Transcripts For FBC Kennedy 20170830 :

Transcripts For FBC Kennedy 20170830

kennedy: tonight the president arrives in the storm zone as floodwaters in texas continue to rise. what many the most of dangerous part of a disaster like this? i'll talk to a doctor about the biggest health threat. and north korea firing a big new missile directly over japan. and the white house responded with a warning for the regime. grab a shovel. it's time to dig in. in a hyper politicized climate where the 2016 elect is rerun on an endless loop, opponent of the president live by the axiom never let a crisis go to waste. many will find reasons to criticize the president force personal gain. for all this forced missteps, now is not time to take aim at his delicate dance. let's just get people out of crisis before we reengage in political bloodletting. senator ted cruz was criticized for voting against hurricane sandy but he set the record straight iing the whole thing was porkier than a pig farm and voting against government waste is not the same as voting against storm relief. don't maximize the carnage by slowing the process with your pet projects. have some decency for once. then there are the climate change psychics. they are screaming hurricane harvey and the violent endless rain are the work of climate change. that may be true, that may also not be true. so without data and the luxury of science which requires the function of time. why don't you cool your heels. but instead opponent are screaming this is what climate change looks like. now every one requires an al gore. at least 14 people are dead including a family of 6 as the natural disaster in texas and louisiana continues to get worse. harvey became the wettest storm in the history of the united states with 50 inches just from one storm. desperate rescues continue nonstop. we are told a thousand emergency calls are coming in every hour. forecasters say a lot of rain could extend the suffering to mississippi. first responders are overwhelmed, but still doing everything they can. >> don't give up on us. we have assets. every passing hour more boats are getting in the water. more high water rescue vehicles have come into the theater. kennedy: the president hit the ground this afternoon to survey some of the damage firsthand. but with the rain still falling in many areas it's impossible to know the full scope of destruction. john culbertson is in houston right now. >> thank you for getting the information out to the people of houston who are suffering what looks like to me one of the worst natural disasters in the history of the nation. kennedy: are you really trapped in your home right now? >> i am. our neighborhood is surrounded by water. i cannot get out of the neighborhood. i'm grateful to all the first responders work so hard to save lives. we have to make sure people are able to evacuate their homes if they are going to flood. our first responders have been magnificent. but what has been terrific to see is the volunteer spirit of average texans, our louisiana neighbors, the cajun navy sent 110 trucks, volunteers. they drove 110 trucks into houston. texans are helping texans, neighbors are look after neighbors and rescuing each other. kennedy: a good friend of mine who is a priest in houston, they evacuated. they have a newborn baby. he went back to check on the church. he said in the storm you can see the face of god. not in the rain water but in the faces of neighbors helping each other. he said he has never seen anything like the. he has parishioners, young men and teenaged boys in canoes going around the neighborhood rescuing fellow parishioners including your brother i understand was rescued. >> that's right. this is a testament to the spirit of texans. my brother chris was just rescued two hours ago. he's wearing the gray shirt and hat and waving his hand. you download an app, next door app. put that on your phone. on your smart phone. create an account for your neighborhood and say i have water on the first floor until i need to be evacuated. his neighbors who organized this on their own. kenny came over in his boat. and they picked up my brother in a few minutes. took him to the edge of the subdivision where other neighbors were lined up in big monster trucks, and my brother and his wife jumped in. this was all organized using social media, free people looking after each other, protecting each other. if people listening to this broadcast have access to the internet i strongly recommend they download that app and call 911 if you need to be evacuated. but right now we have to focus on rescuing people, saving lives, and all of us working together will step up to make sure the federal government comes in to repair it damage that so many people have suffered. kennedy: it's nothing short of miraculous. will the mayor of houston be in political trouble for the botched evacuation order? >> no. everyone is pulling together. we are focused on looking after our neighbors. we are not looking to point fingers at anybody. the scale of this catastrophe. your priest was right. we see the faces of god in all these individual texans and people stepping up to help. we are focused on rescuing people and saving lives and property and doing all we can to help one another. kennedy: the country needs that right now. people have been pulled apart in so many directions with so much animosity. to see people pull together renews the spirit for people who can't directly help with the storm. kennedy: most of americans have put partisan differences aside to help the people of texas. but a professor at the university of tampa lost his job after suggesting the storm is payback for that state's support of donald trump in the presidential race. as helicopters pulled people off roof tops and rescue boats tried desperately to save people from rising water, he tweeted, i don't believe in instant karma, but this sort of feels like it for texas. maybe this will help them realize the gop doesn't care about him. they issued a statement that read in part, as floridians we are well aware of the destruction associated with tropical weather. our thoughts and prayers are all impacted by hurricane harvey. it will raise questions about the partisan agenda being fed to college students. if a deadly storm can't get people to put aside their differences, what possiblably can. let me take it to my sugary party panel, crystal ball, and rich lowry and fox news contributor pete hegseth. let's talk about this. is everything politicized these days? pete: it sure feels like it. and one thing that shouldn't be is a natural disaster. everything has to be about scoring political points. are you a professor if yo you aa visiting assistant professor. basically the room monitor was dumb enough to send out a tweet like that. if you are willing to send that it shows how baptized that individual is in the partisan part of the world. kennedy: do people who vote opposite of your beliefs deserve karmic retribution? rich: no, i don't think that's the way god works. without even looking i thought it would be likely he would be a sociology professor it used to be a serious discipline. but now they are just left-wing activists. kennedy: it's hard to defend considering the storm and the rescue efforts. krystal, this knows no party. >> to every life and national crisis a few [bleep] i suppose. i don't like to see people fired for tweets they sent either. i think we have gone far as a country for super shaming people for regrettable things they send out. that's one thing to think about. his comments were reprehensible. there are some simple rules we should all follow. one is recognizing that people are human beings, even if they happen to have voted for a different president. even if they happen to live in a different city and happen to be in a small town or a big city or have an education and look different in you. we are all human beings and citizens and we are in this thing together. your opening brought tears to my eyes just look at those pictures of people helping each other. something so simple. i think as horrific as this storm is and the tragedy of it, it's somewhat healing for the nation to see those images. we have become disconnected. we have lost sight of the fact that we are all human beings in this together. kennedy: people are reconnecting with each other and their neighbors. as the situation continues to worsen. houston law enforcement set its sights on law enforcement and preventing looters. chief of police says he will push for mandatory jail time for anyone coming into houston to loot. texans are pretty well known for arming and protecting themselves. that's way was thinking when i thought these looters. these stories inevitably happen. is there any dumber place to try and do that than in texas? pete: you get your due process later. you decide to come to texas to exploit a crisis and steal from people losing their homes? that's like the 11th ring of hell. so i love this. if you want to maintain law and order, there is a thin line between civil society. and when people start losing food and shelter and they are cold, human nature comes out. the better forms and the worst forms. >> after superstorm sandy part of the city lost power. you could almost feel that thin shine between civilization and things are cohesive and we are in this together versus every man for himself. so i think in an emergency situation like this you have got to be tough minds and be willing to use the law to the fullest extent to make sure you don't tip that balance into lawlessness. rich: the robustness of civil society there, are people too isolated, too dependent on government. kennedy: are people too angry. are they so divided they can't bridge that. rich: when push comes to shove they are there for each other and they are neighbors and members of a community that pulls together. >> the whole nation i would say has come together and asked what can we do to be useful. i was in louisiana after katrina and a lot of katrina victims and rightand -- and rita victims weo texas and found refuge there. now we have the cajun navy helping out. rich: i love the cajun navy. ken report party panel will return a little bit later. harvey's contaminated flood watters pose short and long-term flood concerns. what's in the water and what precautions can be taken to prevent disease. it's coming up next. rethink what's possible. rethink your allergy pills. flonase sensimist allergy relief helps block 6 key inflammatory substances with a gentle mist. most allergy pills only block one. and 6 is greater than one. flonase sensimist. ♪ you for four years. you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends, three jobs... you're like nothing can replace brad. then liberty mutual calls... and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement™, we'll pay for a car that's a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. so we need tablets installed... with the menu app ready to roll. in 12 weeks. yeah. ♪ ♪ the world of fast food is being changed by faster networks. ♪ ♪ data, applications, customer experience. ♪ ♪ which is why comcast business delivers consistent network performance and speed across all your locations. fast connections everywhere. that's how you outmaneuver. it's time for the biggest sale of the year with the new sleep number 360 smart bed. it senses your every move and automatically adjusts on both sides to keep you effortlessly comfortable. and snoring.... does your bed do that? the new 360 smart bed is part of our biggest sale of the year where all beds are on sale. and right now save 50% on the labor day limited edition bed. kennedy: we are back with more on the crisis in south texas. the entire texas national guard 12,000 in number are deployed. we are getting scene idea how dangerous the water can be. it's likely contaminated with industrial and household chemicals, raw sewage. and it can lead to serious infections and worse. as you surveyed the landscape. what else the biggest threat? >> we see floods, we think the biggest immediate concern is drowning obviously. other concerns. trauma. when there is a slippery surfaces you can't see. people are going to get sprained ankles. we think of texas, it's warm down there. by the doesn't take much. it takes about 15 minutes. if the temperatures even at 75 degrees can cause hypothermia and children even faster more than adults. kennedy: i have been reading about the floodwaters and the worry is always standing water. i was read being a virus that was so deadly in katrina. 20 people got it, five of them died. are we seeing any of that in texas? >> there is potential. when we think of floodwaters we think it's rain water. but it's not. it's sewage, it's contaminated with fecal matters from sewers and it will cause gastrointestinal problems, nausea, diarrhea. people who are healthy will have a g.i. infection. but the immunocompromised the very old and very young will have a harder time. kennedy: the most of in jeopardy who can't take care of themselves and evacuate themselves. when you are 6, 7, 8 days into the storm and they haven't been rescued. if you are in fact subjected to any of the floodwaters, especially kids. you should shower immediately to get some of those chemicals and diseases off your body. >> i would recommend that. clean your hands and purell could be a better bet. it could come out of the facet water. kennedy: when does the drinking water become contaminated. >> fit was me i would say don't take the risk. drink bottled water. people are cooking with water and ice cube trays. kennedy: you can boil water for 8 minutes at a roaring boil to cool what's tonight. but there is bottled water available if people can get to it. but if they can't, they have to use the time-honored methods. boiling and disinfection. are we going to see anything new here do you think? >> the other issue you just mentioned about having the access. malnutrition is something to be considered with the geriatric population. if you are stuck in your house or on your roof for five or six days, how do you get food? kennedy: that's one thing i want people to take away from this. be prepared. it seems like you will be, you feel like you will be, but you never know when something like this is around the corner. coming up. president trump says all options are on the table after north korea launched a missile over japan. is the hermit kingdom looking for a fight? ♪ it's a highly contagious disease that can be really serious... especially for my precious new grandchild. it's whooping cough. every family member, including those around new babies, should talk to their doctor or pharmacist about getting vaccinated. you myour joints...thing for your heart... or your digestion... so why wouldn't you take something for the most important part of you... your brain. with an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is now the number one selling brain health supplement in drug stores nationwide. prevagen. the name to remember. 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>> absolutely. he pays attention to fox and cnn. when he sees people rescuing dogs as a lead story and terrified japanese running from north korea is the third story, he does something like this. there is a component to this and he wants to remain top of the news in the united states. kennedy: what a jerk. japanese prime minister abe said this is a most of serious and grave threat. what do you think japan is prepared to do about it? >> nothing. the real reason for this test was not to collect data on the t wasong data. there no one tried to shoot it down. it was never locked on and no one tried to shoot it down. kennedy: the president says all options are on the table. >> the best one is the hardest one and we are apparently not going to do that. the icbm nuclear window is closing fast. now would be the time to stop them from gaining an armed icbm. we are not going to do that because it would crater the south korean economy for 10 years. we are letting the north koreans call our bluff. this is how kim jong-un negotiates it's a drill and that's how he negotiates. that's the weird part about this. kennedy: people say he's incredibly unstable. obviously all of this is very calculated. every single launch is a negotiation. i know -- i sounds like a broken record, but how does this end? >> that's why i'm not panicking and digging another bunker in my house. in a weird, rational way, this is how he gets to a table with him on one side and the united states on the other. he want nukes only. he wants to be part of the nuke club. the problem is once's in that club, the possibility and likelihood of him using nuclear leverage for everything from getting a north korea disneyland or fishing dispute is probable. if we got at a table with him and realize you are a nuclear power because we let you be, i don't know how far we can trust that. but that i what it looks like down the road. kennedy: that sounds like strategic patience. >> they are on their fifth generation of that. kennedy: a new report from nbc news report special counsel robert mueller's investigators are focusing in on whether president obama attempted to personally particular dated at statement saying the meeting was about russian adoption. meantime florida republican congressman ron desantis is pushing an amendment that would halt funding for mueller's investigation six months after it becomes law. let me ask the party panel. krystal ball, rich lowry and pete hegseth. rich, let's say the president knew about the meeting. the contents, he knew what the purpose was. does that put him in any sort of legal hot water? >> i would think misleading the public is sort of between you and the public. it's a political question. but it's caught up in the investigation because it might go to a certain cog any zans of guilt. i think the attorney general made a mistake not specifying what particular crimes mueller was tasked with investigating and if you found something else coming back and asking for further authority to do that. kennedy: we are going around and around here. i don't know where we are getting. i understand he's look at obstruction of justice. but what was he obstructing? >> we aren't supposed to know everything they found so far. it's remarkable because of the leaks how much they have learned. the dictating of the statement if that happened and if he knew the purpose of the meeting wouldn't put him in legal jeopardy. but this could be part of a larger pattern. we had the comey discussion in the oval office where he according to comey said can you see yourself to letting michael flynn go, i'm getting the wording there a little bit wrong, by the many another get around obstruction of justice. kennedy: is it illegal? and is it the kind of thing where you can bring charges against the president? >> i think we'll find out. but to take this on as a partisan lens. we know russia attacked our democracy. we know that. and we need to know what happened. kennedy: hillary clinton has quite an extensive personal history not only with sergey kislyak but with the putin administration. >> it was anti-hillary clinton before it was pro-trump. it was a witch hunt from the beginning and it's a witch hunt today. for ron desantis to stand up and say let's put a limit on this thing. it's not just about russian meddling. every liberal and democrat is happily basically conjoined the two. that means trump conspired and collude with the russians. >> that's not at all what i said. i said part of this investigation is figure out what they did and by figuring that out, what they are likely to do in the future. i don't think you can put a time limit on it. we need to know that as americans. kennedy: i don't think don, jr. has plans for this country to be writing in si cyrillic. the clinton foundation was a money laundering operation. >> they lost. this our president. i would like to know what he did and what this campaign did. kennedy: and you don't want someone who is an anti-constitutionalist in the white house. i totally understand that. he is the president. he did win. the fact that she didn't win doesn't make it justified. what they did is so much worse. >> what did they do that's worse? kennedy: the clinton foundation taking tens of millions of dollars from regimes that kill women and gay people? >> we had massive investigations into hillary clinton and her email service. pete: there was a white washing of that. rich: just because hillary clinton was corrupt doesn't mean there aren't legitimate things to look at here. these investigations do usually spin out of control and run on until they find something. we don't know that's happening yet. but it's clearly a danger. is that a reasonable middle ground? kennedy: thank you so much pete and rich. coming up, local first responders, volunteers and neighbored impacted by harvey have rallied to help each other. how much can the feds really help before they starte start ag and compounding the problem. usaa to me means peace of mind. we had a power outage for five days total. we lost a lot of food. we actually filed a claim with usaa to replace that spoiled food. and we really appreciated that we're the webber family and we are usaa members for life. i was playing golf love golf.... i used to love golf. wait, what, what happened? 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(child giggles) symbicort. breathe better starting within 5 minutes. get symbicort free for up to one year. visit today to learn more. kennedy: we are back with more on the harvey crisis. private citizens have been dealing with it remarkably well. the cajun navy, a volunteer rescue group from louisiana have saved countless lives. churches are opening up to people who need shelter. and a furniture store opened up to people who needed a rest. hurricane katrina cost an estimated $108 billion. hurricane sandy caused $75 billion. with the damage we are already seeing in texas how big a role should the federal government take? so something that you have pointed out that a lot of people don't consider in times of crisis, because we are still in survival mode, is an overreliance on the federal government actually hampers the local response. explain that. >> i think what's happened. there are been federal reports for 40 years look at this and coming to the conclusion that generous federal aid in disasters discourages states and localities from doing the planning and making the preparation they need to for whatever kind of emergencies that might come their way. in some parts of the one truth many tornadoes, some it's quakes. and some parts of the country it's hurricanes. there are 1.3 million police and firemen. but the local and state communities don't always do as much as they should because they count on the federal government coming in with a disaster program. kennedy: every president after george w. bush will do what they can to make sure their political fortunes don't fall the way his did after katrina. >> it's also the president has to helicopter in there in the middle of all this recovery effort to make a spectacle of himself because that's what bush didn't do and it came out badly for him. kennedy: part of it is political theater. but the other part is saving lives. what should disaster relief look like in the short term and long term. >> in the short term, once the disaster has happened, we want everybody who can help to help. that includes companies like walmart and home depot that planned well for katrina. phone companies prepare for what will happen to cell connections. insurance companies have people on the ground waiting to go and the red cross and salvation army. those are available. but the federal government comes in, too. in the middle of the crisis. i'm not arguing anybody should not pitch in as they can. but we saw in katrina, sometimes fema prevented people from doing things that might have been helpful. i hope they learned that lesson. don't get in the way of people. in the long term we need to sit down and think about are the bureaucracy and the politicization that come with federal control worth it or would we be better off officially in the united states? we rely on bottom up, the local community is responsible, if necessary the state steps in, and only then the federal government. we have gotten into this attitude that if it's a big thing the feds have to come in. kennedy: those are some of the lessons we'll take from this natural disaster. it will be very, very expensive. our thoughts with those who are still fighting the storm. thank goodness for rationale, the kind you provide. david boaz, thank you very much. there is an adorable tiger cub at the san diego zoo. the "topical storm" is next. it's time to rethink what's possible. rethink the experience. rethink your allergy pills. flonase sensimist allergy relief uses unique mistpro technology and helps block 6 key inflammatory substances with a gentle mist. most allergy pills only block one. and 6 is greater than one. rethink your allergy relief. flonase sensimist. ♪ you could start your search at the all-new that might help. show me the carfax? now the car you want and the history you need are easy to find. show me used minivans with no reported accidents. boom. love it. 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