website. liu he saying they are willing to resolve the dispute through com negotiations and resolutely opposes escalation of the conflict. that of the president very positive this morning. in his first bilateral meeting. it was an 8:15 a.m. breakfast bilateral meeting with the president of egypt, in which the president said that he believes this maybe a real change of heart for china. it's too early to say whether this indeed is a sea change. at the press conferences afternoon, the president was again very upbeat and positive about it. but i asked him come after what we went through with china earlier this year, where they agreed to certain things and then said, "you know what? we will degrade to those." if you thought they were sincere. listen here. >> do you trust that they are sincere? >> i do. i think they want to make a deal very badly. i think that was elevated last night. very late in the night.