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Congressional staffers from both parties. The aim, to end the partial Government Shutdown. Now in its third week. The u. S. President warns the shutdown may drag on a year or more unless Congress Funds his border wall. And if they dont, donald trump said that he could get the pentagon to pay for it. Interesting develop. Cnns abby phillip has more from the white house. Reporter a contentious meeting at the white house leading to little progress and threats that the now two week old go. Shutdown could last much longer. You said in the meeting, this is him quoting you, i want to check, that the shutdown could go on for months or even a year or longer. Did you say that and i did. Is that your assessment of where we are . Absolutely i said that. I dont think that it will, but i am prepared. Im proud of doing what im doing. Reporter President Trump challenging democrats, agree to a deal or dn Border Security or might take extreme measures. Have you considered using Emergency Powers to grant yourself authority to build this wall without congressional approval and second yes, i have. You have . Yes, i have. And i can do it if i want. So you dont need congress alle congressional approval . No, we could do it. I havent done it. I may do it. But we could call a National Emergency. Reporter and democrats insisting the government needs to be open before they will even consider a compromise. It is very hard to see how progress will be made unless they open up the government. Reporter while not giving ground, the president says it could come down to this weekend. Were going to be meeting, ive designated a group, and well be meeting over the weekend that group to determine what were going to do about the wer border. Reporter adding i think weve come a long way. Reporter democrats also hinting hope is not gone. We made some progress. Reporter and there will be talks held this weekend the president said led by Vice President mike pences chief of staff Mick Mulvaney and also jared kushner. But both sides still seem where they were two weeks ago, and that could be why President Trump seemed to have very little to say to the 800,000 federal workers possibly going without pay for the foreseeable future. Anbby phillip, cnn, the white house. Airport security screeners are required to report to work without pay. That may be why 4uhundreds of tm called in sick this week, that according to several sources within the safety administration. The tsa insists the absences will not affect passenger safety. During a news event at the when you s friday, President Trump was asked about missing paychecks and his response focused on the border wall and security. Youre saying months and possibly a year for the shutdown. Do you have in mind a safety net for those who need their checks . The safety net is going to be having a Strong Border because well be safe. Many of the people youre discussing, i really believe that they agree with what were doing. But that is not entirely true. At least one federal Employee Labor Union is suing the government for requiring essential employees to work without pay during the partial shutdown. And its unions president called the situation inhumane. Erin burnett spoke with democratic congressman who also slammed the president s view of the federal workers. I think that is an incredible cynical view and assertion for the president to make. He is sacrificing the livelihood of these federal employees to this obsession with building a wall. That is not fair. It is not respectful. But the posture that the president is in right now is irresponsible and in my view takes failure of leadership. Several lawmakers from both sides of the aisle say it is time for their parties leaders to negotiate and make a deal. Manu raju spoke with a few of them. Reporter two weeks into the Government Shutdown and most lawmakers are digging in. While some are growing impatient and demanding a deal without funding for President Trumps border wall. On the republican side, congressman peter king sent a message to President Trump. Dont Pay Attention to house conservatives. The house should know he is listening to the freedom caucus. Reporter king joined with six House Republicans and democrats last night to reopen federal agencies shuttered over trumps demands for billions but sided with trump to reopen the department of homeland security. I thought it was wrong to hold those hundreds of thousands of employees hostage. I think the president and democrats should negotiate. Reporter and Susan Collins and cory gardner both facing potential difficult reelection bids also expressed their concerns. Calling on gop leaders to allow a vote on legislation reopening the government. And then talks over the wall to take place later. But Mitch Mcconnell says that wont happen without trumps support. The package presented yesterday can honly be seen as political posturing. It does not carry the support of the president. Reporter some democrats also growing impatient with House Speaker nchancy pelosis refus to compromise over the wall. So she should cut a deal essentially . In my opinion, i would i know that there are some people in my party that didnt agree. But there are people that are now not working and not getting paid. Reporter youre worried shes digging in too much . Everybody is digging in too much. And do you know who didnt like it . The vast majority of the american public. Reporter but sources say that most House Democrats were in no mood to budge. And even some of pelosis critics standing behind her. I completely support the speaker hes positi speakers position. Reporter Mitch Mcconnell returned saying perhaps if there is any news out of the meeting it was the fact that the discussions will continue at the staff level over the weekend. He said perhaps if any deal can be reached, perhaps it can be presented to the leadership by early next week even though there is a lot of pessimism that they can get to that point. Mitch mcconnell himself has pulled himself away from this process saying it is all up to the white house and the democrats to cut a deal. He says he is not involved but he says he wont put a bill on the floor that passed the house because it does not have the president s support. But interestingly at that news conference, mitch thmcconnell w not there. The president said it was because he was running the senate. Actually the senate was closed. The real reason . He was not even told about the press conference but he would have come had he known about it. Manu raju, cnn, capitol hill. Lets talk more about this on doigoing saga with that tasn linstat. Thanks for joining us. The president will meet with congressional leaders midmorning in washington, but friday he said he was prepared to keep the government shut down for months or years. A lot of people were taken back by that statement. Do you think he means that or is that bluster . Well, i dont think that he really means that because he tends to defeat a s to tweet a off the cuff. Last week he threatened to close the border ignoring the fact that u. S. And mexico do 600 billion in trait wide. And he said it could go months or years and he is not really thinking about the implications of that. This went on for months and months, you know, that would start to affect the department of defense even. And he wasnt really thinking when what that could mean to his base and National Security in general. But he has been very adamant about this wall and that he will do whatever it takes to build this wall and he wants to appear tough. And so when he makes statements like this is going to go on for months or years, it really appeals to his base because it makes them feel like he is going to go to the bat for building this wall no matter what. Right. He also said something that kind of indicated that he is being tough. He said on friday that he has the power to build the wall without congressional approval, that he could declare this a National Emergency. The question is, can he and would he . Right, that comment was just in response to a reporter asking him would he use Emergency Powers. And his answer was really frightening, that he could do so. He might look into it. I mean that is a major abuse of power. It is very scary. This is something that dictators do, they manufacture threats and then they try to rule by decree. I dont think that he is actually going to do it. Historically this has really only happened under Franklin Roosevelt and the depression, world war ii, the korean war. This is not a National Emergency going on. Both democrats and republicans agree that they want to improve Immigration Reform and Border Security is rnt for, bimportant building a wall is not a matter of National Security. He has tried to convince many people that it is, that there is an emergency at the border and Many Americans arent buying that argument. He likely has convinced much of his base. But what is at stake for President Trump here . If he works out a deal with the democrats that involves Border Security but not technically a wall, will that do irreparable harm visavis his base . It depends on the way that he is able to frame this. At the moment, he feels like he has to look as tough as possible which is why he was coming out with all these rhetoric about hes going to go months and months or possibly even a year to defend this claim that he will build this wall. He really wants to appear like he has won this fight somehow. And he was able to even shift the narrative about, okay, well, mexico was supposed to pay for the wall and he came up with the idea, well, this new trade agreement is going to pay for the wall. And he is able to convince his voters that actually it is mexico paying for the wall. So i think it really depends on how he thinks that he can frame this. If he can frame it in a way that makes it looks like he won, even though maybe he really didnt, that is really the one way out of this. And meantime 800,000 federal workers are without pay and were hearing the stories now about real problems they face because of that. Is so there are various scenarios to how this ends. The Washington Post gave these. The president caves, concessions from both side, maybe a big bargain, democrats support the wall in exchange for a path for dwroo d. R. E. A. M. Ers or it simply doesnt end. Which of those would you put your money on . I would put it something on in between the trump caves and democrats give him a bit of a concession. As i was saying, it all has to do with the way he thinks this looks to his base and to really the right wing media. He wants to look like he somehow won. He needs to save face some way. The democrats are not going to cave. They have made it very clear that they are not building this wall. They have all the leverage at the moment. And the democrats are really stronger on this than they have been in the previous years. They really, really are not going to compromise on the wall, but they have to make it looks like trump got something return so that he can finally agree to this and they can move on from this. Because it is already a shutdown that is going on, you know, weeks now. And it is really, really worrisome for those 800,000 workers that didnt know when their next paycheck is coming. I cant imagine. I really cant. And we know that there is another meeting in a few hours, perhaps you and i will talk again if there is anything that comes from that. Natasha, appreciate your insights. And we got another sign on friday that the russia investigation isnt over yet. Special counsel Robert Muellers federal grand jury has been extended. It has been working for 18 months already and its term was to expire over the weekend. It is not clear how long this extension is for, but it can be for up to six months. A u. S. Government official tells cnn that an american air strike in yemen is believed to have killed this man, described as an al qaeda operative. And he is believed to have helped orchestrate the bombing of the uss cole in yemen more than 18 years ago. That attack killed 17 american sailors and wounded 39 others. He was taken into yemen any yemeni custody twice but he escaped both times. More diplomats help to tree to free whalen. Well have the latest ahead. Either an engagement or a break up. Donald trump and kim jungun may seem like they are in a mutual admiration club, but what happens when the ahoneymoon is over. A source tells cnn the american arrested a week ago in russia for spying does not have apparent ties to any National Intelligence operations. Paul whelan is facing espionage charges, but his brother denies he is a spy. In the Washington Post, he wrote this paul is a kind and considerate brother, son and uncle and a generous and loyal friend. He travels as often as he can both for work and pleasure. He is many things to many people, but he is not a spy. Lets go now to sam kiley, he is in our Moscow Bureau where the latest. So his family, the whelan family, saying russia has this wrong. What has russia said about whelans arrest . Reporter well, officially very little indeed. This has been the new year period which perhaps has given officials a bit of a period of respite from having to engage in these issues. But there have been reports in the local media that we are have not been able to verify suggesting according to the Rosbalt News Agency that mr. Whelan was caught quote unquote red handed, that he was observed in receipt of an electronic memory device and that his hotel was then raided by the local Security Services in the Metropol Hotel next to the kremlin. But officials here are simply saying that he has been charged with espionage, that he is on remand, his lawyer is asking for bail because this is an investigation that could take sick mon six months before it comes to court. And mr. Whelan of course is getting a number of requests from his various nationalityies. He has seen already jon huntsman, the u. S. Ambassador here, and mike pompeo has weighed in saying that they were taking his case up at the highest level. But there is is no real evidence at all coming from the russians to substantiate their claim that he is a spy. They havent said indeed who even he may be accused of spying for, natalie. Right. And it could be complicated because you mentioned his various nationalities. He does hold four passports. Does that britain, ireland, canada and the u. S. Does that complicate the case for russia, it may have to deal with a lot of countries here . Yes, the uk has condemned the use of what they call a pawn in International Chess games of this sort. And that of course the United Kingdom especially and russia are locked in a very bitter relationship following the attempted poisoning of the former russian spy Sergei Skripal which resulted in the death of an innocent woman in the city of salisbury last year. There have been tit for tat expulsions between the brits and russians in terms of agents. So there is great tension there. The brits have asked for con sti still con stiaccess. And if they wanted to stir things up having four different nations all claiming ownership if you like of this problem simply makes it harder for them to sort out rather than for the russians. There is speculation inevitably both here and in washington and new york that perhaps he has been arrested with a view to having him used in an exchange, a spy spy exchange probably with maria butina who of course is the woman who is still in the United States accused of trying to infiltrate among other things the nra, but also characters like victor boot, very close connections to the Russian Secret Police here who is in an american jail. It is all very intriguing, isnt it. And next hour ill be talking with a former fbi special a little about the curious case of mr. Whelan. We appreciate it, sam kiley. Thank you. Sources tell cnn the u. S. Is already scouting out potential sites for a second summit between President Trump and kim jungun. The president is said to be encouraged by a letter he received from the north, but some say mr. Trump is falling for kim junguns flattery. Here is our brian todd with that. Reporter it just may be the oddest relationship in international relations. The american president repeatedly flattered by and flattering nekim jungun. Were doing very well. Reporter president elect trumps positive mention of his relationship with kim jungun came only about 48 hours after the president showed off the latest personal letter he got from the north korea dictator. There are nevare never writt letters like that. Reporter sources say that it was effusive, and that kim sends letters to trump to appeal to his ego. Especially at times when kim feels negotiations over his Nuclear Weapons have hit a plateau. Analysts agree kim is whispering in trumps ear. I think hes saying you, sir, are better than all of your predecessors, wiser, smarter, more clever, a better deal maker, you can did what none of your predecessors was able to do. Reporter experts believe kim jungun has compiled a personal bo dossier on how to work trump to try to get what he wants. Skills analysts say that were on full display during the two leaders meeting in singapore last summer. I would like to express my gratitude to President Trump to making this meeting happen. Reporter in another letter september to the white house last july, just weeks after their summit, kim referred to trump as your excellency four times in just four paragraphs. But experts tell cnn kim may be using a carrot and stick approach with trump. Mixed with personal flattery of the president over the past few months have been threats to the u. S. From kims regime, including in december when north korea said it wouldnt relinquish its Nuclear Weapons unless the u. S. Eliminates its own nuclear threat, followed by a new years message warning that if the trump team keeps up sanctions translator then we have no choice but to defend our countrys sovereignty and find a new way to settle peace on our peninsula. Reporter why this double game from north korea . I think kim jungun needs to see some tangible benefits himself in the same way that President Trump would like to see some tangible steps towards denuclearization, kim jungun needs sanctions relief. Reporter some believe kim jungun is simply buying time to further his weapons program. If kim jungun were serious, he could have taken some steps since the june summit. He choo have dismantled miss i wi will could have dismantled missiles and warheads and he is not doing that. Reporter the key question now, what does this personal dynamic lead to. Either an engagement or breakup. Well either make progress together or were not. And if were not and there is a breakup, then i think basically kim jungun turns to another suitor. Reporter experts say that would leave President Trump and his team without many options for how to deal with kims threat. One option could be simply to keep up the sanctions pressure, the other would be that unpalatable option ever af cons possible military aeks. Bri action, brian todd, cnn, washington. More yellow vest nonstrai t demonstrators are gathering right now. The weekly demonstrations grew into a movement against the french president s policies. On friday officials dismissed a the government. Thousands of u. S. Government workers are feeling the pain and panic of not being paid. Coming up, some risk losing their homes, even though they are required to keep working. Plus when you cant impeach somebody that is doing a great job. Some democrats beg to differ with that on both counts. The latest on the u. S. Impeachment debate ahead here on cnn newsroom. 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While it is not clear how long the extension is for, it can be for up to six months. A u. S. Source tells cnn that paul whelan has no apparent ties to any National Intelligence operation. The american citizen was arrested in russia last week for spying. Diplomats of the u. S. , ireland, britt taken and canada are working to help whelan as he is citizen of all four countries. 800,000 u. S. Government workers begin a third week without pay and are getting desperate for help. The Navy Federal Credit union is offering no interest loans to its members affected by the shutdown, but it is only a band aid to a worsening crisis. Randi kaye visited the home of a tsa screener who must work without pay. He says missing a single paycheck has put his young family at risk. Reporter brian turner may look like he is is a leisurely k with his wife and new baby, but the 28yearold tsa worker is stressed. He has no idea when he is going to get another paycheck. I was last paid about a week ago. And until the budget is passed, we will not receive pay again. Reporter brian has worked for the tsa for six years and is based at philadelphias airport. He is considered an essential employee, so he still has to work but he is not getting paid. I live about a half hour from work. And it will come to a point where you say do i put gas in my car or feed my family. And that is a hard decision. Absolutely it is. Reporter it has come to that. And the couple says that they will run out of money by the end of the month unless the government reopens. That means that they could lose their house, a huge concern with a 5 month old to care for. What do you worry about for this guy . Our child care payment is more than our mortgage. Were already stretched thin and without the paycheck, it is almost an impossible situation. We are a paycheck to paycheck family in the realty of it, so we do fe we reality of it, so we do rely on that income. Reporter his wife works, but brians pay check is critical. I until i had like a 5 mile range on my car before i have to really. There is no other option. Reporter brian says he blames both sides for the shutdown and he is frustrated that congress is still getting paid when hes not. As a tsa worker, he certainly understands the need for security. But what is more important to you, the border wall or a paycheck . A paycheck absolutely. You know, planes still need to go up and come down. We need airport security. We need customs. We need all these Necessary Services to deep the government running. And you want to get paid for take. Of course. Reporter he is tired of watching the washington blame game play out. You feel hopeless and helpless. You know, im not in washington. I dont have the influence that these people of power have. And we rely on them, we elect them to these positions to get a job done. I feel like it should be done in a way where we can still have conversations about Border Security and keep the government open. When you dont have a paycheck coming in and you dont have a guaranteed source of income, when you thought that you did, it is disheartening and it kind of makes you feel a little panicked. Do you have a backup plan . Right now i dont have one. And my backup plan is just to hope that the two sides can bridge across the aisle and come to an agreement. Reporter randi kaye, cnn, newark, delaware. And again, he is one of 800,000 federal workers who arent getting paid. President trump says that he cant be impeached. Why . Because hes doing such a good job. But Many Democrats flat out disagree with that. And now that democrats control the house of representatives, the impeachment debate is stirring again. Our jeff zeleny reports. Reporter some democrats have been calling for President Trumps impeachment for months. I said he should be impeached and they said dont use that word. Reporter but now they are part of the house majority, making that word carry far more weight and political peril. At a celebration after being sworn in as a new congresswoman from michigan, are a she take talib renewed her cry for impeachment. When your son says mama, look, you won, bullies dont win, and i said baby, they dont because were going to go in there and impeach the mother [ bleep ]. Reporter fall out from that crass goexpletive echoed highlighting the divide every on the wisdom of impeachment. Im convinced that impeachment is not dead. Reporter but jerry nadler is trying to put the brakes on the talk. I dont like that kind of language, but more to the point, i disagree with what she said. It is too early to talk about that intelligently. Reporter it is one of the first and perhaps most inconsequential tests in the new era of divided government. Nancy pelosi has repeatedly called impeachment premature, but she is not ruling it out. We have to wait and see what happens with the mueller report. We shouldnt be impeaching for a political reason. And we shouldnt avoid impeachment for a political reason. Reporter last month a cnn poll found 43 of americans think trump should be impeached and removed from office. While half say he shouldnt be. But among democrats, a whopping 80 favor impeachment which presents a conundrum for the wide field of potential 2020 president ial candidates. We caught up with congressman Eric Swalwell who is among those eyeing a president ial bid and prefers Trump Leave Office by defeat. I just think that it is better for democracy that he loses at the ballot box. If he is made a martyr, then weve lost. I dont want to see him make himself a martyr by saying they have tried to impeach me, and he comes out more popular. Reporter the president hopes it can backfire on democrats. You dont impeach people when they are doing a good job and you dont impeach people when there was no collusion. Reporter of course the president doesnt have final say in whether there was collusion or whether he will be impeached. That is in the hands of congress. It is also one of the essential questions hanging over the 2020 democratic president ial race. Will this wide field of candidates listen to their base or urge their base to follow their political instincts . Jeff zeleny, cnn, washington. One of those hoping to replace mr. Trump, massachusetts senator elisabeth warren. She is in iowa kicking off her bid for the white house, it is her first trip to that state since announcing an exploratory bid for president. Mj lee reports. Senator Elizabeth Warren has started her three day swing in iowa with an event in council bluffs, this was a packed crowd inside a Bowling Alley and restaurant where a lot of people could not even get inside the event room are. She started her remarks by talking about her childhood in oklahoma, she talked about how her father suffered a heart attack when she was a little girl and how her mother had to get a minimum wage job and he ended up working as a janitor. She transitioned from that story into her adulthood and why the impact of economic moeblgt bili so important to her. Pretty much all of my adult career has been spent around one central question. And that is what is happening to working families in america. Why has americas middle class been hollowed out . What is happening to opportunity in this country . Why is the path so rocky for so many people and so much rockier for people of color . Why has this happened in america . Reporter senator warren also took a number of questions from the audience and one issue that came up was the topic of foreign aggression. That topic of course is so important right now because of the Ongoing Investigation into russian interference in the 2016 election. Take a listen to what she had to say. I believe that you should know the difference between fwrour frieyour friends and your enemies. Deep, deep, deep Foreign Policy insight, work with your friends and keep your guard up against your enemies. Reporter on saturday, senator warren will continue her iowa trip making stops in sioux city, storm lake and des moines. This is the first time that senator warren is visiting iowa since 2014 when she came here to campaign with former congressman bruce braley. So obviously a very important visit to the state for senator warren. And if it is going to be an important early test of her political charisma, whether she has the raw talent, whether she can get the crowd excited, and obviously a lot of the potential democratic contenders who have not yet jumped into the race, they will be watching her very carefully to see what kind of enthusiasm there is right now. At this moment so early on, and even two years out from the 2020 election, what kind of enthusiasm there is right now for theprimary. Back to you. Still on the loose, the man that gunned down this young girl in a drive bi oig shooy shootin. Well hear from her family. Authorities in texas are searching for the gunman who killed 7yearold jasmine barnes. The suspect has been on the loose since the shooting on sunday. Jazmine was riding in a car with her mother who was going out for coffee and her sisters also were in car when they were ambushed with gunfire. Investigators have released Surveillance Video showing a red or maroon pickup Truck Driving away. They also released a composite sketch of the suspect, a white man in his 40s wearing a black hooded sweat shirt. Neither investigators nor ja zmpt zamin eechlt family know why he shot into the car, but they recall the attack. Next thing you know, i didnt even hear the first gunshot. All i remember is my glass shattering. My window. And then i heard the gunshots go off. Pow, pow, pow, pow. I turned the light on in the car and turned around and looked at my baby and she was leaned over on the door and blood was everywhere. I hopped back on the belt way and i was flying down the beltway until my car started to shake. And when my car started to shake, i told my babies i was like the tire is out, i cant make it no further. Im sorry, i cant make it no further. And my baby was like mama, please, we cant lose you, we cant lose you, mama please, wake up, we cant lose you. And i was like baby, i cant make it no further. I was like yall get help. Jazmine didnt say nothing and i was scared to move her because i knew like since she didnt say nothing, i knew. He took a life. You took a 7yearolds life and you can never replace that. No amount of money, no amount of give, no amount of support, anything, can ever replace my child, our child. She means so much to everybody. Well keep you posted. Again, they are still looking for the shooter in that case. There is now a 100,000 reward for the killer. And her memorial is set for tuesday. As the storm weakens and moves away from thailand, it leaves behind a deadly path and the danger isnt over. Derek van dam will have the latest for us from the Weather Center next. A would be kidnapper clearly wasnt thinking when he allegedly chased a woman and tried to abduct her in north carolina. As mark barber tells us, he could not have picked a worse spot. Reporter police tell us that man followed the woman inside this karate store after he tried to force her into his car out here right around 9 00 last night. After that man made it inside this karate school, he ran into one of the instructors. Police tell us that instructor fought the man off ands a you can s and as you see, the suspect ended up on a stretcher. And he also fought with the officers before he was taken into custody. The suspect did not know the woman he tried to force inside his car. Mark barber again reporting there. The suspect was taken to jail after he was released from the hospital. A Tropical Storm has been down gradesed to a tropical depression, but not before it delivered a deadly punch in thailand. The Disaster Management agency blames at least three deaths on the storm, two people drowned, a third was killed when his boat capsized. Though the rain has eased, flash floods are still a threat and derek van dam has the latest on it. The storm struck right during the height of the tourist season. It is a beautiful part of the world. And a lot of people had to evacuate the islands, get on to the mainland to seek shelter. And now the storm has moved on, it has weakened, but trees were toppled, there were reports of waves between 3 to 5 meters. You know, Tropical Storms and typhoons are very rare in Southern Thailand. Only two recorded since 1945. The big threat here has been the heavy rainfall. Some locations in Southern Thailand receiving twice the amount of their average. Unbelievable. So here is the storm not too organized at the moment. Latest information from the joint Typhoon Warning Center again has this weakened to a tropical depression. Were giving this a lot of attention because the storm struck an area that doesnt really see tropical depressions and Tropical Storms, typhoons. And so people just do not have the infrastructure to really deal with storms of this magnitude. And so it will be interesting to see when we finally get the scope on the destruction that was left behind what it did to this part of thailand. Now, the rainfall totals there have exceeded 200 millimeters. We still have the eastern flank of the storm to bring a couple rain bands into the sho the sho here. So in total, the potential there for flooding still exists for the next 12 to 24 hours as the rain moves down from the mountainsides there and into the valleys below. Believe it or not, there is weather happening elsewhere across the world, so i need to take you to central italy. This is amazing footage because she has piled up over 6 1 2 feet, that is over 2 meters, this season so far. Look at what it is doing. Basically crippling this mountain town. People here have found it very difficult to get around and including some of the felines which ill show you in a minute. Get back to the graphics. Here is the storm system. It has moved on, now were focusing our attention on another storm that will bring upwards of 100 septembcentimete snowfall to the alps and including switzerland and austria, this area of course popular with skiers. A lot of the resorts will welcome the snowfall, but maybe too much too quick. And i promised you a good video. Check this out, back to central italy, yeah even the cats have to manage with 6 feet of snow and this one doing a pretty good job. I would say it is purrfect. He is cute. I like the black against the white. Derek, thank you. Finally this hour, Britney Spears surprised her fans friday with disappointing news. The pop singer announced she putting her career on hold indefinitely to take care of her ill father. She was scheduled to start a new series of shows in las vegas in february. But her father suffered a ruptured colon two months ago. He is expected to recover. That is the first hour of cnn newsroom. Im Natalie Allen and ill be right back with another hour and well kick it off with our top stories. See you in a minute. Not an option. Zero is representative. Please say the name of your second pet. Rocknar. Incorrect. Your call is important to us. Well be with you shortly. Hello, this is daniel in billing. Oh, hey, yes hello, daniel can you hold please . No, please main menu. Calling Customer Service is the worst. So tmobile just made it better. No bots, no bounci, no bs. I love you guys. We get that a lot. They have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to they use stamps. 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