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The United States is heading into what pandemic expert bill gates says will be a very difficult fall. But trump is not preparing the population for that reality. Instead, he is sticking to his discredited script saying the virus is disappearing. The same thing he tried to say seven or eight months ago. You know, reaching for new ways to describe this aberration of a presidency. They will say he is the liar in chief or conspiracy theorist in chief. Here is the new chief. Superspreader in chief. What a 2020 title. These headlines say he is a superspreader of the virus, of disinformation, and of anxiety about the election since he wont accept the outcome. Trumps reelection story is much bigger than any single headline or anything he is tweeting because the president is yanking on every lever of state power in an attempt to prop up his campaign. I am thankful at a time like this for beat reporters who cover all of these agencies. For example, the postal service, who are uncovering examples of trump using and abusing the system. Of course, we know about him trying to stymie the post office, use taxpayer money for an advertising blitz through the hhs department. He has been using fishes to declassify documents to push russian disinformation about Hillary Clinton. Some of this is happening outloud right in front of us, and other stories are happening in private. Trump is demanding that the attorney general indict his rivals, including biden and former president barack obama. That move the New York Times calls taking a page from authoritarians. The times story points out there is no precedent for this behavior. The president , for example, promising to deliver drug discount cards to seniors by election day. He wanted a letter with his signature to appear in every food aid box around the country. This is all found out about, all discovered thanks to great reporters across the country. All of these efforts seem to be a bid to prop up his flailing campaign. Trump is also using the ornaments of state power by staging that rally yesterday on the south lawn. You know, the biggest news out of that rally was the lack of social distancing. It all comes back to covid whether he wants it to or not. For a realtime sense of what the president is thinking, how he is feeling, how he is doing, we have his twitter feed, and its been a useful guide this week because he started out the week barely tweeting when he was in the hospital, then a burst of tweets, lots of nonsensical retweets, tweeting out absurd claims about democrats, for example, democrats want to shut down churches permanently and he tweeted to a video that wasnt from a church. Sometimes he even retweets messages that twitter blocks or deletes from the site like this message attacking barack obama. He called senator Kamala Harris this week a monster after her debate performance against Vice President mike pence. All these stories, you know, feels like they happened weeks or months ago, but they must be remembered because these are all examples of how the president is feeling, how he is doing, how he is performing in office. Lets be honest. This week was about the president s physical health, yes, and he just called in to fox to brag about how well he is feeling. This week is also about the president s mental health. How he is feeling, how he is coping with coronavirus, how he is coping with all of these polls showing him more than ten points down. There are, once again, questions about the president s mental as well as his physical health. So lets talk about how the press should be approaching this subject with two veteran journalists with me now. Thomas friedmann, the New York Times, and veteran anchor man dan rather, author of many books, including what unites us, which i want to bring up in a moment because it can feel like nothing unites us these days. Tom, how should the press be approaching this president who flails about on twitter like a madman . You have been very blunt and outspoken lately. How should the press be covering this . The way i see it is that we are dealing with an engine, and the engine is a president without shame backed by a Party Without spine, amplified by a Network Without integrity. And its what trump does when he is healthy or seemingly healthy, mentally healthy let alone unstable that really matters. And what he is doing right now is running a campaign down two tracks simultaneously. One is using conservative media to gin up as much of his vote as he can usually basically fear tactics. There isnt much of a positive program there. And the other is to use that president without shame Party Without spine Network Without integrity to engage in the greatest Voter Suppression enterprise we have ever seen in american history. Basically, to delegitimize any mailin ballot, because he believes they will favor democrats, and try to basically create confusion so on election day he will be declared the winner before the mailin ballots are counted. He will try to prevent those mailin ballots from ever being counted and try to win the presidency that day. Its happening before our eyes. And i believe we cant say it often enough and loudly enough. Brian, there was a biography of arielle charone written years ago. It was called doesnt stop at red lights, and we always should remember that is donald trump. He does not stop at red lights. So who is going to stop him then . Well, the only thing that can stop him is the american people. Our job is to inform them. Their job is to vote every way they possibly can. Hopefully, in person. If by mail if necessary. Then we have to hope that if biden does win the election and the votes are tabulated that there will be enough decent republicans who will not tolerate trumps efforts to steal the election after the voting. I am glad you brought it back to the election issue. The last week for understandable reasons the press has been focused on the president s health, his testing history, all of that. This white house outbreak. But we are right coming down to the final stretch here. We can all see whats in front of us, whats about to happen. Its like a hurricane we know is going to hit the shore and its time to board up, which is a terrible thing to say about a u. S. President ial election. Right. You said it exactly right. Sorry, i apologize for having you both at the same time. Dan, you covered so many president ial elections. Obviously, this one is different. How do you want the press to approach it differently . Well, first of all, i am a little bit concerned with the press and i do not accept myself in this criticism. Too often contortions of, quote, trying to be fair. There is a line of fairness that we need to adhere to, but we have to report on what is, not what we hope would be the case. And as members of the press, we have to keep doing our job, which is keep telling people, keep reminding people through use of facts and quotes of how unusually unique this is to have, number one, a president who says in advance of the election that if it doesnt appear to go his way, he is going to try to tie it up in the courts and he will not commit to a peaceful transfer of power at the top, even if the indication is that he has lost. Number two, there has never been anything approaching this in the way of Voter Suppression by any president of the United States. And the presides has to continuo find things in that way. As to his mental condition, i know there is a theory, he is mentally unstable. I am not qualified to say that. I will say this. He is constantly engaging in anger, manic behavior, abusive behavior, mocking behavior, and so often indicating that he would score in the high 90s on a test. We have a combination of selfishness and stupidity operating our white house. People, i think, will see that eventually. Will they see it in time to avoid what is ahead for us . Frequently, in the past, and what i will call normal times, brian, that there is a fine line between a tragedy and farce. Unfortunately, that was a long time ago. The story of the Trump Administration is both tragedy and farce. You know, tom, i am thinking about the debate a few days ago, the Vice President ial debate, and how other than the most important question asked was about president ial disability with two candidates in their 70s. Of course, neither Vice President ial nominee up there answered the question. Nobody wants to talk about it, but its the most important issue when you have folks this old running for president or are currently in office. Look, there is no question. It was not likely that they would answer it because we all kind of know what the answer is, which is that there is a high probability that biden or trump might not be able to finish out his term and, therefore, the Vice President does matter. I have to reinforce what dan and i said. You think there is only one story in the country right now. We are seeing something we have never seen before in american history. A massive Voter Suppression effort. An effort to steal the election even beforehand, before our eyes, and we have to understand, america is on the ballot in this election. America as we have known it. This could also break and fracture on the morning after november 3rd. Dan and tom, hold that thought. We will come back in a moment. You will be back later in the hour. Coming up here, the story of a texas man who thought the virus was an overblown media hoax until he got sick. And up next, trumps top source of campaign commercials. How much free air time did fox dole out this week . New advil dual action with acetaminophen fights pain in two ways. Advil targets pain at the source. While acetaminophen blocks pain signals. The future of pain relief is here. New advil dual action. Tonight, ill be eating a veggie cheeseburger on ciabatta, no tomatoes. [hard a] tonight. Ill be eating four cheese tortellini with extra tomatoes. [full emphasis on the soft a] so its come to this . [doorbell chimes] thank you. [doorbell chimes] bravo. Careful, hamill. Daddys not here to save you. Oh i am my daddy. Wait, what . What are you talking about . Water . Why . ahhhh incoming ahhhahh im saved water tastes like, water. So we fixed it. Mio how will we do it, at a time weve been asked that before. And through pandemics, and depressions, wars that split a nation, and fractured the world. Americans have always found a way to vote and make their voices heard. So stand with the National Council on Election Integrity and help make sure every vote is counted. No matter who you vote for, or how. Because while this election may feel different, we all call america home. Still a father. But now a friend. Still an electric car. Just more electrifying. Still a night out. But everything fits in. Still hard work. Just a little easier. Still a legend. Just more legendary. Chevrolet. Making lifes journey, just better. fisherman vo ce how do i register to vote . Ential election. Making lifes journey, hmm . Hmm . Hmm . woman on porch vo can we vote by mail here . grandma vo youll be safe, right . daughter vo yes four girls vo the polls voted grandma vo go out and vote its so important man at poll vo woo grandma vo its the most important thing you can do it turns out i have tardive dyskinesia, a condition that may be related to important medications i take for my bipolar disorder. Tardive dyskinesia can affect different parts of the body. It may also affect people who take medication for depression and schizophrenia. [narrator] in todays trying times, were here to help you manage td. Visit talkabouttd. Com for a doctor discussion guide to prep for your next appointment in person, over the phone, or online. Its a relief to know there are treatments for td. President trump and his Propaganda Machine are touting his strength as he recovers from covid19. He just told one of his biggest fans that he is feeling great, he says he feels fantastic, he says he is immune. He makes it sound like getting covid19 was a good thing. Here is a clip. The president is in very good shape to fight the battle. He says he is ready to fight the battle. Thats what he says. See, by doing these interviews, the president is seeming like he is accessible, acting like he is accessible. He can say he does a lot more interviews than joe biden does. On thursday and friday, he appeared on three different fox news shows. He also called in to rush limbaughs radio show for a twohour rant session and called into another radio show as well. That totals four hours of president ial talk time. Perhaps its good for his lungs. And it was reassuring to hear the president speaking at length, seeming to be on the mend from his covid battle. He did also, as i mention, called into a show on fox today and then, of course, what happens is on fox and on these propaganda shows they then repeat everything the president is saying. There is an echo back and forth that happens. They can recycle misinformation about Hillary Clinton and barack obama and discredit mailin voting, all these topics he ranted on twitter about as well in the past week. This Propaganda Machine tells a deep story. The president and the Propaganda Machine together tell a deep story. This is a concept in arily russells book. She talks about how Tea Party Supporters in louisiana embraced a deep story about the president and about republican politics, and we can see a deep story now forming about the president and covid where he battled covid, he succeeded, he is victorious, thus, the nation is victorious. This is straightup propaganda, but its a deep emotional story that is being sold to the nation. Most people dont buy it, but some people do. Lets talk about it with cnn media reporter oliver darcy and texas a M Communications director, jennifer. So lets start with that rhetorical genius, jen. When i say deep story, how does that resonate with you . What deep story do you see the president telling . Yeah, absolutely. One of the things that donald trump ran on in 2016 was american exceptionalism. Most use that, and when they do that they really are talking about americas obligations to the rest of the world. But had trump talks about american exceptionalism he really means winning. And he considers himself to be the apotiio sis or the greatest example of america winning. When he tells his story he says i was born on flag day. That makes him like america himself. What you are seeing here is trump trying to perform american exceptionism to try to perform america winning because its a zerosum game. Either you are winning or losing, an doesnt want to be losing. So his body is healing, so the country is healing. He is strong, so the country is strong. Are there historical examples of that in a democracy, or is this really just an authoritarian technique . Its typically used in authoritarian regimes, thats true. Like i said, american president s have used american exceptionalism but they use it in a different way and usually dont refer to their own person. Usually its about American Values and how American Values are going to see us through hard times. Its not about winning or losing, which is how trump always frames it. And fox news is helping with this through these interviews. Dr. Mark segal, one of the networks medical analysts, taped an interview on friday with President Trump and it was presented la presented like a medical visit, oliver. Why was this so strange to you . It sounded like something when i was watching it that you would see an authoritarian do in a staterun television network, you know, out in some other country, not in the United States. Dr. Mark segal didnt ask in i tough followups. There were softball questions. Frankly, it stood in contrast to what he asked in the past. In 2016 when Hillary Clinton fainted at that event, he wanted her brain scans. But in this interview with President Trump, he didnt show any interest really in asking for that kind of information. And i think this goes to a larger point, one that you are making, is that fox is producing propaganda. There is a difference between honest opinion, holding the same standards for politicians on different sides of the aisle, but coming at the news with a world view. I dont think anyone has a problem with that, but thats not what fox is doing. They have totally different standards for democrats and republicans, and they produce propaganda on behalf of this white house. I think we should be clear eyed in saying that. The counter from fox is they asked joe biden to come on, they asked for interviews with biden and biden turns them down. When the president calls in, of course they say yes. A few days, the president at walter reed, and the photos released by the white house, the videos that were released after the president returned to the white house because, jen, i know you talked about this in your class with your students. You talked about this kind of approach here. He is signing what appear to be blank documents. What was the impact of these propagandist i c propagandistic photos and videos . My students brought to up. This was what they brought up. You know, they really saw them as staged. They really saw it as the illusion rather than the actuality. And i think thats very common with trump. He doesnt care so much about how things really are. He is really interested in how things appear it be one of the things that i noticed about him is that he has a very interesting and sort of distorted version of what it means to perform the presidency. So the video of him, you know, that seemed like a movie trailer when he came back from the hospital, that to me wasnt president ial. It wasnt president ial in any way. But thats what he thinks it is, to be president ial. That balcony shot, you know, saturday, i think we will see more of that as the head the president of the the founder of the politico said nothing ends well with a balcony shot. Oliver, lets turn to the debates, the debate about the debates, the president not wanting to have a virtual debate, to joe biden said i will have a town hall on abc instead. What do you know about whats going to happen this thursday . It looks like there will be dueling town halls. Biden will be on abc. Where is trump going to be . Trump it might be on nbc. My understanding is that nbc town hall is contingent on the president testing negative for the coronavirus for safety reasons and we havent seen that from the white house yet. So maybe thats why it hasnt been announced. I am also hearing that if this does go forward, which i think it will, Savannah Guthrie is being talked about as a possible moderator for this event. But, brian, we should point out how stunning this is, that the president backed out of that last debate, virtual debate. He is going to maybe get, lets say, 10 Million People on nbc town hall if he does it. He could have been in front of 60 Million People right before the election. And this is something that he needs. He needs to change the state of the race. Biden doesnt really need this. And he gave it up for, you know, i dont understand why. It was a political miscalculation, i think. Lets show the ratings. 73 Million Viewers for the first debate this year, 50 Million Viewers for the Vice President ial debate, which up from 2016. People want these debates. And so its a failure not to hold the debate on thursday. I think this idea of dueling town halls, its a reflection of where the country is, right . You have to watch different channels to see both candidates. As you said, oliver, this nbc town hall is likely to happen. It will be simulcast on msnbc, cbs, telemundo. Not as many viewers as the debate would have had. Gener thank you for being here. Oliver and i will be sending out the nightly reliable news sources today. Sign up at reliablesources. Com. Coming up, the president using his twitter account to cast doubt about the outcome of the election. So what will social media platforms do when this escalates on november 3rd . We will have answers from twitters communications chief. Brandon borman joins me next. Or more effective against pain than salonpas patch large theres surprising power in this patch salonpas dependable, powerful relief. Hisamitsu. Such as high blood pressure,ve pdiabetes, and asthma. S this administration and Senate Republicans want to overturn laws requiring Insurance Companies to cover people with preexisting conditions. 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For wherever you want to go. Chase. Make more of whats yours. However, there is one thing you can be certain of. The men and woman of the United States postal service. We are here to deliver your cards, packages and prescriptions. And also deliver the peace of mind knowing that whats important to youlike your ballotis on its way. Every day, all across america, we deliver for you. And we always will. You ready for this . cause were all set. So lets woah. Ready. Set. Woah. Universal orlando resort. Stay at a universal hotel starting from 79 a night plus tax. Restrictions apply. Now to social media and its many effects on the american election. Everywhere you look from instagram so tiktok users are urged to register and to vote, but those positive messages are being counteracted by pollution, by twitter posts from the president and others questioning the legitimacy of the election. Now, the company adds warning labels to some of trumps more outlandish claims. It now says it has a specific plan for election day and beyond. Here to explain what twitter is doing to preparie is brandon broman, Vice President of Global Communications at twitter. 2016 versus 2020. I sometimes say that social networks were newborn babies at the last election and now they are toddlers trying to walk around, trying to learn how to walk. Is that fair . Is that offensive . How do you describe 2016 versus 2020 . Well, first of all, thank you for having me on. I hope we are more than toddlers now. We are taking a very we are clear clearly taking a very different approach to the election. We learned a lot over the last four years. We have done elections around the world in india, brazil, the eu, u. K. So we have had a lot of opportunity to learn. And i think if you come to twitter today you will find an application thats a lot more informative, easier to find the information you want about candidates and how to vote. You will find that we have labeled all of the candidates. You know the offices they are running for. You will find we are taking a more aggressive approach to misinformation around how this election runs. We are providing links to authoritative thirdparty sources. In some cases the press, other cases the secretary of state for north carolina. You wont see political advertising. We banned that across the board 18 months ago because of our concern about how that type of paid advertising interferes in the conversation around an election. And you wont see the immense amount of work we have done to address foreign interference, but we have removed tens of thousands of accounts and hundreds of networks that we have been able to connect back to foreign powers. If you look at all of that, i think our approach to up 2020 is s substantively different. Sometimes it takes hours to label. Why does it take so long sometimes . Every time we introduce a new product feature, a new policy, its iterative and it takes time to really get better at applying those. If you look, we have been applying those labels in the last four to six months or so. I think we have gotten consistently better. As we go into an Election Night, we understand that the potential volume that we are looking at will require us to be very rapid and in the moment. So we have teams around the world that are already working on this, because 10 Million People have already voted. And we will have teams around the world on Election Night to be even more aggressive. So 11 00 p. M. Eastern time on Election Night california polls closed. Trump goes on twitter and says, im the winner. Of course, thats nonsense because the networks have not called the election yet. What does twitter do to that tweet at 11 00 p. M. On Election Night . To just before i answer that question, i want to remind people that election is about more than just Election Night. Thats why we have done so much work in this period. We are seeing voting right now we have never seen before, the volume. Right. Specifically to your question on the night of, on friday we announced what we think will be our last major changes prior to Election Night. Part of that was being very clear that you cannot use twitter regardless of who you are, you cannot use twitter to declare victory if the race has not been called. And if you do, we are going to put a warning that covers the entire tweet. It will provide an update on that warning of the actual status of that race and then link out to a thirdparty whether its press coverage or Election Officials to give you an actual source so that you can know the actual status of that race. It sounds like you are preparing for a hurricane. Is that what it feels like . You are expecting a lot of disinformation and you are having to brace for it today . Its not just about the misinformation. We have gone into the election with our eyes wide open. None of us have experienced an election like this. I am a news junkie. Election night is always exciting. Its always entertaining. But we know there is a lot of unknowns. So weve spent a lot of time preparing for unknowns that we think we can expect. Partially because we know the things we are prepared for are probably not the things that will happen on Election Night, but we need to be flexible and nimble and able to move quickly. And part of that, as i said earlier, is an understanding of our role at twitter so to protect the conversation around this election. We are one part of a much bigger ecosystem that includes the press, that includes government, and we all hopefully are approaching this election differently in how we work together, should be different as well. Twitter gets a lot of push back from the president and other conservatives saying that there is a censorship underway here. You are biased against trump and biased against republicans. You have donated yourself to joe bidens campaign and to many other democratic groups. Are you biased against the president . Does it matter that you donated to democrats . So i think i am able to bring objectivity to my job. If you go on my profile on twitter its my pinned tweet. Speaks people at twitter, the Communications Department at twitter do not write the policies. We do not make the enforcement decisions. Our job is to take the decisions made by the experts at this company and convey those to the public. I am looking at your profile there. You are b borman on twitter. Do you feel like these platforms get lumped together when they are different . Facebook is making different choices than twitter, than reddit, than linkedin. Is it frustrating to be lumped together . I understand why people do it. But, yes, we serve a very different purpose than most of the other platforms do. I think we all have a relatively unique space. You have to look at the size of the companies. We are much smaller than facebook or google. But i think we understand our unique position and thats why we make the decisions we make. I go back to the advertising decision. Our job is to protect the conversation. And our feeling on paid advertising when it comes to politics is that there is a lot of unknowns. A single vote can impact millions of people. There is a lot of advertising tools that you are specific in targeting individuals. We dont think its fully understood but the risks are. Thats why we made that decision. It seems like on friday you all said you dont want things to go viral so quickly. You want people to think twice before posting. Those are big changes, right, to a social media environment. Does it feel like this game of whackamole is ever going it get its the worlds worst game of whackamole. Somebody on twitter recently said we were late to respond to the spread of qanon on the platform. Will there ever be a day where it feels like the social media platforms are winning this whackamole game and the propagandists are losing . Look, i think as you said, as you pointed out in your earlier segment, there is very little said on twitter that isnt said elsewhere whether on the press or through press conferences or debates. We have to be able to dreaddrest on our service. I think we have shown over the last six months or willingness to enforce rules in a clear and distinct way. We are going to continue to do that. There is no question we have room to improve, but we have made significant improvements in the last 18 months. You mentioned qanon. Even the work we have done there in the last several weeks has reduced engagement in qanonrelated content by 50 . Brandon, thank you for being here. Please come back soon. Its going to be a wild few weeks. A quick break here and then a revelation. Something thats an open secret among d. C. Insiders. So why isnt the press talking about it more . Wabba wabba all new, Plant Powered creative roots gives kids the hydration they need, with the fruit flavors they love, and 1 gram of sugar. Find new creative roots in the kids juice aisle. vo heres a choice you dont have to make . New creative roots the largest 5g network. Awardwinning customer satisfaction. Or insanely great value. Now, with tmobile for business, theres no compromise. Network. Support. Value. Choose. All. Three. Tmobile for business. Ready when you are. d burke i Nothing Happened. Appened. driver Nothing Happened . burke Nothing Happened. driver sure looks like something happened. burke well, youve been with farmers for three years with zero auto claims. driver yeah . burke so you earned your policy perk accident forgiveness. 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Fraudsters, theyre out to get your medicare number so they can bill fake claims in your good name. Dont give them that chance. Just calling to confirm your medicare number. Do you have your card available . For example, if the caller says theyre from medicare, watch out. Its probably a scam. Dont give out your card number. And always check your claims statements for errors. Report fraudulent charges to 1800medicare. Guard your card. Learn more at medicare. Gov fraud. brad operator how dgot another vacancycom find at fifth and pine. Ickly . brad oh, thats good. Apartmentsdotcom. The most popular place to find a place. Dont settle for less. Revitalift triple power with proretinol plus hyaluronic acid and vitamin c. It visibly reduces wrinkles. Firms. And brightens. Now thats triple power. Revitalift triple power moisturizer from loreal. Now thats triple power. One of the worst things about a cois how it can make you feel. But, when used at the first sign, abreva can get you back to being you in just 2 and a half days. Be kinder to yourself and tougher on your cold sores. Anywhere convenience. Everyday security. Bankers here to help. For wherever you want to go. Chase. Make more of whats yours. National poll showing joe biden with a doubledigit lead over President Trump. Today a poll by abc and the washington post. Cnnpoll had biden up more. Headtohead matchups show biden beating trump all year long. Look at the breakdown of cnns National Polling since april. Its been a crazy career, and yet this looks like a sane, quiet time. Just gentle waves lapping up and down, biden always ahead of trump. Yet, there are so still so many people nervous about this election, and nervous to believe the polls. I am seeing it all over the police from msnbc to fox. The polls are off, biden is still very much clearly ahead. I dont trust it. The president is doing much better than the polls are saying. These are suppression polls. I am personally scarred from 2016, the poll numbers. Do you believe the polls right now . What about you . Do you believe the polls . Should you trust the national and state polls . Lets ask ryan liza, chief washington correspondent and cnn political analyst and a firsttime guest on the program, clare malone, writer for 538. These polls point to a biden landslide. Should people believe these polls that have biden up 10, 12, 16 points . The short answer is, yes, i think you can trust the polls and, yes, the National Polls show him up by quite a bit. I think there is some of those clips you were playing, people have this emotional reticence to accept polls because of the 2016 hangover. My caveat is you should also keep a close eye on state polls, especially key swing state polls. So wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania. Biden is still up in those states, but by fewer points, by 7 or 8 points, which is quite a lot, and he is up like an average of 4 in florida. Trust the polls but look at the state polls to kind of balance a little bit. Either way you spin it, biden is doing very well. Right. All this data, its pointing in the same direction, its all consistent, yet, ryan, every stakeholder has an incentive to not talk about it that way, right . Democrats want people to vote. The republicans want people to think that trump is going to surge and the media wants people to keep watching, is that right . Thats right. Well, we have an interest in a horse race, i suppose. But, look, in 2016 we in the media probably did not prepare the public for the slim chance of a trump victory, right . As claire knows, i think 538 and other sites gave trump, what, a one in three or one in four chance of winning, and, you know, thats not so bad considering its the presidency. And i think people were so burned by getting it so wrong, because the overwhelming majority of people who cover politics really did believe and predict a hillary victory. So there is quite a bit of shock. So, you know, its like people are fighting the last war, always readjusting, and now there is this reticence to predict or believe the story that the data has been pointing to as your graphic showed all year, and i think about two weeks ago i started hearing, especially from republicans, you know, a sense of this thing is over, he has collapsed among especially seniors, and the numbers since the last debates have been, you know, particularly bad. A lot of the pennsylvania numbers, probably the most important state, looking really bad. And just people dont want to say it outloud because we dont want to happen we dont want a repeat of what happened in 2016. I notice even the Trump Campaign, one of the data people from the Trump Campaign today is tweeting out some state polls that show some similarities in the numbers from 2016 and 2020. So they are starting to push back against this a little bit to say, oh, this is just going to be a repeat. And, look, i think the responsibility in the media is to prepare the public for the range of outcomes. Yeah, for a range, right. A narrow trump win to an absolute democratic biden landslide. Right. But the most right. And point out that is the range. We didnt do a great job pointing out the range in 2016, but while also letting it be clear that the data is pointing more in the direction of the Biden Victory than the narrow trump win. So, claire, finally, this is really all about emotions. Its less about the information and more about peoples emotions that are wrapped up in the polls . Yeah, i mean, i think we so data scares people, right . Probabilities scare people. One of the things we have been trying to do with the way they forecast the election is be a lot more accessible to people about how they process those numbers. So instead of saying we say trump has an 86 in 100 chance of losing the election, or biden has an 86 in 100 chance of winning the election, because thats easier to grasp. We want people to understand probabilities, which i think is not an intuitive thing for everyone, and we want to balance peoples emotional reactions with smart data journalism. Teaching people how to use the data, think about the data. In some way i think the attention in the polls in 2016 was the best learning tool for america, for the media. Its made us smarter with the information. Claire and ryan, thank you both. Let me show you one more poll. This is the most interesting poll i have seen recently. In 2016, on the question of trust, trump had the advantage over Hillary Clinton. But now its a blowout. People think biden is so much more trustworthy than trump. I wonder how much thats going to matter in a few weeks. After the break here, dan rather and Tom Friedmann are back. Stay with us. Ue psoriasis. 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Its time to take advantage. Wow its time to take advantage. Water . Why . ahhhh incoming ahhhahh im saved water tastes like, water. So we fixed it. Mio still a father. But now a friend. Still an electric car. Just more electrifying. Still a night out. But everything fits in. Still hard work. Just a little easier. Still a legend. Just more legendary. Chevrolet. Making lifes journey, just better. Taking california for a ride. Companies like uber, lyft, doordash. Breaking state employment laws for years. Now these multibilliondollar companies wrote deceptive prop 22 to buy themselves a new law. To deny drivers the rights they deserve. No sick leave. No workers comp. No unemployment benefits. Vote no on the deceptive uber, lyft, doordash prop 22. One ride california doesnt want to take. Doordash prop 22. When was the last time your property tawhat . L went down . Never. Are you kidding me . For years, the residential burden has gone up. While the corporate burden has gone down. Prop 15 reverses that. It closes corporate loopholes and invests in schools, small business, and firefighters. And when the big corporations pay more, your tax bill goes down. Thats right. A savings of a hundred twentyone dollars a year for the average home. Give homeowners a break. Vote yes on 15. A book that youre ready to share with the world . Get published now, call for your free publisher kit today covid19 is a mass trauma in the United States and around the world. And there are so many stories going on. But look to the front pages across the country for a reminder of this mass trauma. Lets look first at alaska. There is a new outbreak being covered by the local paper there in fairbanks. Head to colorado, front page this morning in loveland about deaths in the state. Papers across iowa are coming together today to profile loved ones who have been lost, nan papers creating a special feature called iowa mourns. And the ongoing economic catastrophe. Back with me, dan, is there anything about this pandemic that unites us . I mentioned the title of your book earlier, what unites us. Is there anything about the pandemic that does that . What unites us is a determination to defeat the virus. And we know to do that we need the very best of our science. It wasnt that long ago the democrats and republicans and the country as a whole agreed that the United States should maintain its leadership in science. And now here we have an election in which there is an antiscience administration on the ballot. I think Climate Change is a very important component of that because Climate Change ties into unemployment, our national security, how we deal with future pandemics is on the ballot. One of the things that unites us at the moment is the determination to defeat the coronavirus, and to do so by maintaining the leadership in science. Thats optimistic, but, tom, im pretty pessimistic right now. And i wonder where you are on that spectrum. When it comes to this test that american democracy is undergoing as we speak. Im really worried. Brian, everyone comes to journalism from some pathway. My introduction to journalism was covering a civil war in lebanon. I saw a country break apart. I saw what happens when people go all the way. I saw what happens when extremists go all the way and moderates just go away. And to think that it cant happen in america i think is a real illusion. What has distinguished us americans are always slow to rise to war. Its not in our blood. World war ii, war in korea, cold war. Were always slow to get going. But in the past we always actually were able to come together, to be united, to facedown the enemy. And what is new here, brian, and what should really worry us is this time we have not been able to rise together in this war because we have a president whose entire Business Model is to destroy truth and trust. And we have several networks who are really helping him along. They absolutely are. And as much as twitter talked about a big game about the plans they have, the steps theyre taking, its all in the actions they actually put into effect, and well see what twitter and facebook have in the rest. Before we go, i want to tell you, share with you the words of tony green as told to the washington post. Tonys quote in talking about covid saying when President Trump got sick i had this moment of deja vu back to when i first woke up in the hospital. I know what its like to be humiliated by this virus. I used to call it the scamdemic. But of course tony was sick as were so many members of his family. He goes on to tell eli, theres no relief, i cant escape it. Its torn up our family, its all over my facebook. Its the election, its trump, its what i keep thinking about. How many people wouldve gotten sick if i had never had a party that weekend . One, maybe two . It comes in waves but that guilt just hits. Theres that word hoax again. He says he thought it was a hoax until it happened to his family. There are continuing new studies showing the impact of that rhetoric. Pew is out with new data showing that republicans are paying less attention to the virus. But this virus is not partisan. I want to thank all of you who have purchased copies of my book hoax, who have checked it out so far. It is on sale wherever books are sole, ebooks and audio books as well. Email me if you want a printed edition. The first 100 people to email me, ill put a signed bookplate in the mail. Thanks for joining us on this weeks program. We will see you back here this time next week. brad apartmentsdotcom. The most popular place to find a place. All otc pain relievers including volthave one thing in common none are proven stronger or more effective against pain than salonpas patch large theres surprising power in this patch salonpas dependable, powerful relief. Hisamitsu. Anywhere convenience. Everyday security. Bankers here to help. 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