Assistant Special Prosecutor for the watergate investigation, richard benveneste. Thank you for joining us. You are probably one of the best people to ask on this front. Do you agree with senator ba bloomen shbloom bloomen thal this a watergate moment . So clear in analogies to watergate. In watergate there were payments of hush money to keep the watergate burglars, quote, on the reservation, keep them from telling what they knew. Here we have Hush Money Payments to girlfriends allegedly of the president not to talk prior to the election or the primary in fact. Here we have discussions of pardons. In watergate we had secret offers of clemency to burglars to keep their silence. Here we are hearing about the president considering a pardon for Paul Manafort, for example. This is a moment i think and i take Senator Blumenthals point very strongly that bipartisanship has to come together and apply some sense to whats going on. How can the president be thinking about pardoning an individual whos just been convicted by a jury of 12 Decent Americans in virginia for hiding 60 million from uncle sam, where republican constituents pay their taxes. Heres an individual who flouted the law, flaunted his obligations, and lived the life of a mega rich individual while never paying taxes. Does it bring to mind the fact that President Trump himself has continued to refuse to release his own tax returns . Maybe thats part of it. But people have to come together and the president is talking about a witness, mr. Cohen, as a rat, as though he were the leader of a new jersey crime family. A tony soprano. Instead of being the head of the party of lincoln. What in the world are we going through in this country . You laid out a lot for me in that answer. Lets start with Michael Cohen. Looking at him, its clear how the president feels from what weve heard. But from your view, is he credible . Sorry. Can you hear me . Please repeat. Okay, sure. I was just saying, when it comes to Michael Cohen, to you, is he credible . Do you believe him . Well, i think Michael Cohen has a credibility issue because hes pleaded guilty to a variety of federal crimes. And so anything that he says beyond he said she said needs to be corroborate and to the extent that hes got corroborating information and there are millions of documents that have been seized from him and there are Tape Recordings that apparently he has, this is corroboration. And this is what prosecutors do. They start with a statement, and they get leads. Cohen may be able to point them in directions that they hadnt thought of or cement ideas that they had been thinking of with some recollections. So this is all very important. Cohen was with him for a long time. Cohen was involved in various dealings with russia in projects that the president had talked about doing. So all of that information i am quite certain will eventually wind up in the hands of mr. Mueller and his team. You laid out a lot when we asked you whether you agree with Senator Blumenthal. Im trying to read your lips because im getting no sound now i get you. Real quickly, as you were answering that question about whether or not this is a watergate moment, one of the things that stood out, when you were calling on, as well, agreeing with him that there needs to be a bipartisan effort in washington. Politically, its a slightly different place than where we were with richard nixon. This has all been politicized. If something Doesnt Change i guess what im trying to say is, can this rise above politics, do you believe, in this country . And if it doesnt, what does that say about the state of the United States . Well, its a bizarre situation if it doesnt. Yes, its entirely different because both houses of congress are now controlled by mr. Trumps party. And if Party Loyalty continues to trump dedication to the constitution and to the american public, then we will see nothing approaching watergate done. But if there is an awakening of conscience and patriotism that allows for the kind of bipartisanship that Senator Blumenthal and many, many others are talking about, maybe we can have an objective investigation, and congress will perform its duty as it is supposed to as a check against the executive department. And maybe well get answers. Richard benveniste. I dont think well get them from mr. Trump because he continues to do this kabuki dance about talking to mr. Mueller. Its gone on for eight months, and it seems unlikely, as i said eight months o s ago, that he w ever sit down and give testimony under oath. Richard, always appreciate your insight and thanks for sticking with us on those audio issues as well. Thank you. A missing College Student in iowa is found dead. Authorities say the suspect is an undocumented immigrant. 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Like these for only 2 or less at office depot officemax. Mom okay we need to get all your School Supplies today. School. Grade. Done. Done. Hit the Snooze Button and get low prices on School Supplies all summer long. Like these for only 2 or less at office depot officemax. How can i download an efile . Virtual tours . Zipfile . Really big files . In seconds, not minutes. Just like that. Like everything. The answer is simple. Ill do what ive always done. Dream more, dream faster, and above all. Now, ill dream gig. Now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. Comcast, building americas largest gigspeed network. President trump is speaking out about the murder of iowa College Student Mollie Tibbetts after an undocumented immigrant was arrested and held on firstdegree murd chaerer charg her death. The president blames the tragedy on the nations Immigration Laws. You heard about today with the illegal alien coming in, very sadly, from mexico. And you saw what happened to that incredible, beautiful young woman. Should have never happened. Illegally in our country. Weve had a huge impact, but the laws are so bad. The Immigration Laws are such a disgrace. The body believed to be that of 20yearold Mollie Tibbetts found in a corn field. An autopsy will be confirmed to confirm how and when she died. They spent nearly a month searching for her. Police did arrest christhian rivera. He confessed to approaching tibbetts after seeing her running and he pursued her, then abducted her. Thanks for joining me today. Inside politics with john king starts right now

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