ignore the constitution itself. there's no high crime. no misdemeanor. no violation of the law, rule, or regulation. it's already been -- the justice department, when they looked at it, said there was no violation here. so i think this is just a political theater, that's what it is. >> sean: thank you. and breaking today and what is just the latest example of the less real psychotic. i mean, this is now a derangement. anti-trump rage. the new yorker now features this cover. it shows the president and rudy giuliani murdering uncle sam. i don't know if the mayor has seen it yet. the former new york mayor, attorney for the president, rudy giuliani. i've seen you the years as a mayor, i know you can take a punch, it's not the first time to take a shot at you. i want to go to the issue of how you got involved and i want to go to that biden tape. remember what nancy pelosi said,