Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Outnumbered 20200921 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Outnumbered 20200921

selects but two of them, susan collins and lisa murkowski, have come out against a vote before the election. that sets up a numbers game, republicans can only afford to lose one more vote and now all eyes are on three senators yet to make their position known. mitt romney, cory gardner, and chuck grassley. president trump repeating his call to fill her seat quickly. >> we have a lot of time, tremendous amount of time, i think it should be voted on before the election. i think it will be good for the republican party and i think it would be good for everybody to get it over with because it's always controversial. >> melissa: this is "outnumbered" and i melissa francis, with harris faulkner, host of "kennedy" kennedy, fox news contributor jessica tarlov, and joining us today former utah congressman and fox news contributor jason chaffetz. jason, let me kick this off with you. i want to focus first on the president, and his apparent push to try and push this through as quickly as possible. some have said it's a win-win for him either way. if he's unable to push it through, it's a great animating issue on the right. we certainly saw that in the case of marit garland, the idea that those who are on the right and really want conservative justices may not love the president but they really want him as opposed to a democrat to pick the next supreme court justice. they could help him on election day. if it doesn't, and that's why he would want to push it through, sorry -- that's why he wouldn't want to push it through, keep it as an issue to get people to vote. he would want to push it through because it would give him five justices in the biden versus trump eventual supreme court case if it comes to that. do you agree with that logic? that it's sort of a win-win for the president either way. >> well, nobody expected to be in this position and let's just note for just a moment the incredible life of justice ginsburg, she certainly made her mark on the united states of america and we should salute her and thank her for her service even though we may have disagreed with her politically and on her decisions. nevertheless, i can't tell you how many times when i was in congress i listened to the chance of the democrats saying do your job, and i heard barack obama saying we're going to do our job all the way to the finish line, and you know what? the senators elected to do their job for six years, the president was elected to do his job for four years. not just some arbitrary line ahead of time, it gives sole discretion to the majority in the united states senate as to when to bring it up and went to vote on it. i understand that both sides can probably .2 inconsistencies and precedents in the past, but the president has the whole duty to nominate that person, and the senate should do its job and vote. if somebody most about no, they can vote no but i do think there should be a vote just like i think there should have been vote in the past. we can't put our whole country, particularly when the democrats have foreshadowed they will challenge this election. i don't think having a people on the supreme court is the right thing to do going into an election, i think there needs to be nine so if there are challenges they could actually make a decision. >> melissa: jessica, i think everybody on both sides is pretty hypocritical when it comes to this issue. if you should nominate a supreme court justice in the waning days of a presidency. we have seen everybody say whatever benefits them politically at the time, and i don't even think -- wouldn't you agree that everyone has been a hypocrite on this issue? >> jessica: i can always rely on you, melissa, to point out hypocrisy and i'm going to do my best to make it seem like democrats are less hypocritical than republicans because that's the only way we win. politicians have to play politics and they have to be doing what's advantageous to them, this is a huge surprise, a lifetime appointment to the most important court in the land. this is the real deal here, and i appreciate that jason says that republicans should've allowed certain votes, i don't know where he was on the merritt garland issue but i do think republicans are now seeing they need to do their job, there are 43 days until the election but they let the courts it with only eight for ten months, they wouldn't give merritt garland a hearing. president obama picked a martyr or a judge on purpose because he thought they would give him a shot in the last year of his presidency because of that, did not pick a radical progressive, picked someone more in line with the mainstream politics of the democratic party and the count country. yet mitch mcconnell has no appetite for it and ted cruz actually said they would need the seat open through hillary clinton's term if she won the election. what i think is really different this time around is it's not just an election year, but americans have already started voting. that is a market difference to what happened in the past whether the reagan appointee, or what's going on right now. i think it's dangerous, because for the first time in a long time polls say that democrats are more motivated by the court than republicans, and donald trump needs to be careful about how conservative a just as he. 25% of his base is pro-choice, he wasn't the most conservative nominee and the aca is critical right now, people want health care and it's more popular than ever before. those are issues he needs to watch out for. >> melissa: okay, so along those lines, kennedy, let me ask you this. we highlighted the three senators who probably are considered to be on the fence, we don't know if they would push for a vote or now or not. one of them being mitt romney, i'm surprised to see that name on the list because jessica said rightly we don't know what's going to happen in the next election. and wouldn't mitt romney be a conservative himself? shouldn't he want to lock in a conservative judge now rather than risking what happens in the election, even if he's relying on morality here, is it moral to bring in another justice right now in the waning days of the presidency? does not overwrite his morality on wanting to have a conservative voice on the court and responsibility he feels there? >> kennedy: i think that he was showered with so much hate when he voted for one of the articles of impeachment, and he knows that the only way he's going to win back the conservative republicans over is if he in fact falls in lockstep with the other senators and says yes, we are going to push this through. and i would like to echo what jason said at the beginning, ruth bader ginsburg had an incredible career. before she got to the supreme court, and sure, i might not have agreed with her philosophically on every point but this is a woman that i look out and i hope my daughters emulate her commitment and passion, i hope they find something in life that they fight for for their entire career. i think that's something we can all hope for and i hope we don't lose sight of that. having said that, it is 2020, and it's going to get more and more we are so the more democrats promised to pack the supreme court with 75 nominees, the more it agitates and excites the republican base. everyone needs to calm down a little bit and think rationally and humbly about this. >> melissa: i don't know if that's going to happen. but here's joe biden, what he had to say to senate republicans. harris, we'll get your take on the other side. >> follow your conscience, don't vote to confirm anyone nominated under the circumstances president trump and senator mcconnell have created. don't go there. uphold your constitutional duty, your conscience. let the people speak. cool the flames that have been engulfing our country. >> melissa: he wants to cool the flames, harris. >> harris: yeah, even back in 2016 you probably saw the reporting with our own "wall street journal" and new york post and other saying ruth bader ginsburg even then said that they should wait for the next administration. and now we know reportedly just recently she had told her family member that she fervently wanted there to be -- i think i got it backwards, she wanted to pick than right before and that she wanted them to wait until after the next president was in office. there is this go back and forth, i would say this though and i ask specifically you, jessica, should joe biden go ahead and release what he would think would be good picks, good candidates for that seat in case he were to inherit that if he wins in november? there is not a candidate he's chosen for the supreme court before november 3. >> jessica: thanks for that question, there's been a lot of discussion and in joe biden's speech, he reiterated that he would select a black woman or top consideration, i think that's as far as he's going to go. i think people know joe biden's politics the same way they saw from president obama in merritt garland, a strong moderate, and joe biden won this primary as a moderate and is leading as a moderate. i think that's enough for people. frankly, they think of this as do you want joe biden to pick the next supreme court justice or donald trump too? i think that's enough for the american public right now. >> melissa: we are going to talk a lot more about this specifically, and joe biden's list coming up later in the show. but in the meantime, the battle lines are being drawn on capitol hill. whoever it may be, how far democrats say they are willing to go. >> once we win the majority, god willing, every seat is on the table. veterans, if you could lower your mortgage payments by $250 a month $3,000 a year, what would you do with the money? save for your retirement, update your home, maybe buy a new car? record low rates have dropped even lower. use your va streamline refi benefit now. one call to newday is all it takes to save $3,000 every year. she always wanted her smile to shine. now, she uses a capful of therabreath healthy smile oral rinse to give her the healthy, sparkly smile she always wanted. (crowd cheering) therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. at walmart, target and other fine stores. >> tech: when you've got ...safelite can come to you. a better mouthwash. >> tech: and you'll get a text when we're on our way. >> tech: just leave your keys on the dash and we'll replace your windshield with safe, no-contact service. >> tech: schedule at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ >> melissa>> democrats are fumir president trump's push to have the supreme court seat confirmed before election day. senate minority leader chuck schumer says "nothing is off the table if republicans move quickly on the president's pick." that could mean ending the filibuster or expanding the high court if democrats win control of the senate and house speaker nancy pelosi not ruling out a second impeachment to delay the confirmation process. watch. >> we have our options, we have arrows in our quiver that i am not able to discuss right now but the fact is, we have a big challenge in our country. at this president has threatened to not even accept the results of the election. >> melissa: meanwhile, wyoming republican senator john barrasso with this warning about the democrats. >> if the democrats win, the white house and the senate and have the house, they will change the rules, they will blow up the senate, they have an entire war room working on this. they will expand the number of members of the supreme court regardless of what the republicans and president trump do if they get their way. speak to former oversight chair jason chaffetz, now a member of our fox family is in the virtual box today and no one would know better among us, jason, what exactly nancy pelosi could mean in the house when she says we have arrows in our quiver. what do they look like, jason? are they long? do they have jagged edges? what does she mean? >> jason: this is not a good look for the democrats, they are flailing like you've never seen before. threatening impeachment, that went well last time. not even suggesting that the president is doing anything wrong or unconstitutional, they just don't like him. that is really a bad look but if you do impeach him, you get an expedited process and that moves the calendar. this is a delay game for the democrats, that's all they want to do. to suggest they want to pack the court, they've got protesters now outside lindsey graham's house with megaphones yelling and screaming at all hours of the night. this is the democratic playbook, and it is not a good look. i really think that democrats are overplaying their hand here, rather than making the case but i got to tell you, i think donald trump is doing what is constitutional, what is right, and he's doing his job and he should put out that nominee and they should do it and actually have a vote. if the person gets voted down, they get voted down but the senate gets charged to do that, make tough decisions and vote. >> harris: kennedy, i've been talking with voters today because we've got our free to debate special coverage on sunday and both sides of the aisle are saying they see this as a political thing but also as a really important thing. and that they will be thinking for those who haven't already voted like in person in minnesota on friday, when that started, they are thinking about this among all the other important issues as they had to the polls. what do these candidates need to be saying on this issue? >> kennedy: you're right, this motivates sleepy voters in ways that personality doesn't, there may be a lot of republicans put off by the presidents personality and his compulsive tweet, the supreme court is actually much more important to them and this is where a lot of people who might sit it out, they get off the sidelines and say wait a second, you're talking about putting four more justices on the supreme court? you're talking about shifting the balance irreversibly for a generation? and they imagine the kind of young progressive that a democrat president and democratic senate could pack the court with, that is a huge deciding factor. i would say for democrats, they already hate the president, they already know how they're going to vote but this galvanizes a different section of the provoking party. and these are like the lincoln project republicans, they actually might shift back over to a republican ticket because of the supreme court. >> harris: you don't separate those founding ground-level conservative values, it's mainly been politics that has gotten the lincoln project and one direction or another which is like talking to white house representatives, they want to go after them so much because independents are watching those lincoln project people but they -- what about the democrats, jessica? do they see this as a threat to roe v. wade? does any of this motivate democrat voters? we know one thing for sure, no disrespect, the democrats don't message as well on these issues as republicans. let's see if that changes. >> jessica: i completely agree, and i've complained many times on this show about how democrats don't capitalize on the issues of judicial appointments and pro-choice voting. republicans do a much better j job. so i hope that it does motivate them if you look at the turnout you see that there are millions of americans, not millions on the steps but people are feeling this and the sense of loss of ruth bader ginsburg and kennedy put rather nicely and said she was an example of the things people want their daughters to be, to be passionate and to be good enough at their jobs to get to the level that she did. and so i think that it will be motivating, roe v. wade is on the line, especially if he nominates someone like amy coney barrett who has made no bones about that. i think the affordable care act is going to be even more important than roe v. wade if we do have a nominee that comes forward, we have 7 million more americans now that have a pre-existing condition because they had covid-19, health care is the number one issue. the president is underwater in his handling of the coronavirus and obamacare has never been more popular. one thing democrats do message while on his health care, that's why we won the midterms. i think we can use this to our advantage. speak to melissa, i have a couple different ways i want to go here. in the interest of time i'll just mention one, do we need more justices on the court? should we go back to a bigger number than the current 9? that's been a conversation for a bit now. when you hear nancy pelosi say impeachment, what does that do to your ear? as jason pointed out, they've already impeached him in the house so now she would want to do that again and it didn't help them politically, democrats. >> melissa: you know, it just astonishes me and amazes me the links to which democrats are willing to go on the issue of the supreme court and whether they would impeach the president or even the way they go after candidates. for example, jessica mentioned amy coney barrett and i want to get the quote exactly right when diane feinstein said to her "the dogma lives loudly within you" and that's a big concern, i just think it's amazing that she gets attacked based on religion and you can only do that to christian women if it was a muslim woman or a devout jewish woman, and you said the dogma lives loudly within you, you would be called a xena fob or an anti-semite. but for some reason, you're really allowed to go and vilify christians. i think of diane feinstein saying something like that, it is like nancy pelosi saying we will impeach him, or we will add more supreme court justices or all of these outrageous things they are talking about that are just really appalling. >> jessica: i know we need to move on -- >> harris: let melissa answer the question. >> jessica: i know the quote, the difference is -- >> harris: i need for you to let her answer the question. >> jessica: the law was more important than the teaching of the torah to ruth bader ginsbu bader ginsburg. >> harris: i need to know if she can hear me right now. can you hear me? >> melissa: yes. >> harris: melissa, go right ahead. >> melissa: what it has to do on the dogma is that this is attacking someone based on their religion. and i don't think -- that's what the dogma is, that is something that i don't think it's okay to go there, the same way it's not okay to go to the place we are going to stack the court and it's not okay to impeach the president over it, it's the outrageous links that these sitting politicians will go to in order to stop the process here at the supreme court. that's what it has in common in my mind. >> harris: all right, jessica, always with respect we just don't do that to each other, and causes all sorts of problem. please, go ahead and say your piece. >> jessica: i just wanted to say that diane feinstein's mind was related to the fact that amy coney barrett has made it clear that she serves god, a christian god more than she serves the law and you never heard from ruth bader ginsburg that she thought the law was subservient to the torah, that she would be following that. we had a muslim nominee who said that, but the quran was more important than what the law of the land was, i would expect diane feinstein to say exactly the same thing. this is not about attacking christians, it's about attacking someone or saying someone is unfit for the job because they do not believe that law is supreme to everything else, which is what we need in a jurist to make sure that they are fair to all americans. >> harris: all right. what we do know is that we will never know, that is your opinion. we are free to express here on "outnumbered." moving on. six weeks out from election day, joe biden indicates he will not reveal his potential supreme court nominee. even as justice ginsburg staff already seems to be reshaping the campaign. >> i created a list, biden should do that too. he's got major radical left players. ♪ limu emu & doug you know limu, after all these years it's the ones that got away that haunt you the most. 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and early voting already underway in some states, the associated press reports that some republicans say the supreme court vacancy could energize voters beyond president trump's base. one veteran republican strategist telling ap it is hard to see how this doesn't help trump politically, now it's going to be a referendum on whoever he nominates to the supreme court. jason, do you agree with that? >> jason: i think that is a major component of what people are thinking about. was there not enough on the plate already to gain people's interest in this race? but i got to tell you, a lot of people voted for donald trump in 2016 because of the supreme court issue and i think that's even more true than ever. this weekend, i was in iowa at the freedom coalition, they've been doing this for 23 years. an all-time record high number of people showed up at that dinner, christian conservatives who believe wholeheartedly in making sure that there is a good person in the white house that believes in religious liberties. and you know what? they are motivated and this gets them up out of their seats and to the polls like nothing else. >> melissa: kennedy, do you agree with that sentiment? it might be a swing factor for example for the group of possibly never trumper who might sit on the sideline because they don't like the president on the way he does things but this reminds them he has fulfilled picking the supreme court in the way he said he was going to end if we want more of that maybe we have to go vote for him. >> kennedy: i think you're right, i think what the republicans have been missing isn't something to vote against. that's why they've had a hard time pigeonholing joe biden, that's why he's up in a lot of poles although the methods have not changed since 2016 and we saw what happened. but now, republicans who don't like the president, now they have summoned to vote against so in a way this is there hillary clinton. all republicans have to do is take the case of horrible things that could happen, the god-awful fallout from the democrat hat trick if they get the house, the senate, and the presidency, look what happens to the court, look what happens to the filibuster. the supreme court will be the supreme at motivating factor and again, it is 2020, so if aliens land on the white house lawn, no one is going to be surprised. >> melissa: no, i know i wouldn't be surprised at this point. jessica, i know on the flip side of that, the democrats have raised a tremendous amount of money over the weekend based on this specific issue. so it is definitely motivating to the left as well. do you think it motivates votes as well as money? >> jessica: absolutely, i think it motivates both and as i said earlier, this is traditionally an issue that had really gotten republicans out and democrats left out. this is an opportunity, especially with such an iconic liberal justice passing away, rbg and all her diva stuff and her workout videos and all of that, she had great pop-culture influence as well and she means something to a lot of younger voters who may be turned off by the process. we know that congress is deeply unpopular, politicians in general are deeply unpopular but ruth bader ginsburg was really, really popular. and the ability to pick who is going to fill her seat, i think will be meaningful. i would say as well there are numbers out there that matter, like 52% of americans say whoever wins on november 3 should make the selection, including 50% of republicans. i'm not saying that mitch mcconnell won't move ahead, but he's got to be thinking about that as well and the precarious position he's putting some of the senators in tight races like susan collins, cory gardner in when they have democratic challengers that are either within the margin of error or ahead of them. he could very well lose his majority over an issue like this. >> melissa: so, that's interesting, harris, i've heard that argument before. do you think that that find of an issue for one of those candidates we mentioned like cory gardner, whether or not they vote to go forward on this would be enough to change a vote versus all of the other things you have out there right now that might make you vote either for or against a cory gardner or chuck grassley as your representative. >> harris: you know, i don't know if something far apart from what people say matters like coronavirus and the economy and the bright spots there and the fight with covid-19, all of that. but what i do know is there is a lot of deafness to what -- meaning he's good at it. this is a brilliant political move because even if it doesn't happen before november 3, you know that particular senate and whole majority led by republicans, this is where they want to go. you know where the president wants to go, and even if they don't end up doing this until the end of th the year or whene, it's a huge signpost to say yeah, we are going to continue tto do what we set on the applicant due to back republican side. >> jason: it brings up not only the president and his election prospects but i do think it helps the senators that are up for election, it's interesting in iowa, senator joni ernst is out there saying we should vote, she's the one on the ballot. a senator grassley is not on the ballot this year, and is taking time to make the decision by being the former chairman of the senate judiciary committee. he's got an important voice and as i'm sure working behind the e scenes with mitch mcconnell to make sure they have the votes. >> melissa: attorney general bill barr putting three major u.s. cities on notice. control the violence and protests or your federal funding will be at risk. that's next. ♪ three thousand dollars. thr! that's how much veteran homeowners can save every year by using their va benefits to refinance at newday. record low rates have dropped to new all time lows. with the va streamline refi there's no appraisal, no income verification, and no money out 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doj says it'srep federal funding to new york city, new york, city, portland, oregon, and seattle for allowing "anarchy, violence, and destruction" on their streets. attorney general bill barr when state and local leaders impede their own officers and agencies from doing their job, it endangers innocent citizens who deserve to be protected including those trying to peacefully assemble and protest. it is my hope that the cities identified will become serious about performing the basic functions of government and start protecting their own citizens. new york city mayor bill de blasio had this response. >> this is just another one of president trump's games. if the really political, it's part of his campaign strategy, it makes no sense. >> melissa: jason, is this just a game? >> jason: attorney general barr is entirely right, i once had the honor and privilege of having dinner with justice scalia and i was demoting how federal funds are just tying the hands of these states and his response was the same, i think it's very real and if you're going to take federal money, you're going to have to play by the federal rules. if they hand out tens of billions of dollars in justice grants, the attorney general of the united states is right to expect that you administer justice in the borders of your state and mayor de blasio is the worst mayor in the country, i don't believe a word he ever says but this is the norm, this is how it happens. it happened under trump, obama, carter, everybody. >> melissa: jessica, do democrats actually have a vision, a plan from a strategy forward so that we aren't stuck in the same place and some of these democrat led cities? >> jessica: i expect that they do, and i don't work in the mayor's office. i do live in new york city and i have experience a lot of the things people are saying are going on in the city but i don't doubt the statistics. but i think what you're seeing here is a continuation of what president trump made perfectly clear last week, he doesn't really think that he's the president for blue states or blue cities. he was talking about how well he's done on handling coronavirus and he said if you take out the blue states, doing even better. that's unfair, i think it's ridiculous, i do think it's clear politics and just a threat on that people in liberal cities, our leadership should push against and the people who live here are as equally citizens of the united states and you owe them the same amount that you owe people in red states and red cities across the country. >> harris: kennedy, when you hear jessica say she hasn't experienced some of what many new yorkers say they have, today was supposed to be the first day officially of school in new york city, and got delayed again i understand. speaking of leadership issues. >> kennedy: italy late september, is a good time for the mayor to put together a task force to figure out what we are doing with school, it's not even october yet you guys, cut it's all good. jessica, i think she's smart, i think she's fair, i also think she should come shopping with me at trader joe's on 72nd and broadway and see what happens every day in broad daylight. it's like times square in the late 80s. it really is like a burlesque show of and sex acts it is scary to go out after 7:00 p.m., and i think we should cut federal funding for most states, not just cities, i think we should get rid of the department of education and i'm not alone. a lot of parents are realizing for the first time they've got educational choices and they want them. >> harris: you're getting a clap from jason with just a few seconds to go, i have to hear from alyssa. she's a neighbor in the city. >> melissa: real quick, what kennedy is saying is true, all you have to do is look on line and are plenty of videos where we are seeing drug use right outside in the open in daylight in front of children, this is perfectly appropriate use of the president's power. it's actually the most responsible way he can represent people like me who live in one of the cities and have watched it crumble. he offered federal assistance in terms of support, in terms of bodies if they needed help with the idea that shooting for example have gone up 166% in the last 30 days versus the same time last year. mayors like de blasio have refused that help, the only other thing he could do to try and help people like me who live in this city with small kids is tried to get the attention of the mayor by saying we are going to withhold the funds unless you either accept our help or do something to help stranded families. >> harris: and small businesses. talk to small business owners and they are wondering where that help is coming. we'll move onto this, president trump has narrowed his list of potential u.s. of report nominees to four or five women. joe biden says he won't be releasing a list of his own, why he says doing so could endanger those justices. take a look. >> tech: at safelite, we're committed to taking care of you and your car. >> tech: we'll fix it right with no-contact service you can trust. >> tech: so if you have auto glass damage, stay safe with safelite. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ >> harris: joe biden indicating he will not release a list of possible supreme court nominees before the election despite growing pressure to do so. here's why. >> first, putting a judge's name on a list like that could influence that person's decision-making as a judge and that would be wrong. anyone put on a list like that under these circumstances would be subject to unrelenting political attacks. because any nominee i would select would not get a hearing until 2021 at the earliest. she would endure those attacks for months on end without being able to defend herself. >> melissa: biden also says he would like to see bipartisan consultation from the senate, we heard your thoughts on this a little bit at the beginning but let me ask you: isn't in some ways joe biden in the same position that president trump was before election? able are wondering when it comes to judges, would he pick more liberal like his pick for vp kamala harris? who has a very liberal voting record or would he pick someone more centrist as he present himself. >> jessica: i just don't think that people are thinking about it that narrowly, i think they are thinking joe biden is a democrat, he's going to pick someone who is more left-leaning. donald trump republican, someone more conservative. i don't think within the party we have the same kind of nominations as much as on the republican side where people are very concerned with religious liberties for instance, and i think that people just trust joe biden that he's going to make a smart pick and the reasoning he made for why he is holding that back makes a lot of sense, especially not to inform current decisions because they know they are being potentially chosen for that job. >> melissa: jason, and make sense, do you think that democrats look at that like it's a republican picking or a democrat, not what kind of person? >> jason: no, i don't trust joe biden. first of all, donald trump should be winning awards for openness, transparency, and accessibility by putting on his list. joe biden in june said he was developing a list and needed some time to read it, if he's being honest, open, and transparent than he should release his list but he knows there's a bunch of radicals out there and it would expose the left-leaning radicals that he would put under consideration but for him to step back and say i'm not going to put out the list is disingenuous, it is wrong, and it's information that voters need to make an informed decision. >> melissa: should he put out the list question marks before put out the list, you're running for president, step up, sometimes you have to make tough decisions and these people are more than capable of defending themselves. if they are a trustworthy jurist, then being on a list is not going to influence how they interpret the law. come on, man! >> melissa: more "outnumbered" in just a minute. ran homeowners record low mortgage rates have dropped even lower. at newday, veterans can shortcut the refinance process and save $250 a month. $3000 dollars a year. with the va streamline refi at newday, there's no appraisal, no income verification, and no out of pocket costs. one call can save you $3000 a year. 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