covering up the truth about pension if shoe way. -- peng shuai. how can china continue to be recognized as a legitimate country operating in geopolitics, in the global market while continuing oppressive behavior and violating human rights? >> el, it shouldn't. and -- well, it shouldn't. and one of the things we've seen recently is that peng's predicament has really given energy to the move to move the olympics. if if you go back to october, the boycott movement was essentially dead. but her plight has energized this, and that's the reason why i think she called the head of the international olympic committee instead of, for instance, steve simon, head of the women's tennis association, who's been leading the charge for her around the world. and if i were pe ng and i wanted to ahire people i was safe -- assure people, i'd call up fox news, some media organization outside china and have a candid conversation, but she didn't do that which means that beijing is