Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 2

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20200912

hello again, everyone. thank you for joining me. i'm fredricka whitfield. we begin with historic and devastating wildfires ripping through much of the west coast. at least 26 have died in california, oregon and washington state. millions of acres have turned into ash. and those numbers are expected to rise. nearly 100 fires are burning in 12 western states prompting air quality alerts for most of the west coast. this as health experts warn that smoke from the wildfires can actually make people more susceptible to coronavirus and other infections. in just a few hours, the president heads to reno, nevada, where a dark and hazy sky will be his backdrop during the rally there today. and besides a tweet late last night from the president he's largely remained silent about the fires. the white house just announced that the president will visit california on monday and be briefed on the devastation. cnn is in marion county, oregon, a state with 14 major fires burning right now. camilla, last hour you reported zero containment. is that still the case? >> yeah, fred, it's still the case because from this point forward they're going to try to start making progress. but before this, all they were doing was really trying to save as many people and as many homes as possible. so zero percent at the moment, and the worst part is that you add the low visibility and this thick, thick cloud of smoke, a permanent cloud of smoke. i want to show you what it looks like. we're trying to get as close to the fire as possible but they have these road blocks because it is so difficult to see. you can't see five or ten feet in front of you. so it makes it difficult not only for the residents in this area but for the frrirefighters. they're only letting a select group of people in this area. one of the people who was in there and came back told us he was working in the area and there's a meat market about eight miles up the road that is no longer there. there's still homes in this area up in flames. and there are people who, of course, want to get in and see what happened to their homes. we just spoke to one woman, mrs. brown, who came up to us and told us she's been looking at her home camera but she told me how devastating and difficult it is to have to evacuate and to have to keep looking and to be anxious and alert trying to figure out if your home is still standing. take a listen to what she told us. >> it's unreal. you don't really -- you can't really fathom what is going on. you think, this isn't really happening but guess we better be prepared. you take what you think. and you just get out. >> she says she has not been able to sleep looking at her home camera, but thankfully she says she's one of the blessed and lucky ones who still has a home standing. she really ended up with the interview telling me that she just wants 2020 to be over because her father was diagnosed with covid-19. she's already had to move two times because of these evacuations. so these stories are just the ones that are so heartbreaking to hear and to see. and to know that there are some families going through an even worse time because there are people who are missing at this point. and that, of course, is a lot harder, fred. >> a lot of people are fearing about when they're able to really traverse the area and get an account of people missing. and the woman you interviewed, she was wearing a mask. many are wearing masks not just for coronavirus but also because of all this smoke. can you tell us how difficult it is to breathe there? >> it is very difficult because it's not only the breathing. it's also irritating on your eyes. and so it makes it so hard for these firefighters. they told us that there are times when they can't see the fire line, and so imagine that when you're really trying to be up against these flames, and they can't see them. they can't be up in the air. not only fighting the flames but also looking to see where this fire is going. so it's making it so much harder. governor kate brown saying this is the worst in the world in terms of air quality. and moving forward, firefighters are even telling us this is not going away. >> that's terrible. camilla, thank you so much. joining me right now to discuss this is an emergency medicine physician in southern california. doctor, good to see you. how concerned are you about this poor air quality because of the wildfires that span so many states? >> yeah, you know, thank you so much for having me. we're definitely concerned. the fact we can visibly see how bad the air quality is is not a good sign. even more concerning are those invisible pollutants. ozone, the particulate matters, dangerous gases, carbon monoxide, et cetera. and the environmental protection agency, epa, monitors these. i recommend people go to their website and go to you can see the air quality index in your area. i entered in my zip code and it tells you how dangerous the air quality is. so certainly patients who are at risk or those with any lung disease, asthma, copd, emphysema. obviously our elderly patients and the younger children as well. >> president trump is expected to hold an outdoor campaign rally today in reno, nevada. and that is a location that is also, you know, the sky has been darkened because of this dense smoke from these wildfires that have swept a good part of the west. if people are going to go to that rally, would wearing masks be enough with this kind of poor air quality? what are your overall concerns? >> you know, certainly wearing a mask is highly advised. i think this is going to have to be a personal decision for everyone, right. if i'm someone immune compromised or an elderly family member or young child, i would not be going. if you're healthy and otherwise well, you should wear a mask and social distance and do all the proper things but use common sense. everyone needs to make their own decision. you can go to that website and look for yourself. enter in the zip code of where they're gathering and make your own decision. >> dr. morrison, thank you so much. be safe. cnn has just learned the president will visit california on monday for a briefing on the fire damage in that state. cnn's john harwood is following these developments for us at the white house. john, he put out a tweet or the information coming from the white house, he'll be meeting with first responder types. but that's a state where the governor is making it very clear that climate change is a gigantic component here. do you see that the president would be meeting with him as well? >> don't know if he'll meet with governor newsom, but you can be confident, fred, that he's not going to emphasize climate change as the cause of this. you mentioned at the top of the hour, the president had been slow to react to the wildfires. we know that he tends, above all, to his political base. california, oregon and washington are not exactly trump country. and to the extent that climate change is a factor in this, that's not an issue he wants to emphasize. this has become a catastrophe too large to ignore. millions of acres ablaze. dozens missing. at least 17 already known to be dead. so the president has wedged in this trip to mcclellan park in sacramento county into a swing out west where today he's traveling to nevada, which is a swing state that he lost narrowly to hillary clinton. trying to win back against joe biden. then on monday after this trip to california, he'll be going to arizona which is a state that he won in 2016 against hillary clinton but joe biden has a significant lead there now. he's trying to claw that back. >> you also have some breaking news on the trump administration officials who have been altering weekly covid science reports coming out of the cdc. what more can you tell us about that? >> what we have confirmed is the initial political report that michael caputo, who is the communication -- political appointed head of communications at the department of health and human services and his deputy paul alexander have been interceding in the weekly science reports that are prepared by the cdc, trying to make them consistent with the president's message. as we know from the president's own words to bob woodward, the president's interest has been in downplaying coronavirus from the beginning. he downplays it to the present day by having masks where people are not -- having rallies where people are not wearing masks or socially distanced. and career officials at the cdc are concerned about pressure. michael caputo has justified dr. alexander's intervention saying he's an oxford educated epidemiologist and we're not going to be governed by the thinking of the deep state within the cdc. and it's interesting, fred, there's an overlap between that characterization of scientific expertise at the cdc as deep state thinking with the president's dismissal of science on climate change, which he's called a hoax. >> all right. john harwood, thank you from the white house. dr. morrison, didn't i say it was always good to see you. look. here you are again. just a few minutes since our last meeting. so how does this sit with you to learn that this weekly cdc report is being altered by those in the trump administration so that the messaging is more in concert with the president's message on the pandemic? how concerning is that to you? >> i mean, we need science to be accurate and for the data. so i can't speak for what's happening with the cdc data, but with anything in public health, we want the numbers to be accurate. hopefully those are being reflected appropriately. i want to mention the upcoming flu season we have right around the corner and that for most of us has us concerned. typically flu season is between october and april. but believe it or not, we're already seeing, of course, as applicable with 2020, we're already seeing reports of flu being reported. this is concerning because when you present with symptoms of covid and influenza, there's a lot of overlap. patients have fever, cough, runny nose, muscle aches. it's going to be hard to clinically distinguish based on symptoms alone whether you have flu or covid-19. practically speaking if you go see your doctor today and you're concerned you have one or the other, they'll want to test you. we can do rapid point of care flu testing but we don't have enough of those rapid covid tests. and so if you were my patient, i'd tell you, you do or don't have flu but it's going to take about 48 to 72 hours to confirm whether you have covid or not. for those offous the clinical frontlines, this is highly concerning. even our discharge instructions, what do you do? i can't completely rule out that you don't have their. even more important, the messaging needs to be definitely, of all the years, i know we get desensitized with influenza because we see it every year, but this is affecting children particularly, those under the age of 5 at highest risk for pneumonia and seizures so this is the year to get your flu shot because it will help minimize one of those infections. >> dr. morrison, good to see you. thank you so much. straight ahead -- new developments on the coronavirus pandemic. health officials now warning that more than 415,000 americans will likely die of coronavirus by january. what needs to be done right now to save lives? plus -- federal authorities level a relatively small fine on smithfield foods over a coronavirus outbreak at one of its meat-packing plants. why the largest meat hft packing union in the country says that's not enough. and a consumer alert on amazon products that may spontaneously explode. cnn's exclusive investigation coming up. what if you could have the perspective to see more? 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>> yes. >> when this was? >> this was a week ago. >> are you supposed to be quarantining? >> yeah, that's why i'm at my house. >> you have other people here and you're positive for covid? you see the problem? >> they were honestly all walking by and they were out here. >> how many other people have covid? >> they all do. >> miami university couldn't comment a whole lot on this citing privacy concerns. however, they did say that any student that violates any sort of local ordinance or quarantine protocol does face disciplinary action. it really takes us to what the big recommendation is. the importance of that flu shot. we have -- we're still seeing 35,000 new covid cases a day. that number is slightly better than what we saw last month but it's high going into the fall season and now there's a concern there that people would face that double wammy effect from covid and the flu. yesterday we did hear from top health officials that recommended that you get that flu shot no later than october because that's the biggest concern now is doctors and medical practitioners would have a hard time differentiating between those two viruses as people head to their local hospitals and clinics. >> the urging of the flu shots as early as one can this fall. polo sandoval, thank you so much. president trump keeps hinting that a vaccine for covid-19 may be ready by election day. it's what's known in political circles as possibly an october surprise. the head of the u.s. vaccine effort dubbed "operation warp speed" isn't so sure about that timing. cnn's chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta spoke to the "operation warp speed" chief in a rare sit-down interview and asked him point blank about when americans may see a vaccine. >> what i really wanted to hit on was, when is this vaccine likely to be available? what's the process like that's unfolding now? and what are some of the things they are looking for? obviously, there's a lot of pressure to get this vaccine out. but effectiveness and safety are going to be the two most critical components. >> you have talked about your optimism in terms of efficacy and even cited a number, 90% efficacy. just a couple of questions about that. first of all, where does that degree of optimism come from at the time you said it, i think there was still very little data. >> why am i optimistic and i remain optimistic? i'm not predicting it's going to be 90%. i said it could be 90%. and i say it again. i looked into the data in primates, and using my judgment and my experience having looked at the development of very large number of vaccines, that's usually reasonably predictive. it's more if all primates are protected in all experiments or not. and i would say for all vaccines except for one, and i'm not going to say which one, protection is complete in the primate experiments. and that gives me confidence that protecting against this particular virus can be -- >> so basically put you've got two groups of people, right? a group that gets the vaccine, a group that gets the placebo and you follow them along. what you're counting on, and this is counterintuitive is the people in the placebo group develop a much higher rate of infection than the people in the vaccinated group. you can say for sure that the vaccine is working. that it seems to be protecting people against this infection. but what is acceptable? how much is -- how much of a difference is enough? right now the fda says if this is shown to be 50% effective, it may qualify for an emergency use authorization. the other big question, though, is safety. you are giving this vaccine to lots of people. how do you know it's safe? how long do you wait to look for side effects? this is a big point of concern. here's how he approaches this. >> you look into the databases of the fda, on the overwhelming majority of adverse event associated with vaccines happen within the first, i was told, 42 days after completing the imcommunization regimen and maybe two months after completing. it doesn't mean things may not happen way after. they could. extremely rare. >> what that means is that within 42 days, up to two months, the majority of adverse events or side effects, he says, typically happen. so that may be giving you a little bit of a marker in terms of how long they would wait to follow these patients who received the vaccine to be confident that, in fact, it's safe enough for an authorization. so again, the first shot followed by the second shot a month later and then waiting around 42 days. there are many patients still being enrolled in this trial right now. if you put it all together, it's not likely that "operation warp speed" would have the necessary effectiveness and safety data until some time late november, early december even. obviously, it's an ongoing situation, but at least you get some insight into how the head of "operation warp speed" is thinking about this and the type of data he and the team are trying to collect. >> we shall see. dr. sanjay gupta, thank you so much. straight ahead, a multibillion-dollar company slapped with a $13,000 fine after an outbreak of covid at a meat-packing pleasant. but is that enough to make sure companies keep employees safe? i'll talk to the leader of the largest meat-packing union, next. who is usaa made for? it's made for this guy a veteran who honorably served and it's made for her she's serving now we made it for all branches and all ranks whether they served one tour or made a career of it. we also made usaa for military spouses and their kids usaa is easy to work with and can save you money on auto, home and renters insurance. become a member today. get an insurance quote at usaa. what you're made of we're made for get an insurance quote at robinwithout the commission fees. so, you can start investing today wherever you are - even hanging with your dog. so, what are you waiting for? download now and get your first stock on us. robinhood. got it. it's slippery. nooooo... noooo... nooooo... yeeeesss... quick, the quicker picker upper! bounty picks up messes quicker and each sheet is 2x more absorbent, so you can use less. hey look, i got it. bounty, the quicker picker upper. ♪ if i could, baby i'd ♪ how can i, when you won't take it from me ♪ ♪ you can go your own way ♪ ♪ go your own way your wireless. your rules. only with xfinity mobile. welcome back. the labor department is fining smithfield foods. the government's first coronavirus citation. the department accuses the company of failing to protect its employees after an outbreak of covid-19 at a pork processing plant in south dakota. but the fine is just $13,000 for a multi-billion-dollar company. mark loretson is an international vice president for the largest meat-packing union in the country and joins me now from philadelphia. good to see you. >> thank you for having me, fredricka. >> so this fine perhaps is nothing. such a gigantic company. but that $13,000 fine is the maximum amount allowed by law. does this seem like much of a deterrent for these big companies? >> i think what happened with smithfield and probably will happen with other meat-packing companies of typical of what osha has done during the largest health outbreak we've had in more than a century. they failed. they failed to show up. and they failed workers not just in meat-packing but in all industries. they knew what they needed to do back in march. they knew they needed to issue an emergency standard. they failed. and as a consequence, they failed all workers especially in meat packing. so what i saw on friday, on thursday and friday was typical of osha's failure during this pandemic. >> so as it pertains to this facility in south dakota, it did reopen in may. do you have much confidence that now the right measures are going to be taken to protect the workers? >> well, the workers in south dakota are lucky because they're represented by a union. and since the pandemic started, our union has worked with a number of companies in the meat-packing industry to make it safer. i think the current numbers across the industry are showing that the work that we've done as a union with employers have made the industry at least for this time being safe. but i go back to what osha can do. in this time, all the work that we have done with the employers across the industry, it's not too late for osha to issue that emergency standard because there may be a second wave. and if there is a second wave, we need that enforceable standard so that everybody across the meat industry understands exactly what they have to do to make their workers safe. there's none of this half of the industry do this. half of them do that. i'm terribly concerned about what's happening to nonunion workers across this country ands they industry. >> you don't believe it's too late to have some sort of national standard? >> no, i think we need to have one. osha had an opportunity when they were looking at the meat industry. they should have used that as an opportunity to make an emergency standard that's enforceable. what's sad about this is osha knows how to do this. during the h1n1 pandemic, osha issued an emergency standard for this industry. they know how to do it. get this job done. and they can make it safer for workers. but as typical, what we're seeing is failure. and what we saw on thursday with the citations, this is osha trying to cover up because people now are saying, why didn't you do your job? and so they are making this halfhearted approach to do their job. >> so barring some sort of national standard or for osha to step in, what's the signal being sent to other meat packing companies to see that smithfield was going to pay up $13,000 but, you know, do you worry about the message that that is being sent and received by other meat-packing companies? >> i know what's going to happen with the meat-packing companies i represent. our union is going to push and we're going to push to make the workplace safer. we have shown since the pandemic started and the work we have done that we can do good work to make these places safer. that's what we're going to do in the union. we're going to do the pushing because we know what should be our biggest ally for workers in this country, osha, has failed to show up to the game. this union is going to step in and we'll push the employers to make those workplaces as safe as possible. >> mark, thank you so much for your time. appreciate it. we'll have you back. >> thank you, fredricka. and buyer beware. some amazon products are catching fire and exploding. and now at least three senators are demanding a recall. will amazon take action? 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>> unplugged. no source of power to it. >> none. >> no batteries in the position to be charged? >> they weren't even in the box. i didn't have a battery in the box. no controller. nothing that could produce electric. >> reporter: cnn found at least 1500 reviews written about dozens of amazon basics products exploding, catching on fire, smoking, melting, causing electrical malfunctions all in the last five years. of course, that represents a tiny fraction of the more than a million reviews posted about amazon basics products overall and fires caused by consumer electronics are not unique. user error can uls be a factor. but cnn found nearly 200 reviews which complained of damage to homes or belongings, charred walls and carpets and fried cell phones and other electronics being used with the amazon basics devices. and about 30 products flagged by three or more customers as a fire hazard or other danger remain for sale on including the very battery charger that caused all that stink. >> it may catch fire is one of the reviews. the charger started melting. my amazon basics charger burnt through the plastic while not charging or plugged in. this is exactly your same problem. >> exactly our situation. >> reporter: amazon told cnn it tested the type of charger used by them and that it is safe. it's one of 5,000 amazon basics products the company sells under its own label claiming they are cheaper and just as good as name brands. this past february, cnn took two potentially defective amazon basics products to the university of maryland's center for advanced life cycle engineering lab. a burnt phone charger and a damaged amazon basics microwave that had more than 150 reviews flagging it as a potential hazard. >> stop, stop. there's a clear problem. >> something is wrong? >> something is definitely wrong. the smell. >> yeah. >> it took just a few seconds for the engineers here to determine something wasn't right. >> it's clear that there's damage on this. and you can see the plate that this is attached to has -- is burned and there's clearly some kind of a fault in here. there's a risk in using this machine for sure. >> reporter: professor michael peck who runs this lab, says most consumer electronic problems like these could be from poor manufacturing, cheap materials and a lack of robust quality control. amazon told cnn the company is confident the amazon basics microwave is safe and responded to cnn's questions about all of this saying, in part, amazon thoroughly investigates any indicators of safety or quality concerns with amazon basics products. if we determine that a product is unsafe, we remove it from our stores and take all necessary actions. we are also continuously refining processes and leveraging new technologies to ensure that our private brand products are safe. rachel grier used to work in the product safety at amazon and says, in her opinion, amazon customers now do the testing. you buy it. you use it. you test it. you rate it. if reviews are good, sales are good, it stays. >> amazon responds to data. and if consumers continue to buy amazon basics in the numbers that they expect, they won't pay attention to the details. >> reporter: leona says she's at least one consumer no longer buying. >> i probably avoid electronics now with amazon basics. >> those senators saw that report and read our report online and were infuriated about what was going on. they fired off a letter to jeff bezos. senators blumenthal, markey and menendez, demanding that amazon must immediately stop the sale of dangerous and defective amazon basics products, recall them and effectively and immediately notify consumers of potential risks. amazon didn't respond directly to that, but just says that it does sell safe products and tests them to all applicable standards. folks who used to work at amazon tell us, look, you really want to be safe, read all the reviews and if there's one or two that even mention the word melting, burning or fire hazard, you should probably just steer clear of that product. >> wow. all right. that's something else. great reporting. thank you so much, drew griffin. straight ahead -- a cnn exclusive. another one. this time a man shot and injured by an alleged teenage gunman in kenosha, wisconsin, speaks only to cnn about the moment he came face-to-face with the teen seen on video with a long gun. robinhood believes now is the time to do money. without the commission fees. so, you can start investing today wherever you are - even hanging with your dog. so, what are you waiting for? download now and get your first stock on us. robinhood. i'm a delivery operations manager in san diego, california. we were one of the first stations to pilot a fleet of electric vehicles. we're striving to deliver a package with zero emissions into the air. i feel really proud of the impact that has on the environment. we have two daughters and i want to do everything i can to protect the environment so hopefully they can have a great future. the survivor of a deadly triple shooting in kenosha, wisconsin, is speaking out for the first time and only to cnn. what he says might bring a lot of disturbing images. he shares his story exclusively with cnn's sara sidner. >> reporter: fred, we sat down with gaige grosskreutz. he told his story after being the only survivor of a triple shooting during the kenosha protests. >> i walked away with my life that night. two people didn't. >> reporter: gaige grosskreutz is the only person to survive. of the three people shot during protests in kenosha, wisconsin. >> i think about the screams, about the gunshots. i think about everything all the time. >> reporter: grosskreutz arrived in kenosha from milwaukee deeply disturbed by this video of police shooting jacob blake in the back and concerned about a call to arms by a local militia on facebook. the former pair medic says his goal was to provide medical care to anyone who needed it there. when he arrived on august 25th, he had no idea that 17-year-old kyle rittenhouse had also arrived from illinois. he was also vowing to help people and protect businesses. both had their cell phones. both carried medical kits. >> absolutely. i believe in the right to bear arms. >> but that night rittenhouse used his firearm, while he had to use the medical kit on himself. this is before the two came face to face. rittenhouse is running down the street after his first deadly shooting that night. he falls. he shoots and misses one person, anthony huber hits rittenhouse with a skate board. huber is shot and killed. second later, he goes toward the shooter and he's shot. >> i'm missing 90% of my bicep. i'm in constant pain, like excruciating pain. pain that doesn't go away. >> rittenhouse eventually walks towards police with his hands up and police pass him by. his attorney says his client acted in self-defense. >> the shooter walked away and got to sleep in their bed that night. some people don't get that luxury. >> reporter: two people were taken to the morgue that night and he was taken to the hospital in a police vehicle. >> what on earth got you to a point where you were chasing somebody who had a semiautomatic rifle? >> we don't want to compromise the current criminal investigation against the shooter at this point in time and unfortunately going into those details might do that. >> reporter: he's been charged with attempted homicide and use of a dangerous weapon. under wisconsin law, rittenhouse is too young to legally possess a gun. >> i never fired my weapon that night. >> why not? >> i was there to help people, not hurt people. hi a legal right to, one, possess it and possess it concealed. i'm not an antifa terrorist organizer. i'm a mid-20s male. i go to school and i exercised my first amendment right to peacefully protest. nobody should have been hurt or died that night. we're americans. we're human beings. we're better than that. >> reporter: his attorney, kimberly motley, says she believes others are culpable, for example, who gave ris rittenhouse his weapon and did anyone help him cross state lines. he is currently in jail and scheduled for an extradition hearing on september 25th. >> thank you so much. so much more straight ahead in the newsroom after this. e ts wanting to make our lives the best they can be. if you have medicare and medicaid, a dual complete plan from unitedhealthcare can help. giving you more benefits. at no extra cost. and a promise to be there for you. whatever your story may be. to learn more, call or go online. dual complete from unitedhealthcare. unlike ordinary memory wansupplements...ter? 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