Transcripts For DW DW News 20230227 :

Transcripts For DW DW News 20230227

their weapon donations. and he also choose the most seeking to dismantle russia. and in the one this league of byron unit dominant when you been in a match with the 1st pe lease on the line that's coming up later in sports. ah, i married tilton welcome to the program. at least $59.00 migrants have died after their overcrowded boat smashed into rocks off of southern italy. the boat sank near the city of cro. tony more than 80 people were i, the rescued or swam ashore. some were taken to hospital and officials said that the vessel had set out from the western turkish port is near several days ago. the tele media say that the migraines, for mainly from afghanistan and iran and pakistan treasured possessions, we're sure dozens of migrant streams ended here. children are among the victims rescue workers faced strong winds, trying to bring survivors to safety. condolences came from europe's top officials. i am deeply saddened by the terrible shipwreck off the coast of calabria. the resulting loss of life of innocent migrants is a tragedy. it's a shocking accident, but one that's all too familiar on italy, southern coastline, and little blanket wicker very. they also found 2 bodies on the beach where my parishes, you're benedetto, but i've blessed them. but while i was blessing them, i asked myself, why do we always arrive after death? we should arrive before death. your re villamore a new law introduced by italy's right when government restricts rescue operations at c at the us and here it's an endless tragedy. it strengthens our conviction that the only useful way to stop these tragedies is to stop departures. opposition. politicians say that this only leads to more tragedies caught another another c, tragedy with dozens of deaths, including many children, we must cooperate to safe as many lives as possible without criminalizing those who to day are saving lives at sea. despite the obvious dangers, the number of migrants making the perilous journey by boat, italy from northern africa and turkey is steadily on the rise, jealousy marketers, in rome. she told us earlier how the tragedy unfolded. well, from what we understand the coast guard and the officials, the authorities got the phone called early hours of the morning, someone calling for help. the way that you had the helicopter motor boat, the firefighters for the police, as well as the co started for region to find survivors. unfortunately, they did find many bodies. as you mentioned, at least $59.00 bodies in total. so far they were found in the sea all washed up on the sea side, on the beach go to town, or 2 others were found in nearby as well. so out of the field, so that have been recovered a lot from 20 of them in local hospitals. and we don't know the exact number of people on board. it ranges anything from $150.00 to $250.00 of on board, depending on the accounts of the survivors of women and children. though among those who are killed, we do know also from local reports that at least one person has been taken into custody, having been identified by the survivors as being of the smuggler. now the prime minister george maloney, expressing a deep sorrow at this tragedy, blaming squarely the smugglers, the people smugglers. the traffic was saying that they're the ones who are benefiting for the price of a ticket to bring these people on this incredibly dangerous journey. and this is what happens is the tragedy that we've seen all to often get the mediterranean for francis. also saying that he would be praying for the victims during his angela's room at the vatican today. russian president vladimir putin has claimed that ukraine's allies are planning to quote unquote, dismantle russia. in an interview on state tv, which was aired on sunday, western countries have dismissed this allegation is that russia had no choice, but to take into account need was nuclear capabilities. and also to nato members of indirectly taking part in russia's conflict by donating arms to q. meanwhile, on the front line, russian forces say that they're advancing in ukraine's east. they've been mounting reputed to facts on the region or on bar mote. the city has become the scene of some of the heaviest fighting and the war so far. and cranes military says that they're holding the line, and that the russian offensive has failed to gain new territory. this is what the front line of russia's warren ukraine looks like. according to russian state media. not a single civilian in sight in back what the battle for back motors the longest running and bloodiest in russia's war on ukraine. russia claims it's making headway. the defense ministry said that in the genetic area, over a 100 ukrainian trips were destroyed in the last 24 hours. the rule of a little bit is deal. meanwhile, this vintage from the ukrainian military, appears to show russian tanks being blown up. as they tried to approach the dynette sk city of villa die despite the constant bombardment from russian forces, ukrainian soldiers are fighting to keep the land out of russian hands than the food that they were fighting for our children who claimed for our fellow ukrainians for our nation lottie whiskers look, because i think what russia is doing now this sort of is genocide of ukrainians on which it's easy to nathan ukrainians. don't have another option who can answer but to win the more global rec, that's why we will fight till the very end the we have been. so looking for glory to ukraine. up and down the front line. cities and villages alike have been left in ruins. most civilians have left but in the small village at bol heritage. now for people remain unknown for almost every house in building in the village bears traces of violent fighting. but they're here to stay where we go. but still record in that is i was in shock or was go just shock freeform. i didn't feel good both, but it had already happened frog well and i couldn't change it. oh, for, for younger bill on as long as it's ukraine, as long as it belongs to ukraine or to her, i'll stay here yet. i miss your theorem. are very, the wanton is doing a steely resolve. one that's reflected in ukrainian civilians and trips alike all along the front line as they continue to defend themselves against russian effects . no jury has begun to announce early results after a type presidential race. although there were some reports of violence, delays and technical glitches. the road went ahead, mostly peacefully. 18 kennedys were vying to take the reins from prison mohammed the blue hurry up political parties, party, or correspond to elicit wilma is in lagossi. earlier he gave us this update the results as they're coming in. ah, well, after all, more than 24 hours of a, you know, nationwide votes in for the presidential election and also the senatorial and house representative elections across nigeria. while we can't confirm so far now is that only one states official results has been talent in and that's a equity states in his southwestern zone of nigeria with the a p c ruling our party candidate bala hm. at sunni, bu when in that states by it i almost had landslide. so out of $36.00 states in nigeria, i would elections done yesterday and some elections in which were postponed detto today due to violence. that also happened through only one state southwest instead of a kid c confirming that you know bare bullets enable has taken that states a bulletin able early lead. we still have about 35 more states to go as we speak, collision is currently happening. in fact, a just about an hour ago i just returned from the collision center right here in lagos. now lagos is seen as one of the key battleground states with about 7000000 voters. ah, you know, the highest level of voters who have the highest populated city and, you know, to put a collection of those results. i. so going on, lots of people and fingers crossed our nail biting, watching to see which of the candidates will win lagos, and also condo. the 2nd most largest city in nigeria, up north or in the country, kroger collision kind of going down as we speak. so after 24 hours of votes in collection is considering. so we, under, when the results, like my actually come out, no voting was delayed in many parts of the country. they had to be extended into sunday. tell us more. yes now and saturday votes and did not starting time. you know where i even in lagos, many votes in the pony, you may start as about 10 o'clock to not stop at ha, ambia was delayed my printer units. i started about 12 noon in the afternoon before i could vote was almost about sooth i. so and this really pushed on you either from the image is he pull out light was took counts in, you know, votes at ballard centers, people's had a vote and at that sometimes at 6 pm last night. and that really affected lots of places, not just in lagos, but also in states like a se, like a by elsa, 141 pulling units. we are delayed until today, sunday are to have their votes in a done. so some states and some areas and i'm putting in, it's had just a voting happening today. so you have late arrival of the ballot boxes on both the materials, also violence and logistical issues which really be deviled of votes and activities yesterday. all right, that was the the limit of humor many thanks for your reporting to planes carrying aid from the e to victims of this once devastating earthquakes along the turkey syrian border have arrived in damascus. distance will go to earthquake. survivors in both government controlled and opposition held areas. more 8 flights are planned, signs of hope and humanity touch down in damascus. syrian earthquake victims who have lost everything are getting help from people who have made donations. and 15 european countries pallets stacked with tense heaters and more arrived on sunday. the european commission says this is part of a series of flights that will carry aid from europe to earthquake survivors and serious government controlled and non government controlled areas. that i have of the aftermath of the earthquake has been devastating. not all of the missing have been found and tuned by flattened buildings. those have been forced out of their homes with nowhere else to go, are internally displaced, living in tents, and off the generosity of others. long. then there's the matter of trying to treat those who have survived when medical supplies are low. syrians are begging the international community, not to forget about their suffering and their hopeful more aid and volunteers will come. ah, there was no debate about the big game of the weekend here in germany. the bundled legal bar mucosa on yon berlin with both sides tied on points in 1st place. going into the weekend and with a shot at the title. but despite the close standing, the champions outclassed berlin side. the new one could scarcely have picked a filthier evening on which to walk into the lion's den of the alley on serena, alongside the snow. and byron's partisan legions. the pretenders from berlin had to deal with the swagger of serial champions that they managed for half an hour. and then the dumb burst erik trip in the ting was given time in space to not in the opener. 9 minutes later kings the come, all had similar freedom to run through and grown, frederick little to make it to nil. lovely, drop the shoulder from the frenchman, and find finish from a tight angle. then on the stroke of half time, jamal missy allah killed the game as a contest. thomas miller, just managing to keep the ball in missoula, doing the rest. when you did show some attacking threat in the 2nd half. but sure i'll do. becca was out of luck. as his shot was deflected over. that was the most the berliners could muster by him. so the game with ease, the wind puts them backward, their funds, believe they've alone, until the end is legal. all right, that's all for now. coming up next is doc film with the look at the great meet debate, looking at how different humans really are from the animals we eat. and remember, if you want more news, you can always check out our website. that's d w dot com or you can check our social media channels were handle as active. you news? until this thanks for watching. ah job i was just rescuing deduct from a farm this one the body lobby. you know, i found it like this and i couldn't just leave it there should be. 2

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