Transcripts For CSPAN Key Capitol Hill Hearings 20140208 : v

CSPAN Key Capitol Hill Hearings February 8, 2014

Collectively, we are determined to do something about it. I think people need to understand that there is a variety of terror groups in syria. A monolith, but some have expressed the desire to train fighters in syria to attract attack the west. Whether that will happen or not, it is a threat of people being radicalized here and moving to syria to conduct terror acts s. Is that correct . We need to do our best to pay close attention to an evolving situation. Are talking about radicalization, you are very careful in the way you talked about it. We have excerpts experts in the audience love studied radicalization carefully. One of the think that some of us try to do in congress was to create a Multidisciplinary Commission to advise congress on what the hallmarks are of someone who has radical views which are protected by our constitution turning into someone who is prepared to engage in violent action. We have to find a nexus. We were not able to pass legislation. At the last minute it became controversial, at least in my view. A hallmark of somebodys homegrown, lone wolf type is that they have clean records. They have not committed violent acts before. Many of them are on the internet, looking at site to teach them how to build bombs. The Boston Marathon bombers use the internet. There is a lot on the internet. Some of them also intersect people, either in our country or abroad. Many people think that it takes human intervention be the internet to radicalized someone. You said this is a focus. How should the american public, which is listening to you right now, think about this . Convey the answer to that question in my remarks. And state andment local governments and First Responders unemployed for six and local communities Law Enforcement in local communities needs to be vigilant. We are building those relationships. Because of the nature of what we are talking about, we risk going too far. We risk breeding suspicion, fear, among people who are different. That is the purpose of the last point in my remarks. If you are charged with thinking , whethereland security you or me or the state adviser to the governor, or a police commissioner, you can build walls, you can build something that is so secure that you make everybody paranoid. Youa price people of deprive people of basic privacy and freedom that this country is all about. We cannot do that. This is a balance. It is a delicate balance. Do we have it right . Probably not. I think that a basic responsibility for those of us charged with Homeland Security and law and is not an National Security is defined that right balance and be sensitive to it. Far and there are instances in the history of this government where we have done that. We need to be mindful of not sensitive to it. In my opening remarks i commanded you for your speech. You spoke about guantanamo and drones. It was a courageous act. I was not government. [laughter] i am glad you are back. You said, as you close your speech, we cannot sacrifice our values as a nation. We need to ask more questions and expect more answers. We should not make suspicious that people suspicious of each other at the cost of the nation. Not believe that it is not to take out bad guys. Sometimes we must do that. Very courageous people have very carefully try to do that. But in the end, we have to win the argument went something in boonies or in the an innercity america is trying to decide whether to drop a Pressure Cooker bob along a marathon. If we do not win that argument, there will be more people growing up against us. That is a metaphor that we once used. Do you agree with that . Like i do. I do. With ouro be sensitive those whoot breeding want to do harm against americans faster than we can take them out. One of the things that we will do and i think we have begun this process, one of the things that we will do in this administration is to develop ideas for how we can address this issue in the homeland. We need to be sensitive to the fact that there are people who live in this country, but they hate this country. They have various different reasons. They want to do harm to others who feel disenchanted, disassociated, disconnected. They are influenced by forces beyond our control. We need to try to address that audiences the way or another to get that this exact issue. To, and i know others want to begin thinking about this issue. We have Party Started developing ideas. Speaking personally, i commend that thought. I want to underscore the last part of the last sentence of your speech where you said, we are a nation of people who cherish freedom, celebrate diversity, and carrier flights of the olympics. We are not afraid. Statement of our values for this country is a big piece of your job. Ofyou are to become the face warnings about the terror threat, it will be wonderful if you are also the face of reassurance. Our country will survive this and we will be resilient. Tonow you said you are going boston on the anniversary of the marathon bombings. There is a place where i watched proudly as an american. A horrible thing happened, but a community pulled together quickly. It never lost its drive. We did not do it well in 9 11, but we did it that well with boston. I would hope that those are lessons we can learn. Not just we the people listening to you on the outside, but many former members of government. We can learn that the department of Homeland Security can teach and can help inspire others to teach. Eventd like to close this which i think has been a wonderful honor. It has been an example of the kinds of things we do here. I did not mention that john brennan, when he was the counterterrorism adviser in the white house, asked to come here to speak for the first time about the u. S. Government. I was sitting right there. It was a wonderful event. Event, letose this me just offer you the last word. Any last thoughts you may have. As a safety white house, parting shots. Thank you again for your leadership. Thank you for bringing me here. Thank you for your mentorship and support. This is a terrific organization. A is educational and it is place for thoughtful, intelligent discussion. And it is not partisan. When you talk about National Security, it should not be partisan. I believe that fervently. Thank you for the terrific work that you do here. I am sure i will see you again. I thank you. As i have said for years, the will not check our Party Registration before they. As anyou for coming here american to talk about a challenge that america faces. And a department that wants to be better at keeping us a. Safe. [applause] on the next washington journal, New York Times economic reporter Nelson Schwartz talks about the role of the middle class. Then a usa today Crime Reporter looks at hair when and Substance Abuse heroin and Substance Abuse. Your calls and facebook, and on seized and. Cspan. In many ways we focus on the challenge around attacking credit cards protecting credit cards and debit cards. The exposures that people can get into our bank account or Online Transactions that we all do. Area where there are very few protections and almost unlimited liability. In todays interconnected world, are still information is collected from consumers wherever they go. From the workplace to shop into groceries to browsing the web at home, virtually every action we take involves the collection of information. Some of it is very sensitive. Many of these uses have clear benefits. The recent data breaches are a strong reminder that they create risks for consumers. Sometimes we are out ahead in determining and looking at data as it relates to Financial Industries. It is through partnerships that we have in the Financial Industries store a sector that we can go through data and be able to find out where information is leaking into the criminal underground. Some journalists are able to get that information. This weekend on cspan, data breaches and cyber theft. Lawmakers look at legislative options to secure snow data. Personal data. Bush,ashington to cspan2. American history tv. Travel back 150 years to find out how can enter as older is spent the winter of 1864. That is live on saturday at 1 00 a. M. These stop president obama signed the farm bill today at an event hosted by michigans the university. It is projected to save millions of dollars over the next decade. If and Crop Insurance programs. It also cut 8 billion from the exam program. Democratic lawmakers join the president at the event. This is about 40 minutes. [applause] thank you, thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much. We got it done. [applause] it is so wonderful to be back at home. We have the 2014 rose bowl champs. That is for you and the whole team. I am so proud that the president of the United States understands what we understand about agricultural research. The Land Grant University system, agriculture and Rural America. The fact that this president would come here to sign this landmark bill, thank you president barack obama. [applause] i want to thank a very key person in part here who we now have handed off this bill to. We are so proud that our United States secretary of agriculture, tom vilsack is with us today. [applause] i want to thank my partners. Ranking members, my partner in senate. It in the senator cochran, this truly was a bipartisan effort. I also want to thank my staff involved. I have the best agriculture staff on the hill. Thank you very much. [applause] i hope you will also join me in thanking colleagues who are here today who are so important to this process. Our great senior senator carl levin and gary peters, we thank them. [applause] our president pro tem of the United States senate, former chair of the committee, patrick leahy. [applause] the senior senator from minnesota, amy klobuchar, congresswoman from ohio and chair of the Congressional Black Congress of the Congressional Black Caucus marcia fudge. [applause] and the congressman from texas. We are so glad you are here. This is a bipartisan jobs bill that makes sure 16 Million People who worked in agriculture from michigan to mississippi to ohio to texas and everywhere in between have the support they need to provide food for all of us. What you may not know is this is an export bill that will help extend opportunities. It is one of the few areas we have a trade surplus. This is a Research Bill that will allow us to find solutions to past disease issues and innovation for the future. This is also an energy bill. It will also create the next generation of biofuels and help farmers and Small Businesses generate their own power to improve Energy Efficiency and improve the cost of business. There is a bio digester up in fremont about two hours northwest of here that we helped support through rural development. I was there in 2011 for the groundbreaking and then again in 2012 for the grand opening. And they are taking leftover vegetables and waste from the gerber baby food plant down the road and they are mixing it with lovely livestock many were. Manure. Theyre they are creating methane gas that powers homes. That is part of our future. [applause] biobased manufacturing, Michigan State again a leader that allows us to take soy oil and make car seat foam rather than petroleum so youre sitting on soybeans and we are creating new markets and creating new opportunities through biobased manufacturing area this is a bill that will help Rural Businesses get Broadband Internet access so they can get new customers in every part of michigan and across the country and be more competitive. In fact, in the last bill, over 5 billion was developed in energy development. This is a conservation bill that helps farmers, partner with them to protect our land and water resources. Folks may not know that the largest investment that we make in land to Water Conservation in the country is through what we call the farm bill. This is how we partner with people who own land. [applause] and we have a wonderful, new partnership for the future. A historic new agreement between agriculture and conservation groups that ties conservation compliance with Crop Insurance so we are able to use the best possible new tools, management practices, and guarantees our farmers and ranchers to continue to be the great stewards of the land they are. This is a nutrition bill that makes sure families have a safety net like farmers do. The savings came solely from interrupting fraud and misuse while maintaining the important benefits for families who need temporary health. Help. We are bringing more healthy, locally grown foods into communities to food coops and farmers markets. This is a deficit reduction bill that saves taxpayers 22 billion. 2. 5 years ago we started out and committed that we would cut 23 billion in spending. 2. 5 years later we did. [applause] this is a reform bill that contains the greatest reforms to agricultural programs in decades. We finally ended direct payment subsidies given to farmers even in good times and instead of supporting families farmers with Risk Management tools so that no one loses the farm because of bad weather or market conditions. We have seen what happens and continues to happen in the weather. A blizzard killed 100,000 cows in north dakota. In michigan, 80 degree weather in march. Trees that it was spring but it was not. It got cold again and cherry farmers lost 90 of the crop. In california we are seeing the driest winter on record and most of the state is suffering from extreme or exceptional drought. Farming is the risk is business there is. No other business has to worry about those issues as to whether or not theyre going to survive. We are lucky that we still have americans willing to get up every morning and work hard and take on the challenges of the weather in the marketplace to produce our food. [applause] im proud this farm bill is focused on the future, not the past. This bill is taking a critical step towards changing the paradigm of agriculture and supported by more than 370 groups from all over the country and every perspective, many people representing those groups and we are so grateful for your support. It has been a long road. We were worked hard to make sure every region of agriculture, every form of agriculture from specialty crocs crops are represented. I want to thank my colleagues and my family who are here today who have heard meet talk about this bill for an awfully long time. My daughter and her family, my son and the three most beautiful grandchildren in the entire world. [laughter] [applause] thanks to a lot of hard work we have arrived at a farm bill that works every american. Families will continue to have the safest, most affordable food supply and we will strengthen agriculture and Rural America for years to come. Thanks much for being there. [applause] hello. Thank you so much. Everyone please have a seat. Thank you ben. How did dad do, was a pretty good . There he is. I thought he did great. It is good to be in east lansing. It is good to be with all of you here today. I am here because i have heard about all the great things that youre doing and i want to thank the mayor and president simon for hosting us. Im also here to do some scouting on my brackets. [applause] i just talked to the coach. The spartans are pretty good looking pretty good. They had some injuries. The coach, he always paces so that you peak right at the tournament. That is a fact. [applause] i got a chance to meet mark dantonio. You have got a Rose Bowl Victory you guys, you are greedy. [laughter] you want to win everything. It is wonderful to be here. I love coming to michigan. Mainly i love coming to michigan because of people. I also love coming here because there are few places in the country that better symbolize what we have been through together over these last four or five years. The American Auto industry has always been the heartbeat of the michigan economy and the heart of American Manufacturing so when that heartbeat was flatlining emma we all pulled together, all of us, autoworkers who punched in on the line, management who made tough decisions to restructure, elected officials like gary peters and mark scheier who believe that rescuing americas most iconic industry was the right thing to do. And today thanks to your great and ingenuity and dogged determination, the American Auto industrys engines are roaring again and we are building the best cars in the world again and some plants a running three shifts around the clock. Something that nobody wouldve imagined just a few years ago. [applause] i just had lunch with detroits new mayor, mike duggan. [applause] he told me if there is one thing he wants anybody to know it is that detroit is open for business and i have great confidence that he is going to provide the leadership that you need. Really proud of him. [applause] the point is, we have all had to buckle down. We have all had to work hard, we have had to fight our way back east past five years and in a lot of ways, we are now in better positioned better positioned for the 21st century than anybody on earth. We learned this morning that our businesses in the private sector created more than 140,000 jobs last month adding up to about eight point 5 million jobs over the last four years. 8. 5 million jobs over the last four years. [applause] unemployment is the lowest it has been since i was first elected. Companies across the country are saying they will say hire mo

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