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White house to speak with the president a day after the president demanded via twitter that the Justice Department investigate whether the fbi or doj infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign. Chief National Correspondent ed henry has the latest for us tonight. Great to see you. Breaking tonight, we just learned that House Republicans are about to turn up the heat even more tomorrow. Mark meadows, lisa ling, jim jordan and other prominent lawmakers were introduced a House Resolution out 12 pages of what they call massive misconduct at the highest levels of both the fbi and the Justice Department during the end of the obama administration. A resolution does not have the power of law, but they are hoping to use it to build the momentum for a Second Special counsel to be named to investigate how the entire russia collusion probe started. As you mention, the president had that meeting at the white house. Sally yates also claimed today that the president is waging an all out assault on democracy by pressuring the Justice Department but in a visit to the cia headquarters to swear in new director gina haspel the president went out of his way to praise the courage of house intel chair devin nunes for shedding light on all of these stories. This weekend he said obama officials like sally is in john brennan are just trying to divert attention from the real story. In his words, a bright red line was crossed when it appears the fbi infiltrated the Trump Campaign to spy on it. The president raising more doubts about Robert Muellers probe as he met with Deputy Attorney general rosenstein and fbi director Christopher Wray demanding a new investigation into how all of this started. The president got some concrete action after that meeting. Sarah sanders telling us based on the meeting with the president the department of justice has asked the Inspector General to expand its current investigation to include any irregularities with the federal bureau of investigation or the department of justices tactics concerning the trump camp. It was also agreed white house chief of staff kelly will immediately set up a meeting with the fbi, doj and the director of National Intelligence with hill leaders to review highly classified and other information they have requested. That means john kelly will be working with devin nunes to get the documents hes been demanding on this confidential informant that have multiple contacts with trump officials. Democrat adam shifts that it would be dangerous to reveal more information about this informant even as the bottom line, he saying that its unlike anyone infiltrated the Trump Campaign. If thats the case, devin nunes is wondering why so many people seem concerned about transparency and releasing information. Watch. This is a dramatic and new and destructive low i think for the congress of the United States. Basically to ignore the warnings of the fbi and Justice Department and potentially risk peoples lives. What they would like this information for is clearly to be of service to the Trump Defense team and further any narrative they have. We dont know if theres one informant or more informants because they are so much out there now. Its really getting tough to follow and all we are asking for is give us the documentation that you use to start this investigation. Meanwhile fox news is learning tonight former fbi officials james comey and andy mccabe are about to get hit with a longawaited Justice Department Inspector General report about the handling of the clinton email pro. The report will slam them from moving too slowly to review those new batches of Clinton Emails that were discovered near the end of the 2016 campaign on Anthony Weiners laptop. The key is that the fbis handling of both the clinton and trump investigations are still under fire tonight. Mike primetime ed henry leading us off the night great to see you. Democrats are back in the fbi as they push back on the idea that there was no russia collusion. Listen to this. The evidence ive seen, there were very good reasons to be concerned about the contacts the Trump Campaign had. You not to be a lawyer and dont have to be at the access i have. Everything ive seen it wouldve been negligent for the fbi not to take steps to protect the country in the midst of information it was receiving. Mike for viewpoints from inside the g. O. P. Side of the House Intelligence Committee we are joined now by republican congressman Chris Stewart from utah. Congressman, good to see you tonight. Good to be with you. Mike your reaction to latest attacks on the committee there . I guess i would say two things. Number one is if you have evidence of collusion for heaven sakes, show it to us because you must be the smartest man in the world because no one else does. Please share it with us. In the second thing is, once again we have this thing about the republicans are trying to destroy the department of justice. They are trying to weaken or destroy the fbi. We are trying to do quite the opposite. What country would we live in if we allowed Law Enforcement unfettered power and said go do whatever you want and dont tell us and hide it from us and we are never going to ask you and we are never going to provide any oversight. I think its not a proposition to think thats a good idea. We want transparency. We want them to be accountable just like every other organization is. Why in the world with everybodys got to be accountable except for the fbi. I think most americans would find it offensive. Mike you in a republican colleagues on the committee are also under attack from adam schiff. Take a look at this. The president s respond and chairman nunes, jordan and galleon others is bring it on. We dont care. Whatever is in the service of the president we are willing to do. This is a dramatic and new and destructive low i think for the congress of the United States a sickly to ignore the warnings of the fbi and Justice Department and potentially risk peoples lives. Mike your response . Its just silly. Its daily for him and frankly its only four of the department of justice and the fbi. It lets review this. Republican memo that came out several months ago when we were told again and again this will jeopardize american lives, it will jeopardize National Security and they have not even seen it. They were making that claim they had not seen our memo. We release the memo. I would challenge anyone to show me anything in there. What it did was it embarrassed the fbi and the leadership. Theyre making the same claim now. Last week we heard you were going to danger american lives and National Security but then they leaked it, or someone did. I can tell you that the committee didnt because they havent shown it to the committee. They will show it and share it with the press and with their favorite reporters, but they wont share it with the congress. And for him to say the republicans want to endanger National Security is silliness. We are the select committee on intelligence. We have access to the most Sensitive Information in the u. S. Government. We protect that information or at least the republicans have tried. But too often we see leaks. But i promise you its not from our side, thats pretty clear. Mike other prominent democrats are taking issue with the president summoning top doj, fbi officials to the white house. Heres chuck schumer. The president s behavior is the kind of grossly autocratic behavior we would expect in a banana republic, not a mature democracy. Mike was it appropriate for the president to meet with the them today . Of course it was. They are part of the executive. He is the chief executive. They work for him. And hes just simply saying why are you sharing this with the American People . And to mr. Schumers point. Heres my definition of a banana republic. When you have any agency up but particularly a military or Law Enforcement agency that is above the people and refuses to answer to the people. That is a banana republic. There is the opposite of a banana republic. A government that answers to the people when the Congress Request information, they provide that information, they dont stonewall, they dont hide, they dont lie, they dont deceive. Thats the type of government we are hoping to hold accountable here. Mike there so many probes going on related to various issues. What are the next steps in terms of what the House Intelligence Committee is doing right now . This is an important piece to us, this last piece. Found out that Hillary Clinton paid for the dossier. Found out several things along the way but this is an important piece to us and we want this information and for them to say we are not going to give it is unacceptable. We had to threaten impeachment even more contempt and i think those tools are available to us and we should use them. What we cant do is just say they made it hard, i guess we will just quit, i guess we will just give up. We owe it to the American People to tell them the truth. Mike do you worry, briefly, do you wear that in them out of the per findings in any of these probes that a certain segment of the population wont buy with the conclusions are . No doubt. It does worry me. We live in very divisive times, no question. Some people say the sun rises in the east and they say not in my world it doesnt. Even if thats true you still have a responsibility to tell the truth. We still have the responsibility to hold people accountable and if thats important to people are not important to people i cant affect that but what i can effect is to say we are going to find out what happen, we are going to share it with you and we are going to try and do it in an honest and as quick a manner as we can. Mike congressman chris stuart, thanks for coming in. The Trump Administration is reportedly weighing their options of housing military children at military bases and a new bill could lead to jail time for sanctuary city leaders. All this is the president meets with g. O. P. Governors on Border Security tonight. Trace gallagher is following the latest on immigration tonight. Might, as expected during a meeting, the president didnt pull any punches u. S. Immigration laws the worst in the world. The president was clearly surrounded by a friendly audience, five g. O. P. Governors who support his immigration policy, so there was little in the way of debate. The meeting was intended more to push the immigration agenda forward and the president says there are small steps in the right direction. Watch. We are also working with congress to close the crippling loopholes, especially the disgraceful practice of catch and release. Thats where you catch somebody, talk to them, sign them and then you have to release them. And its a horrible situation. Meantime, the recent surge of several american reportedly has health and Human Services looking at for military bases in texas and arkansas that can be used to temporarily house children picked up crossing the border. These are either unaccompanied minors or kids whose parents got arrested for illegally crossing the border. In april alone more than 10,000 people across the border as families were apprehended along with some 4300 unaccompanied children. Hhs wont confirm the story except to say it is always evaluating new locations to use temporary housing. In fact it already operates more than 100 shelters for minors caught at the border and despite the inference here, separating illegal immigrant children from their families is not new under President Trump. In fact, back in 2014 during a surge in children from Central America health and Human Services under president obama set up temporary housing at military bases in california, texas and oklahoma. And remember when the mayor of oakland, california, tipped off Illegal Immigrants in the San Francisco bay area that federal agents were about to conduct an operation . Now iowa g. O. P. Congressman steve king has introduced the act, which calls for jail time for city leaders who tipped off Illegal Immigrants. King says i want wallace sanctuary city politicians to hear this message clearly. If you obstruct ice, meaning immigrations and customs enforcement, you are going to end up in the cooler. President trump is artie called for her to be prosecuted and she responded, quoting again, mr. President , i am not obstructing justice, i am seeking it. If the bill passes congressman kings measure could result in fiveyear prison terms. Mike. Mike Trace Gallagher on the immigration beat in our los angeles newsroom. Many thanks. Arkansas g. O. P. Governor hutchinson was one of the governor s dining with the president tonight. Border security was on the menu. He joins us now. Good evening. Great to be with you. Mike your read out of dinner tonight with the president . He was in very good spirits. He had worked hard all day today with a lot of news happening. We talked about Border Security with a handful of governors, some of them coming from border states and we were able to answer the president s call for the states for National Guard resources to support our security efforts. I think this is a way for the president to thank some of those governors. I was delighted to be there tonight. Clearly we had an increase in illegal crossings. I see this as a search opportunity to get a better handle and make sure that we dont spike or continue to go up and those illegal crossings. Mike the reports unaccompanied minors could be housed at Little Rock Air force base, heres how Kirstjen Nielsen explain the problem. If you break the law and you happen to be a parent you will be incarcerated. If you have children you will be separated. Thats not so different than what we do in the United States every day. Mike your reaction to perhaps some unaccompanied minors being housed at a base in your state possibly . I know they have put on a list of number of military installations or possibly housing unaccompanied minors. We dont know a whole lot of information but Little Rock Air force base is on that list and we are anxious to cooperate and get more details on that. Clearly, and ive been at Homeland Security and ive looked at that border and here youve got a dramatic increase in the number of unaccompanied minors coming across and you have to provide for them, you have to provide housing for them and if military installations is an appropriate venue for that than i understand the government looking at those. Still await more information on addressing that very challenging me that we have. Mike you made reference to your personal biography, former undersecretary of dhs and also a dea background. Talk to us a bit about the border situation. For some new ideas discussed at dinner tonight or do you have some thoughts from being outside the washington bubble of things that we should be doing . Secretary nielsen was there as well. Great conversation on the challenges of Border Security. Theres a lot of tools that are needed that congress has not provided our Border Agents and our Immigration Judges so that we can dis incentivize illegal crossings because right now there are so many incentives that if you get across that border and you wind up in court and you could be released, you could fade into the american landscape. You dont appear in court. Those of the kind of things that have to be corrected. As long as there is an incentive for those to come across illegally, that magnet is going to draw them. We have to dis incentivize tha that. Thats what the president is concentrating on and its something the American People support. Mike described the president being in good spirits but he seems really kind of stressed about the whole porter situation. Did you get a sense of that alternate . Absolutely. Hes intense on it. Hes frustrated because of the obstacles and its something that he campaigned on, something that he believes in inherently and we all believe in immigrant flow to our country. Its important to our economy and our future but we have to have the legal path. Youve got to control the border. He feels very instinctive about that, very committed to it and passionate about it. Mike 50 governors in the country, you were one of them invited to dinner tonight. What does that mean for you personally . It meant a lot. Personal time with the president , it was with some other good governors talking about some very substantive issues, people of arkansas, we have incredible value in the rule of law so we appreciate the president being committed to it. It was a great evening and i appreciate the president s personal support of our National Guard troops as they fulfill that Important National mission. Mike governor hutchinson, thanks for your time. Pleasure having you. Texas republican Governor Greg Abbott is inviting state lawmakers from both parties, top education officials and others to the first of three roundtable discussions on curbing Future School shootings. That session will be held tomorrow. Abbott is pledging to subsequently hear from advocates on all sides of the gun debate as well as victims of a November Mass shooting at a church in the town of sutherland springs. It is fingerpointing time over who is to blame for the possible breakdown of President Trumps summit with kim jong un but senator Lindsey Graham says this will end with an agreement or conflict. If they dont show up, that the end of diplomacy. If they do show up and try to play trumpet, that means military conflict is the only thing left and if we have a conflict with north korea they will lose it, not us. Top forts from senator graham and joining us next is Lieutenant General jerry boykin. Hes here to look at tomorrows high stakes meeting with south koreas president here in washington. Company says theyll only pay threequarters of what it takes to replace it. What are you supposed to do . Drive threequarters of a car . Now if you had Liberty Mutual new car replacementâ„¢, youd get your whole car back. I guess they dont want you driving around on three wheels. Smart. With Liberty Mutual new car replacementâ„¢, well replace the full value of your car. Liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. Same thing with any dent or dings on this truck. They all got a story about what happened to em. I could feel the barb wire was just digging into the paint. Two bulls were fighting, hit the truck. Another ding, another scratch, another chapter in the story. Chevy silverado. The most dependable, longestlasting, fullsize pickups on the road. Its the chevy Memorial Day Sales event get a total value of over 10,000 on this silverado all star when you finance with gm financial. 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Mike the Trump Administration says its keeping up the maximum pressure Foreign Policy campaign from iran to north korea but there are questions tonight whether the campaign is backfiring or the bluff is being called. Some of those questions are coming from south koreas president and hes coming to washington tomorrow. Jennifer griffin is at the pentagon tonight with a preview. Just a few hours from now President Trump will meet with the south korean president at the white house to prepare for the june 12th summit in singapore with the north Korean Leader to see if they can come up with a united strategy for how to get kim jong un to end his nuclear program. What kind of incentives the u. S. And south korea can offer. I think that right now the narrative is kind of imploding. So its important for the president to look at the big picture, send a clear message and i think at this point you can definitely salvage the situation and get things back on track. The president and his wife boarded a plane to the u. S. President trump called him before he left south korea. The president is reportedly concerned that statements made by north korea last week could place the summit in jeopardy leading to political embarrassment or worse. President trump was reportedly surprised and angry when north koreas top Nuclear Negotiator responded to National Security advisor john boltons comparison between north korea and libya saying pyongyang would never trade its Nuclear Capability for economic assistance. If the u. S. Is trying to drive us into a corner to force our unilateral nuclear abandonment, we will no longer be interested in such dialogue and cannot but reconsider how proceeding to the summit. Some have digested that President Trump may have indicated too soon how badly he wants a deal and perhaps a nobel prize. Theres no place to kick the can. President trump told me three days ago that he wants to end this in a winwin way. He thinks thats possible but if they pull out, they play him, then we are going to end north koreans threat to the American Homeland in his first term and i will let you surmise as to what that might look like. An ominous warning in the event that talks fail. Mike Jennifer Griffin reporting from the pentagon tonight. Thank you. Secretary of state mike pompeo announcing the administrations policy towards iran. Economic isolation and sanctions. The secretary outlining a socalled Pressure Campaign to weaken irans economy until it changes its behavior. The sting of sanctions will be painful if the regime does not change its course from the unacceptable and unproductive path that it has chosen to one that rejoins the league of nations. These will and indeed end up being the strongest sanctions in history when we are complete. Mike pompeo promises the u. S. Will also confront iran beyond economic sanctions. He said he will work with the department of defense to track down iranian operatives around the world and in his words, crush them. Iran is dismissing the threats tonight. The South Koreans reportedly singled out National Security advisor john boltons recent libya model comments for why pyongyang is suddenly hedging on the summit. The president is also reportedly asking advisors if you should go ahead with the meeting. He will hear from south korean president moon tomorrow. Joining me now for analysis is former deputy under secretary for defense for intelligence and executive Vice President of the Family Research council, Lieutenant General Jerry Bourque ends. Great to see you, thank you. Thank you, good to be with you. Mike a very firm speech in terms of iran policy. Your reaction to his words and his actions outlined in their . First of all, he spoke to them in a language they understand, the language of strength. I think it was one of the better diplomatic speeches ive heard certainly in the last 30 years. That said, i think he got their attention on this and i think you made it very clear that the line has been drawn in the sand. No more. Hes not going to continue what youve been doing. You are not going to continue capturing our boats off your coast. Youre not going to continue calling for the death of israel. Youre not going to continue talking about how you want to destroy america and i think that they got the message from that. Mike no surprise the iranian president was not thrilled with what he heard. Lets take a look at his comments. Countries are independent. We will continue our path with the support of our nation. Who are you to decide for iran and the world . What you make of that . First of all, he says with the support of our nation. That is something that requires a little pondering here because hes already had three uprisings inside iran. One and 2009, the green revolution, one of 2,015 and one in 2017 that rolled over into 2018. Only about half of the people in iran our persians. The other half are a mixture. Its an eclectic group there and they dont necessarily support them there. And by the way, they are actually fairly prowestern. Hes got a problem. Mike is there hope of a new Iran Nuclear Deal even though the europeans are trying to hold onto the old one . I think that they made very clear that they are not going to go back and try to fix what we have. I think its a start over, start from scratch. The key to that is not just iran, but its the europeans. Under the europeans going to go ahead and do what makes sense . Are they going to follow Donald Trumps lead and are they going to realize that trump was right, that trump has taken a bold stand on not allowing iran to get these Nuclear Weapons because they are a menace to the whole world, or are they going to stick with the easy way, and that is to continue to allow their corporations to invest in iran. Mike to north korea, the odds of a summit seem to be perhaps slipping a bit. A south korean lawmaker is already playing the blame game. Take a look at this. He saying there are several landmines on the way to the summit between north korea and the u. S. One of those landmines just exploded, john bolton. Did bolton misstep . To begin with, he has been consistent. He has been on this network many times saying exactly what he thought about how this ought to be handled. So President Trump was not surprised by what bolton said there. I think this is one of those cases where bolton took one for the team. They threw that out to see how it was going to resonate and it didnt go the way they wanted so i think that trump separated himself from that but i think bolton just took one for the team on this. How confident are you that the summit actually happens . Its a tossup right now. Ive been skeptical from the very beginning about whether kim after all the years that his father invested in this and hes invested in this that was actually going to come to the table in a serious way. I think now hes getting cold feet about having to negotiate with donald trump and quite frankly i think its 50 50 that its going to come off at all. Mike thanks for your time. Have a good evening. The Supreme Court upholds a controversial law that sides with employers and businesses in arbitration cases. We will look at what it means for you and the midterm elections and the volcano continues to wreak havoc in hawaii. Thousands more evacuated as toxic flames light up the sky. That and more when we return. 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Mike a big label ruling at the Supreme Court today, the high court deciding businesses can prohibit nonunion workers from banding together in disputes over pay and conditions in the workplace. The courts five conservative justices held individual employees can be forced to use arbitration, not the courts, to air complaints about wages and overtime. Before dissenting liberal justices said the decision will hit lowwage workers especially hard and while some Court Observers disagree with the decision, they believe it does have legal merit. When i first led read this decision i wanted to throw up. Its very unfair, it works against employees, employers benefit. The results are, to me, not good. However, that does not mean the decision was wrong. The fact is the law is what it is and sometimes justices have to hold their nose when they write fair decisions. Mike in writing the majority opinion justice meal gorgeous insisted from not legislating from the bench. He said the policy may be debatable but the law is clear. Congress has instructed that arbitration agreements like those before us must be enforced as written. Some on the left are hoping todays ruling energizes the progressive base even more for the midterms. Lets bring in fox News Politics editor Chris Stirewalt for more on the political implications of todays Supreme Court ruling. Officemate, nice to see you. Thanks for staying up late. You are helming in her quite nicely. I can see the ship of state turning and moving into the horizon, it feels very good. Very good. Mike thank you, sir. Thats firing up democrats. What firing up republicans as it relates to the Supreme Court is a possible opening and chairman Charles Grassley of the great state of iowa told hugh who at the following. If theres going to be a nominee i hope its now or within two or three weeks because weve got to get this done before the election, so my message to any of the nine Supreme Court justices, if you are thinking about quitting this year, do it yesterday. What does that too for Republican Voters in terms of a possible opening on the high court . When you have an election as close as the one that we did in 2016 you could list any one of 100 factors that where the thing that made the difference but very arguably you could say that Mitch Mcconnell and Chuck Grassley holding open that seat to which president obama had appointed Merrick Garland and having that vacancy on the Supreme Court was a Tipping Point for a lot of conservative voters who had misgivings about donald trump. They said the court is too important, we cant risk it. If you were to have i think german grassley is perhaps having a little mischief here. Hes saying we need the employment because we might lose the senate. Really what hes saying is if we have a vacancy we can probably gain seats because republicans arent in a position to lose the senate right now. They are in a position to grow the majority just because of what the map looks like. Let me tell you, if they had a Supreme Court vacancy, if you dont think you could get the Republican Base out firm midterms to replace justice kennedy, they would march. They would march for sure. Mike if it becomes an epic blue wave, then obviously that would be a nightmare getting a Supreme Court justice through, right for President Trump . If republicans are in the minority than what he would have to give away to try to get somebody confirmed and the kind of nominee that he would have to pick, which of course we used to do a lot in the United States, president s would have to pick, but under the nuclear option, all the republicans have to do is hold onto 51 and the president can take his pick pretty much as long as its in the realm of scholarship, studious and is, studious and is in respect of someone like neil gorsuch. Mike on the democratic side of things, heres house Senate Leader nancy pelosi. The American People deserve better but republicans are standing in the way. We want republicans and their corrupt big donor driven agenda to get out of the way. It has given the American People a raw deal. Democrats are offering a better deal for our democracy. Mike so how does that play with folks in districts that could decide control of the house . Democrats have been testing out a few messages, one of them is to go after republicans on health care, but House Democrats today seem to alight on the idea of focusing on corruption. There is a certain irony here because part of the problem the democrats have is that misconduct of excused in bill and Hillary Clinton are the standards the Trump Administration is using for its own unusual arrangements and all these things. But whoevers fault it is ultimately, corruption is an issue that connects with american voters. However i would also point out we saw today gallops number for peoples positivity about the job market and the chances of landing a good job, reached the highest point ever. Theyve only been measuring it for 17 years but it had the highest point ever, peoples optimism about finding a good job and people didnt care about bill clintons corruption when the economy was good and republicans have to hope the corruption will be a good issue for democrats if the economy stays hot. Mike have fun, take care. There was a time when a commencement speech was all about encouraging students to look to the future, so why are universities asking so Many Democrats to criticize and make fun of President Trump . Why is it so onesided . We will take a look at that next. Today as a person, im okay, but as an american im concerne concerned. There are leaders in our country who blatantly incite people with hateful rhetoric who fear change, who see the world in zerosum terms. Uhp. I didnt believe it. Again. Ooh, baby, do you know what thats worth . I want to believe it. [ claps hands ] ooh im not hearing the confidence. Okay, hold the name your price tool. Power of options based on your budget and well make heaven a place on earth yeah oh, my angels ooh, heaven is a place on earth [ sobs quietly ] ooh, heaven is a place on earth feeclaritin and relief fromwsy symptoms caused by over 200 allergens. Like those from buddy. Because stuffed animals are clearly no substitute for real ones. Feel the clarity. And live claritin clear. And we got to know the friends of our friends. R the friends. And we found others just like us. And just like that we felt a little less alone. But then something happened. We had to deal with spam, fake news, and data misuse. Thats going to change. From now on, facebook will do more to keep you safe and protect your privacy. Because when this place does what it was built for, then we all get a little closer. Mike theres a report tonight that progressive Commencement Speakers outnumber conservatives by 41 this year at 50 of the nations largest colleges. Every night on the Television News is like a nature hike through the book of revelations. And yet some in the news media i referred to earlier do not recognize that these docs connect and put forth the false narratives that are designed to distract. Jerry told me before we came here that its even bigger, i hate to say this, then it was last year. I dont know if President Trump will admit that or not. We have many challenges facing us. Today it often feels that americas greatness and goodness is crowded by ugly language, fearmongering and instability. And some have forgotten that we are all gods children. Mike lets take it to tonights panel. Democratic strata list and fox news political analyst joined me now. John lewis, cory booker, Hillary Clinton at ivy league schools, are we seeing a pattern there . Absolutely. But i came tonight with a solution, go to my twitter and i think we can clear this all up. Seriously, we really can. You are what some colleges are teaching, theres no surprise that they despise and dont invite intellectual conservatives for their College Commitment ceremonies. Colleges are teaching courses such as study of women, gender and sexuality, friends with benefits. That sounds like an interesting course. Theres another College Teaching the art of walking. I guess you didnt learn it when you were growing up as a baby. Thats new. Theres another College Teaching how to watch television, which is like wow, we are kind of doing it right now. And lastly, the university of pennsylvania has a course called the feminist critique of christianity, so now we are critiquing or attempting to criticize the men who saved the free world, jesus christ. Whats going on here . I dont know. Mike i would have aced the art of walking. Scott, if some of this is a reflection of what will make the tenured faculty at many of these universities happy . Cool your jets, first of all. Second of all, i think it would be a great graduation speaker. Thank you. We have a sign of the times. Donald trump and conservatives drive this negative narrative. The Republican Party is in civil war with itself. There are some moderate republicans. There are some hardcore right republicans. I cant tell you why they are not being asked to speak at commitments, but this narrative, this country is changing, all three houses are controlled by republicans. And i will be honest with you, its troublesome. Your clips that you ran, was there anything, any observation made by any of those speakers that was inaccurate . I would think not because its playing out in front of us. And the other thing is this, i think graduations are very positive, they are about family, high achievement and what their future should look like. You think about the conservatives in the republicans and donald trump and his administration, do you really think about anything thats positive, something positive he could say from a leader at leadership standpoint . He drives a very negative narrative and i think that plays into this. Mike our crack Research Team from the u. S. Ambassador to the when nikki haley was the featured speaker at clemson and u. S. Senator susan funds in spoken women of power. Does that work for you . I think thats a good start. But this isnt about donald trump or any of those different things. Theres a lot of good conservatives with a good positive message about pulling yourselves up and moving forward in a positive direction for your career. Parents are paying thousands of dollars to to to teach young as how to walk in criticize christianity when college is supposed to be an experience where it opens your mind to different points of view. Thats a point of view. Thats a point of view. But its supposed to be open. We are going to learn about different perspectives. Its hard to argue you want more conservatives and more conservative courses when youve got a lot of the liberal courses in colleges of institutions would say we offer both. You are arguing that there are not enough there thats a tough argument for you. That isnt true at all, there have been studies that have shown that that isnt true. When we look at it, we see that folks that go to these College Campuses like ann coulter and others who attempt to speak to these College Campuses and the faculty does invite them because they dont like the political philosophy or ideology. Shes a political outlier. We know that there is problematic. Even president obama as a matter of fact said you shouldnt be shouting down these different speakers that may be on the right or left. You should invite them in to speak and hear them out. Mike we got to run. We are losing that advantage of College Campuses. Mike we got to go, guys. Incorporated you so much for your time. We could have had the whole hour on this. The Hawaii Volcano spewing toxic gases and shards of glass while lava reaches the ocean creating danger and chaos for the residents. We will have a report from the big island and two bikers attacked by a cougar in washington state. It had not happened in 94 euros, so why did it happen now . We will have some answers when we return. Come here, babe. Ok. Nasty nighttime heartburn . Try new alkaseltzer pm gummies. The only fast, powerful heartburn relief plus melatonin so you can fall asleep quickly. Oh, what a relief it is woman i stay active by staying in rhythm. And to keep up this pace, i drink boost optimum. Boost optimum with 5 in 1 advanced nutrition helps support muscle, energy, bone, normal immune function, and vision. Boost optimum. Be up for life. With savings on the new sleep number 360 smart bed. It senses and automatically adjusts on both sides, for effortless comfort. Right now during our semiannual sale, save up to 700 on sleep number 360 smart beds. Ends soon. Its just a burst pipe, i could fix laugh no. With claim rateguard your rates wont go up just beacuase of a claim. I totally couldve. wife nope switching to allstate is worth it. Not the conservative guy, travis allen. What about this john cox . Talks a big game. But whats he done . A chicago lawyer . Huh . Thirteen losing campaigns seven in illinois . Cox lost campaigns as a republican. And as a democrat. Gave money to liberals. Supported big tax increases. No wonder republicans say cox is unelectable in november. Mike take a look at this. White plumes of acid mixed with extremely shards of glass filled the sky over hawaii as molten rock from the kilauea volcano board into the ocean. This toxic steam cloud is the latest hazard from the volcano eruption. Its born from a Chemical Reaction when lava touches seawater. It depends on the beast but wildlife experts say a general rule when facing a potentially deadly encounter is hold your ground and make a lot of noise. Dan springer tonight with a story about how the usual advice didnt pan out tragically. The Killer Mountain lion was a 3yearold male and it certainly looks like low weight may have been a factor. Cougar attacks are rare and fatalities almost never happen. The two mountain bikers who were mauled have been identified, 32yearold asked jay brooks killed, his friend isaac is recovering in a hospital. Both are from seattle and both are experienced being out in nature on their bikes. Officials say they did what they were supposed to do when they noticed the big cat stocking them on a remote dirt road. They tried to scare the cougar away. They stopped. They did the right thing, made a lot of noise. One person was reported to have even swung their bike at the animal and scared it off for a period of time. A short time later the cougar returned and pounced on his head. During that attack brooks ran into the woods, the cougar followed and killed him. The survivor was able to right away and call for help. Fish and while left deputies eventually found the cougar standing on the victims body. It appeared as if he was trying to drag the body to his nearby den. Deputies shot and killed the cougar. Isaac is in satisfactory condition despite the vicious attack on him. At one point that victim reported that his whole head was inside the jaws of this cougar. And has the injuries to go along with that report. There are plenty of cougars and the cascade foothills where this happened but conflicts are very unusual. In fact, the last human fatality was 94 years ago. This is just the second known in washington state. Mountain lion speed on deer and small animals like rabbits. Cougars a protected species but there are enough of them that fish and wildlife allow 50 to be killed each year. The cougars brain has been taken to a lab for examination in hopes of learning more about what led to this deadly attack. Mike. Mike thank you. Have you hugged a cop today . Up next we celebrate a very special 7yearold. L. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats differently. 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One powerful guarantee. A peaceful night sleep without only imagine. Frequent heartburn waking him up. Now that dream is a reality. Nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for allday, allnight protection. Can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn . Mike last week was National Police week with a 7yearold rosalynn baldwin louisiana going a step further. She plans to celebrate the police all year long. Her plan is to hug a cop in every state. So far she is hugged Police Officers in 30 states, 20 to go. One day after church, she told her parents she wants to hug all of the Police Officers in every state. Most trusted, mostwatched, most grateful you spent the evening with us. Shannon is back tomorrow. Good night from washington. I am emanuel. Tucker good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight. For the past 18 months democrats in the congress and their p. R. Consultants in the press have told you that donald trump wons the 2016 president ial election mostly because his campaign somehow colluded with the government of vladimir putin. To prove that, they have brought the usual business of government here in washington basically to a standstill and launched the most divisive special counsel investigation in the history of the country. It has now gone on for more than a year and yet remarkably to this very day we still have no proof of collusion. Just this weekend, democrat mark warner of the senate intel committee, someone everybody in washington pretends is impressive, was offered a chance on

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