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And remember, im watters and this is my world. [ ] judge jeanine breaking tonight, President Trumps attorney, Rudy Giuliani with explosive allegations regarding the Michael Cohen tape. Welcome to justice, im jeanine pirro. And thank you for making justice the number one rated show on all of cable news all last weekend. My Opening Statement in a moment. But first Rudy Giuliani within the hour told fox news that experts have gone over the tape former trump attorney Michael Cohen allegedly made with the president and giuliani says Quote Somebody played around, close quote, with the tape. He says the Trump Legal Team is trying to get to the bottom of it. Among other things he says hes trying to get access to the original full recording. A prospect giuliani concedes is slim. Joining me on the phone with all of this Breaking News is the man himself, President Trumps attorney, mr. Mayor giuliani. Thank you for being us this evening. Some shocking news tonight. Yes, judge. We have to stop being shocked. I always thought of Michael Cohen as a responsible guy who was basically honest and extremely loyal to the president and the president was to him for many many years. I used to hear rumors about him about his character and things he did. Now i find he does things like record his client and doesnt tell him. He abruptly ended that recording as soon as the president said the word check. What we are investigating is how did that happen. Why did that happen. What was eliminated. Then you have to raise these questions with every one of these tapes. How many of them did he play around with. He has 180 tapes. And lanny davis his lawyer says he didnt intend to deceive. Lanny davis has to confront the fact that with chris komo he took his phone and put it in the desk drawer and said im not going to record it. What do you mean you are not intend to go deceive. These clinton people think they can Say Something and we have him on tape putting it in a drawer. Mr. Mayor one and i both know you are a former prosecutor, im a former prosecutor. You have to lay a foundation for i bought my own and gave three or four of them out. Judge jeanine i know you will have more to say tomorrow morning on fox news sunday. Now to my Opening Statement. You know, americans elected the outsider businessman president. Why . To borrow a phrase from the man himself. What do we have to lose . The economy was in the tank, our Kids Western Living in the basement because they couldnt find a job. Factories were closing down, jobs and manufacturing were being shipped overseas, and in trade, china was sucking us dry. The obama folks called it a healthy economy but there was barely a pulse. 1 annual gdp growth was the new normal and President Obama warned Donald Trumps election would result in Economic Disaster for all americans. Some of those jobs of the past are just not going to come back. And when somebody says like the person you just mentioned who im not going to advertise for that hes going to bring all these jobs back. How exactly are you going to do that . What are you going to do . There is no answer to it. He just says i am going to negotiate a better deal. How exactly are you going to negotiate that . What magic wand do you have . And usually the answer is he doesnt have an answer. I want to you tell your friends, dont let a friend vote trump. So here is the deal. He cant escape the math. Math can be kind of inconvenience fit doesnt add up the way you want it to. And economists left, right, in the middle, all say the same thing. That trumps policies would Former Westchester County, N. Y. , D. A. Jeanine Pirro discusses the weeks biggest legal stories. So we are very probably looking at a global respecial no end in sight. Some are so blienltd by their hatred of donald trump, they forget decades of training in their own field. As america surges forward with more jobs than people to fill them, with africanamerican and hispanic unemployment the lowest in history and millions coming off food stamps because they want to work. The left, they rant and protest and create chaos. Thp. They throw people out of restaurants and off television shows. They even go to church and say god sent them to destroy donald trump. The left doesnt care about our economic success. All they want to do is make noise. But its nothing more than background noise. White noise. The truth . No one is paying attention to them. His numbers continue to increase and his popularity just keeps going up. After he met with putin and was accused of everything from collusion to treason, an offense punishable by death, his numbers continued to go up. When are they going to realize their yelling and screaming is nothing but a distraction, nobody cares. We care about food on the table, paying the rent, the mortgage, paying for Kids Clothing for school. But no, they want to talk about whores and porn stars or a lawyer they are squeezing so tight hell confess to sinking the titanic. Despite a media focused on a whackamole Russia Collusion nonsense and the haters continue to hate, the president has thundered forward with his America First agenda. The 45th Outsider president often work without the support of his own party has produced a gdp that no one thought possible, 4. 1 . And we are on track to hit the highest average growth rate in over 13 years. What have you got to say to that, barack, hillary and all you geniuses . We are flying folks. This is the America Donald trump had in mind when he asked us, what do you have to lose. Thats my open. Tell me what you think on my facebook, twitter and Instagram Hashtag judge jeanine. If you loved mire open you will love my new book. Its a New York Times number one best seller. Get your copy if you havent already. Here with reaction to my opening those times of jobs were gone and would never come back. 1 gdp growth was the new normal the experts said. This president proved people wrong yet again. Americans are back to work. Its an incredible time and its due to this president s economic policy. Judge jeanine people who want the work, people who pay their taxes and follow all the rules, they are the ones who deserve the effort of this government. And speak of that, i want to talk about the ash lition of i. C. E. It seems the democrats pulled back on it because they were doing polls and most of of the American People are not in support of the abolition of i. C. E. We have ocasiocortez who Beat Joe Crowley in new york for the primary, now kirsten gillibrand, they are saying we have to abolish i. C. E. They are serious. It, incredible. Anyone who wants to abolish i. C. E. Either have no clue what i. C. E. Does or they have decided to ignore the safety and security of their constituents. Ms13, the blood this city gang. They focus on smuggling, human trafficking, drugs. They are there to stop that. This president stands up for the Hard Working Men And Women who put their lives on the line every day and work for ice. Democrats say we are going to stand with ms13 whose motto is kill, rape and control. Judge jeanine the remains of american soldiers from the korean war are now coming back. How many administrations before donald trump tried to get read mains of american soldiers. There have been several. But this president actually delivered. They said these things he promised would never come fruition and here we are on the precipice of getting repatriated remains of those people in the military. I talked to some sphoaks folks who served and their surviving loved ones. It was a sense of pride, peace and closure they never would have had except for this president its amazing. Judge jeanine it is amazing, and its all about closure for these families. Dan bongino and Chris Hahn Standing by on the panel. Bust more on tonights Breaking News you heard from Rudy Giuliani right here. Congressman ron desantis weighs in on the trim the trumpcohen tape. With my bladde, the products ive tried just didnt fit right. They were very saggy. Its getting in the way of our camping trips. But with new sizes, depend fitflex is made for me. Introducing more sizes for better comfort. New depend fitflex underwear is guaranteed to be your best fit. Giuliani telling us explosive details how they believe someone played with the trumpcohen recording. Joining us, congressman ron desantis who joins me now. First time i heard that tape and then there was a break at the point where it seemed to be in the president s favor and then it was garbled. I said to myself that would never be admissible. Then its sent over to cnn. They have been trying to get forensic analysts to see if it has been tampered with but they cant get the Originality Tape to see fit has been. This whole thing is very strange. of the questions some of the questions involving the tape. Lanny davis is a democrat, a big clintonista. I dont know how much credibility that evidence will have. Judge jeanine the damage is done. I didnt because of my background. But they leaked it. Its not even an issue if they can admit it at trial. If they want to impeach they will say you know about that tape when you and i both not wouldnt be admissible in court. I want to talk about my favorite guy, Rod Rosenstein who is basically running the Department Of Justice after he convinced Jeff Sessions to go hide in the closet. You guys wanted to impeach him. And i understand there was a resolution to have the guy impeached based upon what facts . A number of things. Did get off the ground, i think it may be too late. Judge Jeanine Paul Ryan wouldnt get on board and as i understand it, he didnt want this impeachment to go through or Contempt Of Congress. Here is the bottom line. Am i somewhat right about paul ryan and the leadership. You come on and all your friends come on and you are trying to do it. Somebody is stopping you. Who is stopping you . The leadership is opposed to my resolution. Judge Jeanine Paul Ryan. Say his name. The speaker was opposed to it. Getting some of this stuff short of that. I think that can be done and i dont know why that hasnt happened. You have people like nunez pushing, but we have certain issues involving what surveillance happened before july 31, 2016. What informants were used. What about the dossier. Those are easily answered questions from the department. Judge jeanine plus he threatened congressional staff. Candace owens is still on deck with this weeks most of outrageous statement. These two guys cant get enough of each other. Chris hahn and dan bongino keep coming back forcusations. Judge jeanine thats President Trump talking about the incredible news about the economy friday. Former aid to Chuck Schumer and radio host chris than. And dan bongino. How are you going to wiggle your way out of what the president said. 1. 5 million fewer prime age americans were working when he came into office. I will give him some credit for the economy, maybe not as much as hes giving himself. He didnt inherit a mess. The economy has been on an upward economy for years. And some people were front loading their exports. President obama had four quarters better than this. And he created more jobs in his presidency than President Trump has created. Obama had a 5. 1 growth in the Second Square and over 4 growth in the third square. He lost seats in the midterm. Jean require many all about sustainability and obama couldnt do it. Chris is a little confused. President trump did inherit a mess. This is a fact. I know chris sometimes has a tough time with these things. But barack obama is the only president in United States history to never in two terms reach 3 gdp growth annually. Keep in mind, oneterm president s have done it. Hes also at the bottom. Hes one of the top five worst economic president s in american history. And by the way. I know chris is going to try to wiggle out of this one. Barack obama harmed him a 1. 9 growth rate in the final square and 1. 6 the final year and trump turned it around right away. Judge jeanine did you call up and tell him he was wrong, dan . I didnt want to bother him. I thought he might be sleeping. Here the deal. My numbers are dead on for the second and third quairlts of 2014. Lets not count for 3 growth before it hatched. President trump did not achieve it last year and he may not achieve it this year. Obama got 2. 9 . He gets 3. 1, ill say hooray. Lets not count our chickens before they are hatched and not give all the credit to him. We have been on an upward trend for years. Thats just not true. He handed him a mess by any measure. I will give you this. I dont give any president good or bad credit for the economy. I give to it american entrepreneur. I think the president can do things to get the government out of the way. And i think thats what donald trump has done through the tax cuts and cleaning up the regulatory mess barack obama left us. Barack obama was a disaster by any metric. Labor force participation, wage growth. And i am surprised you didnt bring up. The employment cost index, donald trump his first year, bested Barack Obamas 8 years. There is a long way to go between here and the end. Judge jeanine i have an idea, rinse, here is the bottom line, i cant yell because i have a sore throat. My mother called me during the break and said jeanine, you have to have some water. If the unemployment is the lowest its been ever for africanamericans, for minorities, we have more jobs than people to fill them. You can talk gdp until the cows come home. Thats what matters. A job and the ability to take care of your family. I want to talk about this tape. Chris, do you want to answer . Go ahead. There is a lot of good and there is a lot of caution. The deficit and the debt are growing dramatically. Thats the trade deficit. The budget definite, those are different things. I give up. Dont tell me on a Saturday Night i have to shave for this and i have to let him get away with this. For 8 years we had to deal with barack obama and record deficits. Now i get, chris, im with you. Debt and deficits stink. Point stipulated. But please spare us the nonsense about debt and deficit after 8 years of barack obama. He reduced the Budget Deficit every year. Chris always has a scam. He came into office with the highest annual deficit in american history. If i owe 700,000 and make 50,000 a year and pay down 25,000. This is not an accomplishment. This is what obama did. He ran deficits every year. Judge jeanine all right, guys. Thank you. Now, how did a former Attorney General make my list of the weeks most outrageous statements . Thats ahead. More on the trumpcohen tape. Alan dershowitz joins me and you dont want to miss him. What we are investigating, how did that happen. What did happen. What was eliminated. And you have to raise that question with every one of these tapes. How many of them did he play around with . Judge jeanine developing tonight. That was President Trumps attorney Rudy Giuliani on justice discussing the Breaking News on the trumpcohen tape. Joining me with the new book the case against impeaching trump. Harvard law professor alan dershowitz. Yesterday you wrote an interesting piece in the hill on how an Obstruction Case against President Trump should raise a flag for any civil libertarian irrespective of which side of the aisle they are on. Tell me why. They shall trying to they are trying to stitch together an Obstruction Case on public tweets. People dont obstruct justice in public. If you are going to obstruct justice you are going to do it in private. The idea the Special Counsel is trying to put together, he knows he doesnt have the case. Hes trying to put together a case based on tweets, public statements, president ial statements dwab president ial action. Thats so dangerous to civil liberties. Today its being used against trump, tomorrow it will be used against democrats and tomorrow it will be used begins in the audience. Any civil libertarian ought to be outraged that this Special Counsel is trying to cobble together a case against President Trump based on his tweets. Judge jeanine would you agree when some of the judges were looking at the travel ban, they were looking outside the four corners of the ban itself. This is fundamental contract law. Everything is werent four corn of a contract or based on ways relevant to the specific issue. Would you agree with that . If you dont, tell me. I completely agree. The majority of the Supreme Court said what the president said about the travel ban is not as important as whats in the words of the travel ban. You cant have a travel ban that would be constitutional if President Obama issued it but unconstitutional if President Trump issued it. Judge jeanine i want to talk about Rudy Giuliani. He talks about the tape, there is a break in the tape. It gets muddled. The first thing i thought is whats going on with this. What are your thoughts on it . 10 years ago i represented the former president of ukraine who was charged with a serious crime and it was based on a tape. We were able to get the tape and put it through Forensic Analysis and prove they switched words on the tape and made him say things he didnt say. I dont know that happened here. All i know is this tape must be subjected to Forensic Analysis. We must stretch the word to find out exactly what the president said, what the context was, and most of important why it ended at a particular point. Was that a decision made by mr. Coon end it there . Was it erased because he said things that were exculpatory. The tape does not contain any evidence of crimes. How do i know that . A former judge made a determination that this tape is covered by the lawyerclient privilege. And criminal discussions are not covered by the lawyerclient privilege. So we have a judicial determination that this tape does not contain elements of a crime. Judge jeanine you are talking about Barbara Jones the master on this who would not have handed over the tape if it were not covered by attorneyclient privilege. Absolutely right. Nobody made that point and its very important. There is a judicial determination its not criminal. Its not a crime to seek advice from your lawyer as to how to deal with a complicated situation. Every lawyer has had conversations like this with clients. In the end the client listens to you. But nobody should have heard this tape. Judge jeanine i agree, thats why you are a harvard professor. Because you are so smart. She lots of those out she loves those outrageous statements. Candace owens standing by live to look at the church sermon that she was sent by god to stop him. Take a listen to this. I was sent to [inaudible] Turning Point u. S. A. Communications director Candace Owens joins me with that and much more. I keep hearing that the left is on gods side. Isnt god on the right . I cant believe she said this. Its so bizarre. This is a woman who advocates for violence. She tells people to go up and accost trump supporters. I dont believe this is what god wants exactly. I dont recall that exact scripture. I do read the bible to be honest with you. I must tell you, the claim that god is on their side and at the same time calling for at the very left, harassment of public figures is shocking. Lets go to the next one. Sound on tape. Are you seriously considering throwing your hat in the ring for 2020 . Im thinking about it and ill make a determination sometime early next year. Judge jeanine thats former Attorney General eric holder asking asked, you are seriously considering throwing your hat in the ring. This guy was held in Contempt Of Congress for failure to hand over documents in the fast and Furious Scandal where our guns were sent to the mexican cartel. He quite literally had blood on his hands. Brian terry was the agent who was killed in this scandal. He was held in Contempt Of Congress. The on sitting Cabinet Member ever to be held in Contempt Of Congress. I can hear the channel lock him up all over again in 2020. He has a right to think about running, but he shouldnt think about winning. Judge jeanine holder never recused himself on any of this stuff. So when congress hold him in contempt there is no one to refer it to in the Department Of Justice. The left is always smarter. They hang on to the power why the right. Sessions this a closet somewhere. Lets talk about Chelsea Handler. Is the man who Vandalized Trumps Star On The Hollywood Walk Of Fame single . What say you, candace . This is not even that bizarre when it comes to Chelsea Handler. She advocates on behalf of ms13, which is okay with Molotov Cocktails being thrown at the palestinian border. She has nothing to do at the end of the day but send wacky tweets. Judge jeanine finally as we go forward, closer to the 018 midterms, do you think this will get worse . Whats going to get worse . Everything . Judge jeanine the specific statements. It will keep getting worse. This is their strategy. I cant imagine it getting much wackier. But with Maxine Waters it only seems to get much wackier and Chelsea Handler it only seems to get much wackier. Judge jeanine Candace Owens, thanks so much. Welcome hi there. So, what do you look for in a vehicle . Sleek designs. Performance. Dependability is top on my list. Well then, heres some vehicles that deliver on that. Woah wow. Oh jeez thats our truck its our truck and theyre our cars thats my chevy chevys the only brand to earn j. D. Power dependability awards across cars, trucks and suvs three years in a row. Awesome. Im proud. Its like a dynasty. Its impressive. Is number one on the New York Times bestseller list. Number one on the Washington Post bestsellers list. I want to take a moment to think everyone was been so supportive, especially the folks who took the time to come to my book signings. Take a look. Ive got pictures. Here we are in the oval office with the president In Washington in a book party there is there a Huckabee Sanders In Washington, kelly in conway in dc and tom you know him from the show and Jared Kushner and donald trump junior In Washington and wilbur ross, Cabinet Secretary in southampton. Also, there is the mayor himself, mr. Giuliani and former Attorney General, also a federal judge and Friends Of Mine from montreal and alvin and stacy who came from montreal and there is pamela, also held a party for me and there is the United States senator lindsey graham. Eric trump junior along with lera trump in New York City and there i am at a book signing in new jersey were so many people waited in line for. There is a crowd when i first came in and in smithtown, long island look at the stuff they cook for me and 300 people in smithtown. There is a guy i owe it all to, my sir lancelot who sat with me as i wrote and wrote and wrote, i owe it all to him. If you dont have your copy you can go to barnes noble or any bookstore and dont forget to follow me on twitter

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