more risk, and officers and detectives out there trying to enforce the law at more risk. lawrence: paul, i have got to ask you this because there is already a system put in place called escalation of force that is taught in the police academy. carley: ier. lawrence: there is already training now that talk about deescalation of training. so what is different from this bill and the training that is already received? >> well, this bill would subject the officers to arrest. and it's not fair to the hardworking men and women of the new york city police department that are out there putting their lives on the line every day. these decisions are made in a split second and you know, it's not fair to the officers that are out there. carley: yeah. absolutely. and then, you know, you have police officers who are making those split second decisions and they're faced with, are you know, a criminal that could put them in danger and they are thinking okay, what do i do here? should i use my weapon or could i get fired if i do?