Request our free classroom size merican president s timeline poster, graphic display of the president s. Host washington continues. 2027488001 for republicans. 2027488000 for democrats. And for independents. At on twitter page cspanwj, and facebook at facebook. Com cspan. We are getting tweets concerning political activity on the the lican plan to replace Affordable Care act. This is susan swain. Speaker ryans summary of change is to help care legislation may vote next e week, followed up by capitol producer craig caplan, saying meeting will take place the house g. O. P. Reaches deal while repeal and smchlt before the vote potential amendments, courtesy mcarthur amendment, essential Health Benefits as standard, maintain following provision of the ahca, including prohibition of denying coverage due to preexisting conditions, based on gender, guaranteed issue of the age from there under topic of limited waiver option, ays amendment would create to obtain limited waivers from federal standard necessary nterest of lowering cost and expanding number of insured persons and includes sector on waiver requirement saying states must attest equested waiver is to reduce premium cost, increase number of persons with healthcare coverage to the ce benefits Public Interest at state. This is in flux right now. Negotiations go back and forth between various republican groups on the plan. E will probably see more on this topic as Congress Gets back to work next week. Ll that sets you up for open phones. Well take calls in a moment because another development as yesterday, concerning Jason Chaffetz of utah. An announcement from him saying leave congress to go back to the private industry and oining us for that discussion salt lake urr of the tribune, can you tell us why this announcement is coming . Couple reasons. First off, i think he is eyeing 2020. Overnors office in we my run for senate against now says that he is not the case. He has long wanted to be governor. For the governor getting his start in politics very left the door open much so by saying he will not run in 2018, but he left out when the Governors Office is likely to be open in the state of utah. Potential, if he what o run for office, would it look like as far as the contest is concerned . Guest hes won handily in the he has ran. He is popular in polls, hes of n a hit it seems because the situation hes been sharing of the oversight and Government People ommittee and wondering why he is not investigating donald trump more vigorously. Taken a hit in polls there, but hes definitely a very in utah for the most part, except recent months ecause of the trump situation, which is also plays into why he downed down, plans to step is because it is untanable spot peopleversight chairman, screaming, why arent you investigating trump, while they re screaming at him, why werent you investigating more. Host as far as announcement or mr. Chaffetz seat, ave there been announcements today . Guest i talked to one political consultant yesterday who said lawmakers in the districts, the county commissioners and Business Planning to run there is no shortage of interest in utah. Ird district of and just reminder, this is pretty rare for open seat to utah. N in the state of we have very longserving people ince hatch has been in office 40 years. And so it is very rare when open enough people at have been waiting in the wings for quite a while, come out of woodwork. Host as far as mr. Chaffetz unning for governor, what happens after he steps down and in between any potential run . Indication . Guest he wants to go back to the private sector, he will have money. Ake some im not sure what his gig is hes lined up. Him yesterday about that, he was coy about it, but wants to come back to the sector. Pretty much, not much time if know,n he steps down, you january 2019, pretty much then ou want to start your campaign for governor. He is not said he will run for governor, but we all see the writing on the wall. Host in talking with him, did you get a sense that he was ruly at peace with this decision, ready to move on . Guest you know, hes been back quite a while, he thought about running against 2018, but his reasoning, he sleeps in his cot that heht a 45 sleeps on every night, hes away from his wife all the time, he back and forth ommute between d. C. , and utah, so yeah, he gives up the perks, which he does miss, but i think does look forward to spending more time in utah. Washington burr, correspondent talking about the nnouncement of chaffetz about running for reelection, thank you for your time. Pedro. Thanks, host open phones, joe in West Virginia, democrats line. Thanks for holding on. Go ahead. Caller yes, i just want to followup on the discussion parties on the Environmental Protection agency. Southern west irginia and people wanto see what misery coal brings to a place, they should come here and look. Women in the county in West Virginia after they take all the out, live factors shorter lives than women in any other county in the united of america. The surrounding counties of west and i mean, virginia and kentucky also have expectancy rates for children. Also, for women. Down here as t been destroyed, were in the of the retiredow oal miners losing their health and pension benefits they paid into because the Coal Companies bankruptcy, which is allowed under law, and it is leave approximately 25,000 coal miners and their dependents without medical care then environmental destruction, even though west irginia has some of the best laws that are written as far as Environmental Protection, none force. E are in host okay, lets go next to line. Aryland, republican caller good morning, my friends. So, you know, i think that there legitimate climate issues out there. I will give you an example. He poisoning of the water supply by the nuclear site. Is and i think that the agenda doesnt Pay Attention to specific issues, to nt Pay Attention solvable issues because once the problem, then theres nothing left to do. Think that i fully agree with Free Enterprise and fully agree with the position of cbi, we do need to protect the environment, we need to do it in targeted way. Pecific issues and not these, not allow power graphs that very much. Host this is sara from new go shire, independent line, ahead. Caller good morning. Host good morning. Me er thank you for having on. We have been, i agree with both of the story as far as i bill want to subsidize oil, the tar sands, i dont want to subsidize industry. On subsidizing corporation that back energy,ell me theyre getting a freebie, what taxpayer hould happen, dollars should go back to the taxpayer and subsidize small solar panels and do kind of like what germany is doing, mandate that 30 of needs to r a building be produced on site. Subsidize, which we are doing right now and i eel bad for the people in virginia, coal mining countries, because of the abject pollution on, but also down river the river r sands is dying from cancer and people are dieing from ancer, it is a environmental disaster there. E do have new technology, Plasma Technology burns trash, cleanly and we should be, you know, investing technologies, not big energy companies. Host okay. Axias website looks at a new poll. Aking a look at potential for senator ted cruz of texas say trailing by four point necessary match up with castro in the 2018 senate race. Also, says that the texas website has democrat considering 35 to cruzs 31 . Holds evenly ative with ted cruz. New go to noahnalbany, york, democrats line. Caller hi, thank you for taking my called it. Wanted to address something myron had said in the last about the climate industrial complex. Few rich is just a people getting money off this and that is really not true. E have to recognize, im a college student, our generation, we need to be proactive about fossilmate, we cant let fuel be our primary source offing energy anymore f. We consumption ur habits as americans we will cease to be americans. Abject reality. I would like to thank the last caller for highlighting germany. Thank you. Host susan from michigan on the republican line. Hi. Er i wanted to make a comment, we eagle mine inlled upper peninsuwell, a. To offered to build a road the mine with a direct shot to michigan. Short from where the eagle mine is. Because of the extremism of the they , they have decided from the the minerals mine, down county road through big bay, bring it on up through marquette the e busiest corridor in Upper Peninsula of michigan. All the way u. S. 41 to the road the eagle mine decided to build and bring it to the mine. Or bring it to the distribution they take up the minerals out of the up. Craziest thing. You know, the few people that remote, here, very eagle mine has offered that they land to replace the land that they will put our road through. Is swamp. A lot of the land up here is beautiful, a lot is swamp. Thats to me, that is an example of extremism of the e. P. A. Thank you. Host New York Times looking at Supreme Court case heard looking at religious freedom. Reporting the court seemed ready the wall ay at separating church and state on wednesday with several justices must sometime es provide aide to religious group. Program thatssouri made playground safer, but had all kind of or government aid to religious institution. This is clear burden on constitutional right. Justice neil gorsuch said the rogram amounted to discrimination based on religion. That has happened in this case, leaving no doubt the answer was yesterday. Was most consistent voice, he was in the minority. They are just saying, you dont be involved with the charge. More in the New York Times this morning. Ere is tom, farmville, virginia, independent line. Caller yes, i appreciate what doing on cspan. And thanks. Just wanted to make a comment and inquire about what about environment pollution, thatnos, solar output, has increased that may contribute to there warm something are ther factos in the geothermal aspect of the planet that may be contributing to this . Do, again, appreciate the attempt and balance of the sensitive, but important issue environment supports s and we cant allow partisanism or greed or anything else because it is lives of children. Our thank you. Host democrats line, from columbia, maryland, pat is next. Caller yes, hello. Im following up with the man that just spoke. Wanted to get some facts out. Okay. Confirmation that we, causing Climate Change. The carbon molecule that comes fossil fuel and d4 station other carbonan the molecules, so scientists can carbon in the the atmosphere over time and they can see a clear increase and a molecules from fossil fuel in the forest station. Other caller was talking about with the volcanos, they can weighed, so defer which one is actually caused by us. That is one confirmation of that. Ost the wall street journal this morning highlights the fact that 106 million was raised for inauguration ps activities and lists donors who activities. Million robert kraft, nair, s, robert mc dmrt including one million from chemical,fizer and dow others on the list, as well, that is in the wall street journal. Jeramiah, little rock, arkansas, republican line. Caller awesome. Few quick points, number one the lady talking about carbon being able to do anything. Can, but point out the fact they keep talking about carbon of the and heating earth. When that happens, that is what plants feed off of. Weville bigger plants. I think trump killed today, he facts, but more importantly, what im calling about, the left never seems to my ion the worst, in opinion, worst atrocity done to the climate during the bp oil gulf, obama signed regulations away for unregulated be done in the gulf. Not only that, they allowed be dealt aste to unfiltered into the gulf water. One stop, it has been going since the bp oil spill and signd that legislation during the bp oil spill. No one ever seems to mention that. It is go og today. Know how many t wells are out there, or how Many Companies are fracking. Chemicals, they are so bad, they wont tell us what is it in and it is being the gulf. Host iris, sorry, i pushed the wrong button. Irish from alabama. Independent line, go ahead. Hi, good morning. You do such a great job. So informative and i want to make a comment. I live down here in alabama, to the gulf, the fellow speaking, he is on point. There go down there and will be gobs of just oil still around, but what i was calling about was the opioid addiction addiction. I think and cigarettes. Opioid k about the addiction and i know it is one is bad, but they ould do something about cigarettes. The multi Million Dollars they ave got, how many people die from cigarette smoking . That is nothing they can do can do, at is all they quit banking them and we would not have that problem, we would many people with opd, and lung cancer and heart disease, that cost trillions of dollars, im sure, and all they making them. Quit but look at the money they get monsemore important than lies and that is mainly what i you do say and say that a great job. I listen to you everyday. Host we appreciate you watching listening. The department of health and Human Services announcing esterday they are going to administer 485 million in grants to help with the opioid states, saying that the he announced grants to elp states and territories include to combat opioid addiction, funding is first of in the ds provided for 21st century. Grants to crisis administered by Substance Abuse administration. Funding will go to 50 District Of Columbia and support a, and treatment and recovery surfaces depending on need of recipients. Tate and territory awarded funds based on the rates of opioid addiction. Is up next, mark is from capeman, new jersey. Democrats line. Caller hi, good morning. Host go ahead, youre on. Okay. R im calling regarding the coal and the Super Fund Sites we have in cape nine. A coal plant that was shutf the out of order, down years ago. Hey left so much pollution, Super Fund Site and there is arsenic and glass, there is a top of thet right on the coal, coal should e eliminated, should not be used, there is a claim that, is my feeling and have a good day. Thank you. Host next from chris, colorado springs, colorado, independent line. On. Ahead, youre caller thank you very much, cspan, appreciate all you do. Call this a brief morning on Public Policy and the government to reflect that it is very possible that the supreme cannibasl move against or marijuana. 80, therapy d offered nothing and that the 37 law was constitutional. In 69 by allenged tim leary. He next administration did narcotics act anyway, which classed it as heroin. We had a drug war holocaust and analysis is that they, the federal tenth amendment exclusivism clause is designed to keep the federal state ent from canceling votes and rights. Its been recalculated after decided to be inclusive of it. Lastly, i was democrat for as a 40 years, starting in 78 and liberal, i n 77 as filled out every questionnaire and voted in every election i and i got a letter from president obama, who i had written with the most open white history. He said that anyone who smoked arijuana before age 10, i had been on a conversation with my brother, was mentally ill and therapy offered nothing for the american people. Is on our last call his, is ajamu, from philadelphia, pennsylvania, republican line. Caller yes, good morning, edro, thank you cspan for taking my call. I want to comment, piggyback off a gentle lady from alabama, few calls ago. I totally agree with what she said, stop making the cause of ailments and that will be candy,nd to add, i think diabetes, all that stuff might to give d, but i want everybody in america all over the planet, no matter what your get on is, please lets along, keep god first and cspan, you do an excellent job. Pedro, the guy who called you funny. E was pretty host thank you, caller. Thats it for today. Program comes your way 7 00 tomorrow. Well see you then. Host[captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2017] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] we will have live coverage at 12 45 p. M. Eastern. President trump is meeting with the italian prime minister. The two have never met before and will discuss the group of seven industrialized nations meeting coming up in italy next month. Italy is also a member of nato in the two leaders will hold a joint News Conference at 3 45 p. M. And we will have live coverage. Part two ofspan, our special program looking at the trump cabinet and we will show you portions of concord of confirmation hearings in a brief look at Bernie Sanders questioning the epa president scott pruitt on Climate Change. [video clip] ive only got one question today difficult for us to figure out how to focus on outcome versus getting home up getting hung up on process question senator come i think thats a good question. I think we can have a very robust debate in this room about that. Tendency is human to protect and guard what is because change is difficult. Fact that see the there are millions of students who are simply not getting the opportunity and equal opportunity for a quality education and we try to tinker around from the top and we try it becomesgs but more about the system, im afraid, then about whats right for each child. Do you believe that Climate Change is caused by the emission , by carbon emissions, by human activity question mark as i indicated in my opening statement, the climate is changing and human activity contribute to that in some manner. In some manner, 97 of the scientists who wrote articles in peerreviewed journals believe that human activity is the fundamental reason we are seeing Climate Change. Do you disagree . I believe its difficult to measure